Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    My jaw is quite a bit better, Pam, thank you for asking. The cold has now moved entirely into my head instead. :grumble:

    I'm sorry the nasty after taste is back. I hope it goes away quickly!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Pam - Cinnamon bark again? That sucks. How long did it take to go away before? And yes, it snowed yesterday but not too much, the problem is the ice. But Tuesday we're supposed to get hit with a really bad storm. I want to go back to days snow meant a day off of school instead of shoveling and driving into work.

    Erica - Hope you feel better soon!

    I don't think eating bad will be problem today because I've been trying to decided if I'm going to throw up or pass out since I woke up this has no desire for me right now. At this point I'm really praying that I am pregnant b/c I think my other option is the flu. :sad: I promised myself that I wouldn't test until CD33, lets see if I can wait 7 more days.

    Stupid question that I should already know - What does AFM mean???
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies. Erica I think you hit the nail right on the head...weight loss and ttc are very self centered affairs in our lives and we do tend to want to talk about our own issues while not necessarily taking the extra step to comment on others comments/questions/situations at the time. I guess sometimes it is easier and sometimes it is harder to do...some days I just feel like I'm totally alone in this journey when everyone around me is either beautifully at their goal weight, or happily not with a baby inside of them. Tends to make a girl need some support...even if it is from people she's never met on the internet (my DH calls me "netnerd" when he sees me on Facebook or MFP. lol!). I'm sorry to see Jenny go...especially when we all have good intentions....

    ron-sorry you aren't feeling good...drink lots and lots of water and take it easy. keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    erica-glad you are feeling better. nothing like being sick when it is already miserable with frigid temps and snow all around us!

    pam- you are more than welcome to look at my log for ideas. I do that with others sometimes too. (just don't look at yesterdays cause it was my "free meal" and I don't think ben and jerry's is low glycemic at all! lol!) and cinnamon bark in your mouth sounds awful! gotta love the side effects from meds that are supposed to be making our lives better!

    kt- I always say it isn't over until the fat lady sings (AF shows her ugly face!). in december when I m/c for the 2nd time I was having a hard time with a blatant positive test (one would be pos then next neg) and my mother reminded me that she didn't test pos with me at all (even blood tests) until she was 4 months pregnant...stranger things have happened. But sorry things are unknown right now, that is always the worst part for me. I just want to know! So...I shouldn't even waste my time with "The Dilemma"? It looked like a really good movie! That stinks.

    alisa- I always hate when you take the extra time to be prepared and something happens and you find yourself starving and totally unprepared in a world of delicious food! I try and always have a plan B (like an apple, almonds, cheese stick) but sometimes even plan B fails. Oh and my husband flies Apache helicopters. He is an instructor pilot actually. That is why he is gone all the time at courses. They always have to be the first to be up on new info. He thinks he is invincible when he flies though and has done very dangerous things while he was deployed last time that should have in all rights killed him...that is why is scares me for him to go back. But it usually are the guys that ride on the outside of their helicopters to save another soldiers life that live until they are 100! lol! (or at least I hope that's the case). And when you said goose I immediately thought of ER. We are big ER fans (the early years) and would still call his character "goose" in that show! lol. But yeah I would see how you'd hate to use that comparison. Well I'm a military wife who totally understands it if you ever need an ear on that note, I'm here! Btw....any news on you with testing? I'd be going nuts if I were you right now! What CD are you on anyways?!?!

    Welcome newbies! Looking forward to hearing all about you!

    Well the scale didn't move an inch again this week. I did try on my "skinny jeans" and they fit good (which was not the case 3 weeks ago for sure). So I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and maybe it will catch up on the scale. I'm resting tomorrow and going to do strength training with my friend and then my husband and I are going up to the gym to do an hour of cardio. I'd rather be doing something outside...but with all the snow (and we are going to be getting more tomorrow) and the frigid temps, I just want to hibernate the rest of the winter and have someone wake me come Spring!
    So I'm officially in the 2ww. CD18 for me. DH and I talked last night and he is excited for the possibility of it happening this month. I told him I'd be bummed if it doesn't happen but we'd resume our plan to do Clomid next month. I also made him and my closest friend promise to not allow me to test until Feb 4th. The last thing I need is to go crazy pants again like December...peeing on every stick in a 50 mile radius! lol!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • charliewigan
    charliewigan Posts: 10 Member
    Wow! What a lot of information to take in.....

