Fit For Future Families - January 2011

jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
Welcome everyone, and Happy 2011!

This group is being started to lend support and motivation to those who are TTC, or plan to TTC. This group blossomed from another group (Pregnancy - 2010).

Fit For Families is not for pregnant women, I would ask that you join our sister group for like-minded support and motivation (they're really great there!!).

For those who have recently had a little one, there is a post-partum group:

This group is very goal-oriented (no matter what your goals are) and I hope will be a place for you to come share your story and track your progress.

Check in will be each Monday to keep us accountable over the weekend. Each week we set our own fitness or health goals, and the more suggestions the better!

I love this group!

Welcome one and all!

Link to our last thread:


  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hello again everyone!

    Why not start with reflection on the last year, and goals for this coming year?

    Me: In the last year I got married, moved and continued towards my educational goal of being a nurse. It was a good year.
    I also added 10 lbs instead of taking ANY off.

    This year: I just left my job (hooray!) and I will be spending some time working on me. Also, I will be spending some time working on becoming a better partner for my husband, and a healthier body for the baby we want to have this year.

    I watched some people transition their lives on MFP in the last year - you were a real inspiration!
  • crazyda79
    crazyda79 Posts: 28 Member

    I am new here but figure this is the perfect group for me. I have been TTC for the past 6 years. We have been successful 6 times, each time resulting in an early pregnancy loss. I had been under the care of an infertility doctor during three of these losses. They ran me through all the tests and said the results were that I was normal and there was no reason for my losses. I even asked if my weight was an issue and the doctor said it was not a concern. I didn't think twice about it but now that I am thinking about bettering myself, I am wondering if my weight was the cause of my losses. I am not going to dwell on the past of "what if" I had done this sooner but instead just head forward and hope that one day I will be able to have the family I have always wanted. If it is not in my future though, at least I will be more fit! Gotta find a silver lining somewhere.
  • justinswife
    justinswife Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I would love to join this group if I may! My name is Emily and I have been married for six months to my wonderful husband. I stay home, however I also babysit and clean houses throughout the week. We experienced a miscarriage in November and plan to wait 6 months to TTC again. We are looking at May and hopefully it will be our take home baby! I have 28 pounds that I would like to shed before that point! I look forward to getting to know all of you lovely ladies!
  • thepurplestar
    thepurplestar Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I'm Angie, and I'm from London, UK.

    I was lucky enough to give birth to my gorgeous son via crash c-section in 2008, and we are strating to ttc#2 as soon as my AF decides to arrive.

    I am currently my pre-pregnancy weight (have yo-yoed a lot since having my son), and ideally need to get from my current 12 st 4lb to 11st 7lb- my pre-pregnancy trousers still don't fit and I think loosing another 10lb or so would fix that. I want to have a vbac next time if I am lucky enough to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) again, and I know there will be more chance of this if I can get my weight down and not put on so much during pregnancy (went up to 15 1/2 stone last time).
  • JennyBoBenny
    Happy New Year all! And welcome to the new ones! :smile:

    2010 was overall a pretty good year for me. I started it with a visit to my home in BC where I left my family and friends to move to the cold prairie and follow love. :love: That relationship broke in June 2009 so the visit home at xmas last year was much needed! :brokenheart: I came home and got word at the end of January that I was able to get full time at my job (since I was starting over with nothing, working full time rather than .7 time was MUCH needed!) I went home to BC again in July for 3 weeks-- 2 weeks in the Okanagan and 1 week on Vancouver Island which was amazing. I even kayaked on the ocean for the first time and had about a half dozen seals swim along with us half way! :bigsmile: Had bad news while out there though that a good friend had been in a bad car accident and almost lost his life. :cry: He was injured really badly and lost his leg but is recovering remarkably and is home now. It was on that trip (specifically my time on the island) that I decided I didn't have the luxury of time to wait for my Mr. Right any longer and if I was to become a mom, it was now or never man or no man. Never is not really an option for me - at least not without a good fight. So here I am, waiting to try. I lost a good friend in August as he crashed his plane in the mountains of BC. :cry: The plane was missing for about a week and that was really hard. Right after that I sprained my ankle really badly and couldn't walk for 3 weeks.:grumble: I went through a period of time at the end of summer and fall in a bit of a funk and overeating (specifically fast food) was common place.:embarassed: I gained about 10 lbs. However, overall I am in a good place and am beginning 2011 on an upswing. :smile: I've started to lose weight, am healthy and cancer free, I feel good about myself and am optimistic for the future.:glasses:

