Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    At least I’m not the only one who had a bad day. Yesterday was an epic fail for me all around. I didn’t go to Zumba (or take my mom anywhere), I got home, ate crap, fell asleep at 9pm and didn’t move until 8am this morning. I barely made it to work on time today. And I’m STILL sleepy!!! 11 hours wasn’t enough for me?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    So I've been following this low glycemic index diet and have been eating around 1200 to 1700 cals per day. I feel amazing and am pretty sure it is the reason for my ovulation. I'm being active and exercising for at the very least 50 mins per day, usually I do Tracy anderson method for strength training and then an hour of either treadmill or kickbox. The scale hasnt budged in 3 weeks...kinda frustrating since I FEEL thinner...
    and I'm not happy with the number either. I gained 8lbs since August and haven't lost it. I don't think a goal of 138-142 is unrealistic for me but I don't know what else to do! I'm stuck on this one...I've been able to lose 10lbs in 2 weeks if I wanted to, but I did it all wrong and was left starving! I really honestly feel good and am eating right (better than ever really), so I don't know why the weight isn't budging even a little bit! I even didn't weigh myself for over a week just to see if the scale would budge...and no bueno. GRRR!

    Speaking of 2WW...looks like I'm entering that now! And I highly recommend (as does the fertility/high risk pregnancy specialist I see) staying with the same workouts you've been doing. I do Spinning and turbo kickbox and he said that as long as nobody is actually going to kick me, that I should stick with it! Exercise in general won't make you miscarry. I was told that as long as I'm not bleeding/cramping, or in pain that I can continue my exercise routine for as long as I can keep it up into pregnancy. I've known several friends to do half marathons while pregnant! So inspiring!

    Ron- We all have epic fails...just dust it off and today is a new day! :)

    Ashley- pb toast with chocolate milk is hardly a reason to feel like you failed the day! you took a chance and tried something new and are sore for it today! good job! takes a lot of courage to try something out of your comfort zone that is difficult!

    Pam- I've had to MAKE my husband understand that under no circumstances unless it is a planned treat that he not agree to my self sabotages! He is always down for pizza, ice cream, beer and cheese burgers (and I know this) so we have 1 meal a week that we allow ourselves to have a treat. Also, I believe you have PCOS...we absolutely CRAVE sweets (damn insulin resistance). I've not physically craved sweets since I started eating the "PCOS" way. I still have mental cravings (tired, long day, emotional, just NEED it) but the physical cravings are all but gone. Just a thought...

    Hope you all have a wonderful day. I've already got in 45 minutes of sweat/pain this morning from shoveling the driveway of almost a foot of snow! UGH! I moved away from Alaska for a reason!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    So the weirdest thing happened today....

    I was creeping on the pregnancy January page which lead to investigating cloth diapers (which we plan to use!) then started to talk to DH about it and we went into a conversation about asking his mom to put snaps or something on the ones she makes. (MIL makes all the real diapers for his sister who has has 3 kids) Then I tell him that this conversation is a little silly being that we aren't even preggo yet. He responds with "yeah but we can still plan tho." Then I share that my mind knows that it can take a long time, but my heart and emotions don't seem they can wait very long without being sad. He lets me know that it will happen and not to worry....Blah Blah Blah
    Then I go to the restroom and.... BAM! :noway: Hello AF! Damn it!:grumble: (literally seconds after he said that) I was like really? Thanks "Big Guy upstairs" for bringing me back to reality! LOL :laugh: I guess I just use this as time for a new start and a chance to use the monitor and start temping again.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Is it normal for CM to be present at one time during the day and then not be there a few hours later?
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Ron - I'm not sure how normal it is but mine changes what feels like hourly! But for the past 5-7days or so has been consistently looking fertile, it stopped for a day or two then yesterday started looking like egg whites and has a firm but slimey consistency...

    Which brings me to my next point, I don't want to jynx it, but I think we did it! Too soon to tell but I have had a lot of "early pregnancy symptoms that I remember from last time! (Fertile looking CM, strange cramping, tired and peeing every few hours even though I'm not drinking more than usual) my temps never officially spiked enough to trigger FF to give me a cross line (I think I just have low temps bc I was at like 96.1-96.3 for a few days then after my +opk it went up to 96.5 and hasn't gone lower since) so I changed the settings back to just OPK for it at least to pretend that I O'd the day after my + opk and am just going on that. I have two ppl who told me that they tempd to get preggo and theirs never increased more than .5 here's hoping! Only 5"dpo" right now, so assuming af doesn't show up by next Friday I will test then!

