Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jalara, I'm sorry to hear that you're finding that you need to take a step back, but no one understands it more than I do...that's for sure. You do what you need to you for you - that's really what matters, a healthier you! I hope that you find what you're looking for.

    I'm sure that we can muddle through, I have no issues starting the new threads monthly (I'm usually the first one up anyways....dang 4am wake up calls).

  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Jalara – I’ll miss you, but I understand if you need to take a step back. You have to do what’s best for yourself. I hope that everything works out for you.
  • charliewigan
    charliewigan Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Guys am new to MFP have only been on the new regime since New Year, but finding the calorie counting so much of a motivator!!

    This year Hubby and I are hoping to start trying to conceive once I get a few (well more than a few!) of these pounds off!

    Am going ok (so far!) 7lbs in 10 days..... which might be a bit too quick but its been a nice kick start.

    Anyway, what I'm wondering is have any of you had trouble with irregular cycles or them disappearing altogether? I think I put about 9-10lbs on last year (over the course of the year) and was as 'regular as clockwork' until September. Then things started to go crazy out of control! I havent had a visit from AF since Oct and was wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what I can do to get the ball rolling again or at what point I should start to get worried....? Had a visit to the doctor and he didnt seem too concerned he just said 'its quite common for women to go through periods of irregularity'

    Would be great if you could share any similar experiences and hopefully ease my mind.....
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hi Guys am new to MFP have only been on the new regime since New Year, but finding the calorie counting so much of a motivator!!

    This year Hubby and I are hoping to start trying to conceive once I get a few (well more than a few!) of these pounds off!

    Am going ok (so far!) 7lbs in 10 days..... which might be a bit too quick but its been a nice kick start.

    Anyway, what I'm wondering is have any of you had trouble with irregular cycles or them disappearing altogether? I think I put about 9-10lbs on last year (over the course of the year) and was as 'regular as clockwork' until September. Then things started to go crazy out of control! I havent had a visit from AF since Oct and was wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what I can do to get the ball rolling again or at what point I should start to get worried....? Had a visit to the doctor and he didnt seem too concerned he just said 'its quite common for women to go through periods of irregularity'

    Would be great if you could share any similar experiences and hopefully ease my mind.....

    Welcome. I have been in that situation too. After 60 days, I typically go to the doctor's and get a prescription for Provera. It will start your cycles again. I had to do this a few times over the last few years and there were times when I'd wait 4 months. The doctors will tell you they absolutely dont want you doing that as a regular course of action though. Not having your period generally means you have excessive estrogen, which can cause problems. Just head in, it's 10 days worth of pills and then you'll start....easy peasy!

    Also, because you used to be regular, have them check your hormones. Something changed in September that might be a problem - simple blood tests will get them starting to think :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hi Guys am new to MFP have only been on the new regime since New Year, but finding the calorie counting so much of a motivator!!

    This year Hubby and I are hoping to start trying to conceive once I get a few (well more than a few!) of these pounds off!

    Am going ok (so far!) 7lbs in 10 days..... which might be a bit too quick but its been a nice kick start.

    Anyway, what I'm wondering is have any of you had trouble with irregular cycles or them disappearing altogether? I think I put about 9-10lbs on last year (over the course of the year) and was as 'regular as clockwork' until September. Then things started to go crazy out of control! I havent had a visit from AF since Oct and was wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what I can do to get the ball rolling again or at what point I should start to get worried....? Had a visit to the doctor and he didnt seem too concerned he just said 'its quite common for women to go through periods of irregularity'

    Would be great if you could share any similar experiences and hopefully ease my mind.....

    Welcome. I have been in that situation too. After 60 days, I typically go to the doctor's and get a prescription for Provera. It will start your cycles again. I had to do this a few times over the last few years and there were times when I'd wait 4 months. The doctors will tell you they absolutely dont want you doing that as a regular course of action though. Not having your period generally means you have excessive estrogen, which can cause problems. Just head in, it's 10 days worth of pills and then you'll start....easy peasy!

    Also, because you used to be regular, have them check your hormones. Something changed in September that might be a problem - simple blood tests will get them starting to think :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    My challenge for this weekend is to keep up the water and to spend at least 2 hours outside (even in bad weather).....I figure it's cold enough, I'll want to be moving. LOL I did my measurements last night and I'm down another inch overall since Jan 1, but my hubbie is down another 3 inches!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR I know I've been slacking in the exercise department, so now is my chance to correct my course. Aquafit in the morning too.