    What a shame that heather has left, but I totally agree that you can be quite self-centred when concentrating on your own journey.

    I really hope you ladies who are in your 2ww have some good news to post soon! (Fingers Crossed!)

    Well my weight loss is currently at about 11lbs (not officially weigh in day yet though) after 3 weeks, which I'm really pleased with, but still no sign of AF (since Oct) even though I have now lost the weight I had put on since I was last regular.

    Well I started taking a homepathic remedy called Agnus Castus (has anybody else tried this?) this week, which studies have shown can regulate your cycle. So I'm hoping that within a couple of weeks I may start a regular cycle......However....DH and I have stopped taking any precautions and have decided if we are lucky enough for it to happen without being in a regular cycle then that's great news. I am having some wierd feelings in my tummy, but I may be reading more into it than I should or maybe not ?!? Maybe I've just ovulated or maybe AF is on her way.......Confusing!!

    On a lighter note I got the news this morning that My Sister in Law has given birth to a baby boy at 4:00am today, so after I finish work Im gonna travel over to see her and have some special Auntie & Nephew time! (this is my first time of being an auntie and im sooo excited!! He is a little premature though - about 7 weeks and he only weighs 4lbs but he seems to holding his own so far - fingers crossed...)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member

    What a shame that heather has left, but I totally agree that you can be quite self-centred when concentrating on your own journey.

    Jenny left...I'm right here! :)
  • charliewigan
    charliewigan Posts: 10 Member
    Sorry!! So many posts and so many names i get confuzzled!!! :o)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Congrats, Aunt Charliewigan! I have never heard of Agnus Catus. Do you know what's in it?

    Hooray for skinny jeans, Heather! More muscles and less fat may not make the scale move, but it sure can make you feel better about yourself. :smile:

    Ron, AFM means "as for me." That one took me awhile to figure out. I hope you feel better. If it is a prego symptom, you should test positive. However, I get nauseated every two week wait. Progesterone is a horrible, nasty hormone.

    Kcurtis, I'm so glad your renter finally paid! I'm really sorry that AF showed, though.

    My cousin's wife had her baby last night. One pregnant cousin down, two to go. Yesterday also happened to be our one-year anniversary of starting this adventure. Just waiting to test... or for AF to show. I don't feel my typical PMS symptoms. Yesterday, I got all my typical pre-migraine symptoms: nausea, dizziness, tingly boobs but no headache... but maybe that's because I downed a Dr. Pepper. I am super congested today, but I can finally close my mouth completely without screaming, so that's progress. Probably won't be working out for a few days though, judging by the fact that my husband who got this stuff on Monday still sounds and looks awful.
  • charliewigan
    charliewigan Posts: 10 Member
    This is the description on the site from which I bought the tablets.......

    "Agnus Castus (Vitex or Chaste tree berry)

    This is the herb of choice for helping to restore hormone imbalance and increasing fertility. In one study 48 women diagnosed with infertility took agnus castus daily for three months, 7 of them became pregnant during that time and 25 of them regained normal progesterone levels.

    Agnus castus is particularly helpful for those women who have a luteal phase defect (shortened second half to the cycle) or those with high prolactin levels, because it stimulates the proper functioning of the pituitary gland which controls the hormones.

    Agnus castus works to restore hormonal balance and can be used where there are hormone deficits as well as excesses it:

    Regulates periods
    Restarts periods which have stopped
    Helps with heavy bleeding
    Increases the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen by balancing excess oestrogen."

    More than anything I was impressed my the medical study results, and if it works it will have cost me £10 so well worth it as Ive got enough for 3 months!

    Will keep you all posted with any developments.......

    ericaroo - how many days until you test / or due for AF? Fingers crossed for you...
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yes, Vitex works well unless you have regular periods or PCOS. I hope it works for you.

    I'm due Monday. I probably won't test until Tuesday unless I can convince my husband not to be pissed if I test early. He thinks it's wasteful and/or it jinxes the pregnancy. And we've been disappointed before. I had one cycle that went three days past my usual luteal phase and the morning I was going to test AF showed. I hate seeing only one line, so I'm on board with waiting until I'm late.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies! (I didn't take notes, going to rely on memory and if I forget, i'll get you guys on the next wave this afternoon :-)

    Pam - Yuck that bark taste is back! It's been gone for a while, but you said they didnt change your meds? So any other changes that could be causing it?