    Speaking of testing...where is kt?? Today is 18dpo for her!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Alisa – I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!!!

    I’ve been having what I think are symptoms but I’ve been afraid to say anything because I’m only on CD24. And last month I convinced myself that I was pregnant when obviously I was not. For the past few days I’ve been constantly tired, I just can’t get enough sleep. I’m have weird cramping too, a lot of dizzy spells and yesterday and this morning I felt sick to my stomach for first hour I was awake. I don’t know, I think maybe it's all in my head. But I told DH we’re going to keep BD’ing until I get a positive HPT or AF.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Alisa - the thermal shift is expected to be about .5F (0.3C) and from what I've read (remember, I've never had a what do I know) CM can't indicate a pregnancy.....6pdo is probably also way too soon to test....I think you need to be at least 8dpo for the early test kits....14dpo for most....I hope you're right though!!!! That would be so exciting!!!

    Ron - Geez, I sure hope it's normal. It happened to me yesterday. Morning was full on crazy CM, afternoon was not. I'm only on CD 12 today so I'm hoping that I haven't already O'd.....LOL I used to do that to myself. My symptoms were all psycho-somatic....I was making myself feel pregnant way before any of the signs should have happened (most signs don't happen until around Week 4 - which would be CD 28 - although I have heard about things starting mid week it might be good) BD'ing until you get a "blood test" (either one) is a good choice.

    KCurtis - That used to happen to me all the time. We'd be talking about it or I would take a pregnancy test and within 3 minutes it would start. I'm convinced that the brain does have some say in the timing of when we used to happen all the time. We have a joke in my house that if I wanted my AF to start all I had to do was take a HPT.

    Heather - I know PCOS way means low glycemic and I have to say, I've done the research and there isn't a whole lot out there. I totally want to do it and I know it's the right thing to do. I think I'm going to start following Poon Diet again - he's a local doctor with a lot of success. I didn't like him personally, but he does advocate low carb, low glycemic food so it's not a bad idea. I know that I crave sugar more than most people....and I know it's in my head. Hubs and I had the discussion again....his point "I don't want to hear the whining...." Jerk LOL He promised that he wouldn't cave I hope he can help me be stronger!

    I'm wondering about kt too......
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Temp was still up today. I decided not to test this morning because DH would already be at work and I don't want to tell him over the phone. I have a big mouth and going to work, I would have to tell someone. I am off work tomorrow so I will test in the morning. It was very hard not to test this morning but I haven't even thought it was possible this month until I saw FF yesterday say Triphasic. I will let you guys know in the morning. Good luck to the rest of you in your 2WW, my fingers are crossed for you guys!

    Tonight is date night. We are going to see The Dilemma. We bought a Groupon for 2 movie tickets, a large popcorn and 2 med drinks. I have been pretty good today, so I know I will go over my calories but not by as much as I could have. If you guys don't use Groupon you should really check it out. You can get some really good deals. I also bought 6 laser hair removal treatments for $99. You can't beat that, especially when they are $150 a treatment. If you are interested in signing up, let me know and I will send you the link, because I get a credit. Sorry for sounding like I work for them :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Pam do you use OPK? I gave up temping cause my temps were always ALL over the place and it was more frustrating waking up a certain time of the day EVERY day then I think it was worth.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'm going to try the OPK stuff this cycle - it's the only one I have before we see the specialists again (no pressure....LOL) I tried them for about a year until I read they were not reliable for PCOSers. I also bought a ferning kit and was using that until I read that it wasn't reliable either.... I've been typically working off CM & CP for the most seems to follow a pattern....
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm so excited for the possible BFP's in the group!!! Just had to share...gotta go do other stuff now.....
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    KT -- Make sure you post as soon as you know (good or bad you know you have support here)

    Pam - I generally call any discharge CM and what I had meant was that the change in consistency can go along with early pregnancy. I did a little "test" on FF for early preggo symptoms and got a 60% when i added the consistancy of my CM the mild cramping i have been having and the I have no idea, it's been 6 years since i was pregnant (i found out i was preggo on dec 28, 2004) so i may be making this all up haha

    I had my first day of class today, and wasn't able to find a place ON campus to work out (which i hadn't planned on starting until the hubs leaves, but i wanted to find a place) I was not about to drive off campus bc it took me 30min to find parking! There is a YMCA 1.5 miles away from campus maybe i can walk there. Start the cardio on my way there and then swim laps for an hour or do machines for an hour then shower and walk back.....
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Not to burst your bubble, Alisa, but CM is really unreliable for detecting pregnancy. I can get up to 85 pregnancy points a cycle on FF. I don't think it's all that helpful of a feature. I looked at your chart. FF is usually pretty good about giving CH even if you don't have a major shift. Have you tried putting it on "Advanced"? Hopefully you did O and your temps just aren't reliable.

