Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Pam – all I want to do is eat lately. I’m not even hungry, I just want to, and it’s usually chocolate and peanut butter.

    Alisa/abeare – DH is always ready to go regardless of how tired he is. I swear if he’s awake, he’s in the mood. I'm the complete opposite, but I'm getting so caught up in BD’ing to make a baby that I’m starting to feel like a sex toy.:laugh: So he surprised me last night by setting up our bedroom with candles and rose petals like he did on our wedding night. :love:
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Hello! Can I join you all please?? We're TTC no 1, and I'd love to shift a few pounds whilst we're trying! We got married in May 2010, and since then I've gained back the 1st7lbs I lost for the wedding, plus an extra 7lbs!!!! :frown: So, I am on a mission to shift the flab!!! I lost 3lbs last week, and hoping to have lost 2lbs this week. My start weight was 180lbs, I'm currently 177lbs and would love to get down to 150lbs! But, just to shift half a stone by valentine's would be a lovely start!!! xx
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome Katy :)

    Ron - Now I want peanut butter and chocolate........terrible!!!! LOL Today is CD8 for me and so we're getting ready to go another round of taking 'em for the team....I was telling a friend the other day about our plan to get our BFP this cycle (wishful thinking, I know) and she was like, wow, there's no spontenaeity...I guess that's what I miss the most. Before we actually started trying it was so we know months in advance which days there will be BD'ing and which there will not.....GRRRRR Here's to hoping cycle#78 is our cycle.....LOL Now where's my PB and chocolate.

    Erica - I'm hoping that it does line up for you - even if it is only for entertainment purposes.....

    I actually drank all my water yesterday and worked out for most of the BL yesterday (2hour show)......definitely showed on the scale this morning. I have to get back into the exercise and forget about my need to hibernate......I did my BL weigh in today and it was not pleasant. Blah....good thing I had immunity (what are they going to do? Kick me out of my video game usage?). I planned out my food for the day and if I stick to it, I'll be golden!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Ron that is soo sweet!!!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Wednesday! Halfway thru the week! Time is moving so fast for me and it is bitter sweet. One day closer to finding out if this month was successful, one day closer to the hubs leaving...which by the way will fall within the same week...

    Ron- that is so sweet of DH! Unfortunately my husband has a very taxing job in which he work 12-14 hours a day flying very fast (+300-600mph) so sometimes it's not even about being tired, he physically couldn't even if he wanted! BUT when we're not completely exhausted I try to wear something sexy to keep it fun!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    :flowerforyou: Baby Dust for everyone trying, fingers crossed for those waiting, and loads of support for those losing!
    Welcome Katy

    Ron- That is the nicest thing ever! If my DH did that though, I would be pissed. :laugh: That is because he NEVER has and probably never will do anything that sweet and it would prolly be a sign he did something bad!:laugh:

    Pam/Ron- MMMMMM Chocolate and Peanut Butter! I love taking a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter and completely top it with chocolate chips. MMM Dang it!

    Well my good friend just found out she is having a girl! Getting pregnant was a total oops for her. She just got married (while pregnant) and her hubby is being deployed at the end of this month. :frown: I'm happy for her and sad at the same time that he can't be here for everything. His going away party is this weekend, but I'm not sure his exact deployment date. I told DH that we have to hurry and have a boy so they can play and he said "OK!" :happy: He is SO ready!

    Exercise: I did double Zumba last night and MAN can I feel it today! My instructor has a love for some deep squats and my thighs are screaming today. Feels great though! Planning to bike a bit when I get home tonight. Too bad it is freezing here, because I would love to take Shelby (our spoiled Rottweiler mix dog) for a walk.

    Food: Hmmm...I'm doing really well with getting rid of the chocolate covered peanuts I have on the kitchen counter. :tongue: Dang it! Meals are ok, DH and I are really focusing on cooking ourselves to keep meals as healthy as possible.

    TTC: I guess if I Oed, I'm in the TWW. We will see!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Kcurtis- I love double workouts! (I know I'm a freak! lol!) Nothing better than feeling sore the next day and KNOWING you blasted away some fat!

    Ron- I'm with kcurtis, I'd be pissed cause I'd definitely know he was up to something! lol! My husband is an amazing man in so many ways, romance is just not one of them! Good for him for keeping it "fresh" when ttc can totally zap the lust right out of the marriage!

    Alisa-Is your hubby a pilot too? Mine flies for the army. They are already talking about the next deployment to Iraq/Afghanistan. Every time I hear it even mentioned I cringe...He survived one round of 1 1/2 years there, chances decrease every time they go!