    Ron - Keeping my fingers crossed for you, I get little waves of nausea every now and again...I always think "Gosh, if this is what m/s is going to be like maybe i need to re-think this preggo thing" :laugh:

    Congrats to Charlie and Erica on the new addition to your families! My close friend (the one i thew a babyshower for before she moved to VA) had her daughter on wednesday! I'm so sad that i can't go play with her...

    Heather - It was hard for me to separate goose and Dr. Green when i watch either the movie or ER too! :-) That is scary what your husband does...We always joke "If you ever have to land on Afghanistan soil it's a bad day for you" since he'll be flying on and off a carrier off the coast.

    AFM - Temp was at 97.18 today! I do believe i have officially O'd and am in the 2WW....although i'll probably still count days from last Saturday since i'm not sure which day i O'd...although i do think it was Thursday bc starting last night and into this morning my nipples are on fire! That's what happened the last time i O'd so i'm hoping we had the timing right...

    Off to take the inlaws to the airport then try to get the house put back together and get laundry done to get ready for the week!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ron – the flu is going around. They say in my province that by this time they`ve usually seen 100 cases of the flu and this year they`ve seen over 800…`s possible, but it`s also possible that you`re preggers. Good luck making it to CD 33…I always found that I made myself more nutso in the days between when I start thinking I might be and the future test date I set….I come up with names, decorate rooms, etc. Then it happens and I feel worse. At this point, I don`t even know how I`ll feel with a BFP, but I hope that is the case with you....AFM is something I picked up from Alisa…means as for me (at least that`s what I think it does….LOL)

    Heather – Awww…I was hoping it was….LOL Nah, that`s fine. I`m really pleased that after my cheat meal yesterday that nothing was significantly out of whack for me this morning. I see you`re still blasting away at the exercise. That`s my goal this year – to bump it up. I actually planned out all exercises for this weekend and I`ve planned an hour each day. DH is working and I`m home by myself. I usually use the time to curl up with a book or watch trash tv most of the day (obsessed with Teen Mom….there I admit it…some of them…I tell ya)

    Charlie – 11lbs is awesome in 3weeks!!!! That`s something to celebrate for sure!!!! You should see your doctor if it`s been over 60 days, just so you can clear the slate so to say….I`ve heard great things about Chasteberry – silly name for a fertility herb. I even wanted to plant the shrub in my garden at one point, but they aren`t hardy here (I`m an avid gardener). One thing I found is that since I`ve been TTC, I`ve become very in tune to my body. I know which symptoms signal that O is on her way (acne, fatigue, laziness) and which signal that AF is on her way (basically all the early pregnancy symptoms….LOL). I know what`s normal for me and what`s not. Pay attention to those little twinges and you`ll figure out what they mean over time. Congratulations on being an Auntie!!! We don`t actually have any kids in my immediate family though, so I call my cousin`s kids and my friend`s kids my nieces and nephews but that would be so exciting. 4lbs though is so scary – but they`ve figured out how to make them pick up that weight quickly. If he`s holding his own now, I`m sure he`ll come through strong and gain the weight in no time 

    Erica – you`re right progesterone is a nasty hormone, although I was reading something over the holidays that discussed how people react to the holidays based on the hormonal TOM…..low doses of progesterone was known as the happy hormone and how people didn`t really get upset when they were at that point of their cycle of the first week of the 2ww. My inlaws were here and normally we don`t get along, but they weren`t phasing me (my hubby on the other hand…..uh…..I was constantly calming him down) That`s why I was so sure I`d already O`d. Now I know I O`d after Christmas at which point I did start getting irritated. So something new I learned….I mellow out right before O…..see…insight, right on the boards. Sorry about the 1 year anniversary – that totally sucks. Chasteberry is a shrub that they use for irregular periods – you can also by Vitex in the healthfood stores in the vitamin section. That and red raspberry tea are said to do wonders – I couldn`t find either in Canada and I finally made a plan to make it to the US to buy it, but then I found out that PCOSers don`t respond well to it (not adversely, just not at all). My fingers are crossed for you until Monday…I really hope this is your month.