    Starting Week 2 of the Sugar Detox this week (I'm going to try not to eat anything with more than 7g of sugar per serving and continue with week 1 of not adding more than 1tsp of sugar to anything)
  • charliewigan
    charliewigan Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Pam, will definitely head on down to the docs soon.

    Now you mention it, I'm not sure if this has anything to with it but....... My husband and I were on holiday in July and after a few too many cocktails we forgot any BC (Doh!) From how I work it out it was about day 15 of my cycle and I was getting slightly stressed waiting for AF to come, as mini me's weren't really part of the plan until I had lost some weight. Anyway, i was about 2-3 days late but thought everything was ok. Then then when AF's got messed up in Sep I took a HPT which turned out to be negative. I'm just wondering if its just a coincidence or my mind playing tricks on me as we've never forgot BC before.

    I definitely feel like my body needs a bit of a kick start so Provera may be just the answer!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm confused... Are you still on BC or did you go off at some point? Either one of those things could make AF disappear. Or are you just talking about condoms?
  • charliewigan
    charliewigan Posts: 10 Member
    Sorry - I have been off Birth Control Pills for a couple of years and we just use condoms now....
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    OK, yeah that probably had nothing to do with your irregular cycles. You probably ovulated late that cycle (which is why your period was late) and may not have ovulated since.
  • charliewigan
    charliewigan Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks erica, I know Im probably over-reacting but I cant help but feel guilty that I was almost wishing I wasn't PG 6 months ago and now its something I am almost aching for now. So I kinda feel its a punishment in some way cos I was so regular before :cry:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    OK, stop that kind of thinking right now... you'll just make yourself feel bad for something entirely out of your control. :flowerforyou: Definitely see a doctor. If your doctor seems unconcerned, find a new doctor. It can take a healthy couple up to a year of trying to conceive without there being any issues. Stressing about it doesn't really help, even though it's really hard not to. Trust me, I know. We've been trying for just shy of a year. I've beat myself up every which way I can and it hasn't changed a thing. Hang in there!
  • charliewigan
    charliewigan Posts: 10 Member
    thanks erica, when the rational part of my brain works I know its not something that my body or a 'Higher Power' has done on purpose, but it just seems like I've fallen before I've even got to the first hurdle. :mad:

    I really hope this is the year for you (and all in this group). Are you still continuing to TTC naturally or are you beginning (or already on) fertility treatments?
  • 2TsMomma
    2TsMomma Posts: 23 Member
    Hello, I am new to MFP. We are TTC, and I am trying to lose weight, so if it happens, I can be healthier.

    Would love to make some friends in the same boat :flowerforyou:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    charliewigan, we're currently still trying on our own. If it doesn't happen this cycle, then we'll be going to the doctor for testing and next steps.

    For the fun of it, I had a psychic reading done (she's a TTC psychic) and she said I would conceive/find out in January or February, so this is totally my month. :laugh:

    Welcome SassyOne!
  • 2TsMomma
    2TsMomma Posts: 23 Member
    We have been going to the fertility clinic. We have had 4 IUI's, none worked. They are now suggesting we do IVF. My fertility doc, never mentioned my weight was an issue. But my family doc has now put me on thyroid meds, which should help with everything she said. Fingers crossed xx
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thyroid meds could really help. The thyroid plays a big function in fertility. I hope that whatever you try next works for you!
  • 2TsMomma
    2TsMomma Posts: 23 Member
    And also balance out my weight abit :wink:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    I've been doing some thinking about my motivation about being on MFP and trying to live healthier, and while I'm pleased about the answers I've come up with, I've determined that I need to take a step back from this thread.

    I appreciate the wealth of knowledge on here. Also, Pam and Ron: you two ladies are amazing. I'll pop in from time to time to say hello. I hope one of you don't mind taking over the thread (FYI, it automatically re-starts at 500 posts, which you can normally catch if you post a new thread every month).

    Take care all.

    :frown: Take Care of you! :flowerforyou:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Welcome newbies! Hope you the best!

    Just checking in!

    I have been doing pretty good on my goals this week.
    1) drink more water, at least 6-10 classes ....CHECK
    2) exercise 3 times for at least 30 minutes (not including teaching) ...... ALMOST (Sunday one more Zumba) Lol my new week starts on Monday.
    3) Stay under calories at least 3 times.....UNDER YESTERDAY, HOPEFULLY TODAY AND THIS WEEKEND.