    I'm sick. My husband gave me his cold. I'm also not able to close my mouth. Not sure if my jaw is out of place (I have terrible TMJ) or if it's a swollen gland. 10 or 11 dpo and trying not to think about it.

    I'll be eating a chocolate malt for dinner to help the sore throat and because I can't chew. It will be soooo good. LOL
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    No worries...I'm not sure what is going on. What kind of BBT do you use? There is never very much variance in my temp and it's ALWAYS really low....I'm honestly kind of annoyed with the whole thing. My charts looking NOTHING like the ones i look at in the gallery. If i'm NOT pregnant, i'm going to have to figure out what the junk is going on....

    Off to dinner at Harris Ranch (a DELICIOUS restaurant about 45min from my house that has the most amazing steaks!) Told my hubs that we were going to BD tonight and he was like "oh yeah?" (kinda not interested sounding) and i was like "yes, but just for fun, not for pro-creating" and he was like "oh! Okay! Sounds good!" LoL
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Ok now I'm even more confused than I was before. I thought it was AF, but now there's nothing… I was SO ready to start a new cycle and try to figure this body out. Now it throws me a curve ball! Sorry TMI... It was pink and rather thin liquid. So I used a tampon thinking it was going to continue. Changed it and it was almost clean, so put in an other as a precaution. Took that one out and completely clean! What the hell? So now, of course, I start trying to analyze it... Implantation? AF? Ugh!

    Sorry for the TMI and end rant.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    KCurtis - give it until Sunday and then could be stress causing issues....
  • JennyBoBenny
    Good morning ladies,
    Just stopping by to tell you all that I think it's time for me to leave this board completely. I know I haven't been on much lately, but I've been a part of this group for a few months now.

    I'm just finding better support in other places. I'm sure you're all wonderful people in real life, but I just posted the most exciting thing to happen in my TTC journey the other night and feel like I was completely ignored.

    Best of luck to you! Hope you all get a BFP really soon! xo
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Just stopping by to tell you all that I think it's time for me to leave this board completely. I know I haven't been on much lately, but I've been a part of this group for a few months now.

    I'm just finding better support in other places. I'm sure you're all wonderful people in real life, but I just posted the most exciting thing to happen in my TTC journey the other night and feel like I was completely ignored.

    Best of luck to you! Hope you all get a BFP really soon! xo

    Jenny – I’m very sorry if you feel you’re not getting enough support here. You’ll be missed very much. I can’t speak for everyone but not responding to your news was not intentional on my part, I honestly missed it. :embarassed: I wish you the best of luck and hope you get your BFP very soon.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm so sorry I didn't respond, Jenny. I wasn't feeling well yesterday and I just picked the one thing to respond to and then flaked on everything else. (And I'm not on here at night, so anything that gets posted then flies off my radar unless I'm at work the next day and I wasn't yesterday.)

    I'm so happy that you're moving forward with your journey and I sincerely hope that everything goes smoothly when you begin the process and you get a BFP right away! We will miss you.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Jenny - I'll just say that I didn't even see what you posted until I went back through and reread stuff, I've been posting from my phone so it's hard for me to read much earlier than the most recent 2-3 posts. I sincerely apologise to you and all the other ladies I may have missed but please understand this is why my responses have seemed very selfish and one sided. I understand if you still leave but I hope you go knowing that you truly brought something to the group and it was never our intention to ignor this milestone in your ttc efforts! May is only a few months away, perfect time to set another weight loss goal

    Kcurtis, another I keep forgetting to post to, I love your new pic!

    Anyone set any new goals? I really need to get my water up again now that I'm not testing for opk's...can you have more than one LH surge in one cycle? Like get a +opk one day, a negative the next day then another positive the following week?