    AFM: Man, I`ve already written soooooo much….Not much from me I guess except I think I`m gearing up to O (classic signs….which is a first….I hope it doesn`t start going funny on me). And it`s starting to happen right on schedule too…..hope I`m not getting too hopeful that all the treatments work….*sigh* Why won`t these appointments come more quickly??? It’s still two weeks until we find out the results of DH’s surgery and whether all this temping/OPK stuff is even relevant……On the plus side, as of this morning, I’m back down to my lowest weight on this journey, although I’m not officially entering it until Monday.

    The cinnamon bark taste is related to one of my asthma medications - or so my doctor says. Since we cut my dose it went away (we cut it in early January). I'm thinking it's related to my cycle...when I go back through the logs, it always got worse right before I was set to I'm thinking it's just my body's sensitivity levels rising to it.I can't cut it back anymore without going off of it completely and right now my asthma's soooo controlled that I will just live with the bark for now. It takes about a week to lessen off...typically.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Can I just say, reading some of your posts (there's a LOT of info to take in!), you guys seems like a great group of ladies. Thanks for welcoming. I'll keep reading and try to 'get to know you' before I chime in too much, but I wanted to let you know I'm still here and checking in. Being at the very beginning of the process, I do'nt have a lot to contribute yet...YET :)

    Happy Saturday all and congrats for all you've accomplished already!
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    hi everyone,

    i want to make it a habit in checking in regularly in this group. i am pre-TTC. meaning, my docs won't even treat me, until i manage my diabetes (diagnosed 3 years ago when we went to fertility). so....i have to show a A1C blood reading of less than 7, and i am at a 8.2. almost there.

    so i have to go low carb, exercise more, and lose weight!!!

    i am kinda jealous that some of you girls are actually in the middle of it, actually taking stuff or going thru the fertility process. maybe this time, i'll be able to get on the ball and make it happen! haven't weighed myself yet this morning. going to wait until tomorrow morning after my workout. but i hope to show that i didn't gain (since i'm having my cycle now).

    looking forward to getting to know people in this group!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Heather - Yea for skinny jeans! :bigsmile: That's the real test, I know I get so caught up in the number on the scale that I forget how good my clothes fit now compared to before. I hope your 2WW goes by fast. I'm trying very hard not to pee on sticks too. I made sure we don't have any in the house, but the drug store is less than a mile away.....:laugh:

    chaliewigan - 11 pounds is great!!! Congratulations on your nephew. I just became an aunt for the first time in November and he's quickly becoming the new love of my life.

    Erica - I'm glad you're stating to feel better. I've got my fingers crossed for you that your anniversary month will be your last month trying.

    HMKan - this is very knowledgeable group of ladies, but it was a bit overwhelming for me in the beginning. This is only cycle 2 of TTC for me and I had never heard about most of the stuff we talk about here before.

    gjspiller - you'll get there, like you said you're very close to less than 7. :smile:

    So I didn't throw up or pass out yet. I started to feel better around noon and only got dizzy when I got up real fast. I noticed though that my dizziness really didn't start until a few days ago, right around the time I started talking a folic acid supplement. And today it was the worst for the hour after I took it. Has anyone else had any issues with that? Between my prenatals and supplement it's a total of 1200mcg, so I think that's that too much for me to be taking? I've never heard of folic acid causing dizziness but I figured I'd throw it out there.
  • Phoenyxlove
    Phoenyxlove Posts: 150 Member
    I would love to join this group if it's not too late? How do I go about doing that?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Ron, I would just take only the prenatal for a few days and see if that helps. I don't know how much is too much folic acid.

    Welcome to the group, Phoenyxlove.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    HMKan - It is a lot of information - but it's pretty simple stuff. Definitely feel free to chime in when you want on what you need to - we're here to help with the weight loss too, not just all this technical fertility mumbo jumbo.

    Gj - Yuo know the path you need to take and I'm glad you're getting close!!!