    Pam/Ron- My favorite ALL time combo is peanut butter and chocolate! I can't even have regular pb in the house cause I will eat it like it is ice cream with a spoon! It is definitely one of my cheat treats!

    Erica- You must be in the midwest because we too are expecting around 9" of snow starting right! The 6" we got last week just melted. I so should have moved to Hawaii....

    Feeling fabulous lately. Kept myself off the scale and am anxious to see if it has budged at all when I step on it on Friday. I've been keeping active and loving being back into my workout routine. Thinking about trying the zumba class at the community center that is new. I've tried it before at the base gym and it was horrible and a waste of my time. But then when I was down in Alabama I tried it there and it was lots of fun and definitely left me sweaty!

    Good news...I had decided just out of curiousity to test with an OPK last month and this month before we start Clomid again in February. Well last month was a no go and I got all negatives. Well today I actually got a smiley face! :smile:
    I'm on day 15 and I felt a weird twinge on my right side this morning but thought that it was probably just gas :laugh: Looks like the baby dancing will commence and hopefully after all the heartache I've endured after 2 losses, this will be my natural rainbow baby! I've not gotten a positive OPK or day 21 progesterone except when I was on Clomid so I'm hoping that me changing up my diet has helped regulate my hormones. We shall see...
  • ukredhead19
    Hello all -
    I wanted to introduce myself and give you a little bit of my story...maybe encouraging to those ttc and losing weight! My DH and I tried for almost 2 years to conceive, 2 rounds of Clomid and still nothing. I was highly depressed since it seemed that all of my friends could get pregnant at the drop of a hat. Anyways, I had all but given up and decided to focus on myself and lose weight and stop thinking about TTC. Well I went to WW for about 6 months and dropped from about 180 to 160, then out of nowhere I looked at the calendar and realized I was a couple of weeks late, took a HPT and bam I was pregnant! Now I have a wonderful 19month old son (his pic is on my ticker).

    I really think reducing my stress about TTC and losing weight got my mind and body in a better state to get pregnant. I know its easier said than done, but I think you are all making a great decision to lose weight before you get pregnant. Even though I still get crazy looks when I tell people I want to lose weight BEFORE i get pregnant.

    Reason I am here now is that I am trying to lose some baby weight (still) before I get pregnant again. My DH and I will probably start trying again in a couple of months but I wanted to get my body back in shape, I know how much that helped. So anyways glad that I found you all ...and good luck!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Heather, yep, I'm in the KC-area. It is snowing like CRAZY right now. Nearly all of my co-workers have left. I'm debating about heading home. I've got a 30-minute commute and they all live near work. :laugh: I just hope my husband can get home tonight in his new Jeep. He has to close, so won't get on the roads until 10. It's only been snowing an hour and a half and we've probably got at least an inch with the heavy stuff still on the way. :noway:

    Welcome newbies!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Heather, yep, I'm in the KC-area. It is snowing like CRAZY right now. Nearly all of my co-workers have left. I'm debating about heading home. I've got a 30-minute commute and they all live near work. :laugh: I just hope my husband can get home tonight in his new Jeep. He has to close, so won't get on the roads until 10. It's only been snowing an hour and a half and we've probably got at least an inch with the heavy stuff still on the way. :noway:

    Welcome newbies!

    I live in Warrensburg, MO just 45 minutes from KC! Knew you had to live somewhere around here with the talk of snow. I'm SOOO over this weather already and winter has no end in sight!

    Question for you ladies who use the OPK (especially my PCOS ladies), do you ever get positives and still not get a BFP? I know that just getting a positive doesn't guarantee you release an egg, but I don't ever get positives normally so this has to be something right? I'm on day 15 so it would be right on schedule. Only problem is that we've not BD in at least 5 days...guess we better get on that ASAP!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers.

    Heather – yea for your :smile: . I’m praying the 3rd time will be your charm.

    He has his moments, but I’m pretty sure the only reason he did it was because I had a melt down and started to cry when he said, “today’s an even numbered day! You know what that means!!” :laugh: :laugh:

    I gave in and had 4 Reese’s PB hearts from the candy dish outside my supervisors’ office. :embarassed: I didn’t log it until after I ate them….360 calories for that????:noway: :grumble: Now I’ve only got 144 left for dinner. I want to go to Zumba tonight, but I think my mom wants me to take her to Shop Rite for their can-can sale. She won’t drive on the highway so it’s on me to take her. I’m hoping that she doesn’t want to go. I REALLY need to work out tonight.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Has anyone ever seen a Triphasic phase on the FF chart? This is the first time that I have ever seen it. It was pretty interesting to see that since I was pretty sure I didn't O this month but maybe I did. I am on CD 35 and FF says I am supposed to test tomorrow. Not getting any hopes up since there was no medical intervention this month but who knows!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    kt4au, I've seen both BFP triphasic charts and BFN triphasic charts, but if your temp hasn't started to dip and AF is due tomorrow or the day after, then you have a good shot at a BFP. How many dpo are you?
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks Erica! I knew you would know something about it. I am 17DPO according to FF and there has been no temp drop. The RE said to call if AF did not start on CD30 but I decided to give it some time. I guess we will see what happens tomorrow.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    That sounds great! If your temps stay above coverline for 18 dpo, it usually means you're pregnant!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Wow! Pretty active board today! I love days like today! My husband makes fun of me bc anytime something happens I immediately post it here! I always say "I need to tell or ask my friends!" And he'll go "but you've never met them!!"