    Ron - Check with Jalara. I think she said there was something about taking the prenatals before bed that would help with the nausea (but I think that was about the iron)....She had all the info on what was in what so she might know about normal. I will also try looking it up tomorrow. I'm really not sure (but also really sleepy for tonight...LOL) I wouldn't think it's too much though. My doctor (old GP) told me I shoudl get at least 1mg of folic before TTC...1.2 doesn't seem like much more, but if you stop taking the folic and you find the symptoms get better that would give you a great answer too.

    HI Phoneyxlove. Welcome to the group.

    Had a late dinner with friends......but it put me over for the night....oh well......Ciao all - off to bed. Started using the OPKs for the first time this cycle today since my CM is definitely moving towards fertile state....negative....LOL Don't know why I was a little wasn't an HPT
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Pam- I totally understand about the disappointment you feel with a mere negative OPK! That is why I was so overjoyed when I got a positive this month with strange symptoms that my girlfriends told me are indicative of ovulation (headache, nipple sensitivity, strange sensation on lower abdomen on one side only). Oh and not to mention I've been very irritated so I guess that goes with the info you read about the progesterone (which I totally agree is a nasty nasty hormone!). But how exciting that as someone with PCOS you are making steps towards the goal...I feel over the past 7 years that even baby steps are a huge accomplishment! Oh and congrats on your weight loss! That's fantastic!

    Welcome phoenyxlove!

    Ron- I started increasing my dosage of folic acid after the appt with the specialist and haven't had any problems. Not sure if I've heard of any side effects related to folic acid, but stranger things have happened. Hope you begin to feel better soon (or get your BFP!). And I totally agree with you on the obsession with that number on the scale. When I was 60lbs heavier my goal weight was in the 150s. Now I'm 150 and I want lower. I'm healthy, I'm fit, but we always want more I guess...

    gjspiller- Sounds like you are making progress and as I'm sure you've been told, it is so very important to get your diabetes under control before conceiving. Gotta make sure the baby has a nice, warm, cozy place to call home for 40 wks! :)

    Charlie- It's happens. There is a lot going on in this group so we are all making an extra effort to not only tell our own ups and downs in our journey, but to make sure everyone else feels supported as well. Welcome to the group!

    Erica- Tues will be here before you know it...I know easier said than done! Why is it that time flies so fast except for when you are trying to find out whether or not you were successful in making a baby?! I'm keeping my fingers cross for you. You are in my prayers!

    Alisa- Also keeping you in my prayers as well. Sounds like we could be having a couple BFP on the board soon...I think we are definitely due! :)

    Had a pretty good day today. I really like going to the gym with my husband and working out, even if we are just side by side on the treadmill. My father in law and his gf are here on an expected visit this evening. It is always awkward and I feel strange even in my own home. I hate that feeling. I had my last glass of wine for at least the next 2 weeks, hoping for the next 9 or so months!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Phoenyxlove - welcome!

    Pam - I think its normal to be disappointing for any negative, HPT or OPK.

    Heather - I love working out with DH too, even if it's just going for a walk around the neighborhood. I hope your visit goes smoothly.

    AFM - (since I know what that means now!) Ok, so I gave in and tested. I don't know who I was kidding by thinking that I could make it to CD33. I know it's most accurate with the first urine of day and we didn't have any HPT's in the house. Let me tell you I was quite the sight this morning at 4:30 in my pj's and glasses at the drugstore trying to hold my pee. :laugh: :laugh:
    There was a second line. Granted it was a lot lighter than the control line, but it was definitely there and DH and I both saw it immediately. I'm freaking out, and I'm not sure if I believe it. But a line is a line right?
  • tallib
    tallib Posts: 13
    *waves hand in air* another newbie would like to join :)

    Have been TTC since beginning of 2009, got married 4 months ago, diagnosed pcos 3 months ago and have just been put on Metformin as my Dr isnt a fan of Clomid. He says the miscarriage risks are too high. We are planning to stay on the Metformin alone for 3 months to see how things pan out and if it restarts my AF, if not then I will speak to Dr again and maybe look at Agnus Castus in conjunction with Metformin. (Has anyone else tried that combination?)
    Currently on CD71 (Last cycle was 111 days)
    My goal is to lose another 55lb and get down within a 'normal' weight range and hopefully get my cycles back into a normal rythem, and ultimatly, have a little bundle of joy :)
    Fingers crossed this years the year!
    Good luck everyone else :)