    Heather - my husband is a WSO (weapon safety officer) he rides in the back seat navigating and dropping bombs, he's "goose" from top gun although I don't like using that as a reference considering goose dies...

    I am working on our budget and this deployment will eliminate half our debt which would mean 8 could be a stay at home mom with baby, and they are supposed to deploy again in late 2012 which will take care of the rest. Now truly is the best time to do this baby pressure lol
  • JennyBoBenny
    Wow it is a busy board! Not sure if I can keep up!

    Heather: maybe you'll conceive in Feb but get your + in March!!

    KT: I'd SO be testing right now if I were you! I have had triphasic many times but am not sexually active (being a single woman) so there's no reason for it for me other than maybe I've got some wicked good progesterone levels??? I'm sure hoping for a BFP for you! fx!!

    AFM: Had my first Zumba class today! Love it! Man that's a workout! Can't wait for the next one! Been eating like crap this week, so I've got to stop that! Tomorrow's another day!

    More exciting: Got a letter in the mail today from the fertility clinic! I go in for my first appointment for a consultation with the doctor on May 9! Yay! I can officially count down! hmmm... time for a new ticker? LOL
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wowsers - took me 10 minutes to just read through them all. Let's see if I remember all that I wanted to say....

    KT4U - EXCITING!!!! We're due for another BFP on here....hope that it's a good sign :) I agree with Jenny - I'd be sooooo testing.

    Alisa - I have my computer hooked up to my TV in the family room and during commercial breaks I'm usually just cruising.....I guess I could be exercising, but this is more fun.....LOL Hubby just rolls his eyes at me now....

    I had a great day planned out foodwise and it all came to a screeching halt in the evening. I finished working at 4pm and went upstairs to grab a quick nap....DH woke me up at 7pm with dinner - Chicken Cacciatore with Spaghetti Squash. I ate about half the spaghetti squash, but the chicken had the weird taste again. So I proposed a DQ run - so bad...he just has to say no sometimes....LOL. DQ wasn't open so he got a McCain Freezer Cake (white cake with marshmallow topping for those who haven't had it before). He gave me 1/6 of the cake and I ate it and promptly suggested we finish it off....again....should have just said no to me......I have to change up my let's see how this works out for me tonight......

    I think I need to have an evening snack plan. Obviously saying that I just won't eat after 8pm doesn't thing I read is that eating less than 12 hours before you temp for fertility can throw off the results.......But I just couldn't do it. I temp at 4:30 in the morning!!!!
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Thanku for the welcome ladies!

    What are your opinions on exercising in the 2ww?! I started Zumba last night - I've been a few times before, but not for months so last night was my first time back and I wanna keep it up now I've started, but next week I'll be in my fertile week then obv the week after in the 2ww, and I'm just wondering if it will be safe to do such a strenuous exercise?! I could tone it down a bit. xx
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Pam – You’re not the only one, I did bad last nigh too, let’s do better tonight. Oh and as for not eating 12hrs before temping, I temp any where between 3-4am because that’s when DH gets up to go to work! I’d have to skip supper all together!

    Kay – I absolutely exercise during the 2WW, it’s the only thing keeping me sane! After ovulation I need to be actively doing something and since I can’t do anything else for TTC I exercise to help my weight loss journey. If you’re worried about it, make sure to not over exert yourself, or ask your zumba trainer if there are

    So I kinda did something counter productive yesterday! I was doing good all day and went to this new yoga class last night, but the class was a little too advanced for me. They were doing handstands and headstands and the bridge! The last time I could do these things I was in elementary school! I was feeling really defeated and I had some comfort food last night for supper, peanut butter toast with chocolate milk (all that talk about PB & chocolate on here made me think of it). So I went way over my calories for the day and am ubber sore today, but need desperately to not sabotage myself for the rest of the week!
    My goals tonight are to eat a healthy supper and do the 30day shred, and will try the yoga class again tomorrow! Let’s see how long it’ll take me to actually be able to do a handstand!