    Sorry if that was long winded, but I guess 2010 was kinda full. :ohwell:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Happy 2011!!! Welcome to all the new comers. :smile:

    2010 was a good year for me. It began with me making the decision to become healthier after my doctor told me I was borderline diabetic, and my blood pressure and cholesterol were nearing the danger zone. What scared me the most was the long list of complications he told me I would have if I were to get pregnant. My new years resolution was to lose 50 pounds and get my health in order. Today I am 49.5 pounds lighter than I was on New Years Day last year, and I have no health problems whatsoever. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I learned a lot about myself this year and I don't want to go back to the person I was before - physically, mentally and emotionally. My husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary in June and officially started TTC last month. Which is exciting and terrifying at the same time. :laugh:

    In 2011 I want to keep the weight off and maybe lose 5 - 10 more pounds. But most importantly I want to stay as healthy as I can for myself and the baby we want to have this year.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    January 2010 started our TTC efforts. After going off of birth control and dealing with the stress of not getting pregnant month after month, I gained 12-15 pounds. At the 7 or 8 month mark, I decided I could at least control my physical aspect and lost pretty much all of that weight in three months. We're still not pregnant, but I'm hoping that 2011 will see us achieve that goal, though soon we'll have to seek out fertility testing and treatment. I hope to keep the weight off even though I know that is going to be really hard to do with the stress and medications. I would like to lose an addition 3-5 pounds or at least some inches. If I can't be a mommy in 2011, I at least want to be freakin' hot! Plus, I have that elliptical that I just spend a nice chunk of change on... :laugh:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just checking in - will view all posts in the morning.....want to get in my topics ;)
  • SkinnyOat
    Happy New Year Everyone!!!
    2010 was a great year over here. Got a better job closer to home, celebrated my first wedding anniversary, started exercising and found tons of great new healthy recipes (loooooooooove to cook). I started the year off right yesterday by taking the dog for a nice long walk. I have to remember that I make time to do dishes, laundry, watch TV, and clean; it's just as important to make time to exercise!

    I bought my husband a used rower about 3 months ago. It looks scary, but will kick my butt way more than the treadmill. So I finally bit the bullet and assembed it this morning. It's right behind me, staring over my shoulder. I'll be trying it out shortly, wish me luck!

    Hope everyone is having a great start to 2011!!!
  • kasey112
    kasey112 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I would love to join the group if I could! My husband and I have been married for a little over a year and are planning on TTC in 2011. We are currently house hunting and once we find something we will be getting right to it! I have been off the birth control pills for the past 6 months and have just started taking prenatals. Ideally, I would like to lose 50 pounds before conceiving, but I would be happy after 20 pounds.
    I look forward to getting to know everyone and hearing of all the successes in 2011!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Happy New Year! Welcome newcomers and glad to see the "regulars" have had a good Holiday season and are looking to be on track for this fresh new start we get every January 1st!

    2010 brought lots of advancement for me on the infertility issue. I was diagnosed with PCOS and put on Metformin to help with my insulin resistance issue and I was able to get pregnant for the very first time in my entire life (after trying for 7 yrs cumulatively) twice! It also brought about the biggest heartache I've ever known...after losing both pregnancies within 2 months of each other. I saw a specialist who has now declared I am no longer an "infertility patient" but a high risk due to the consecutive miscarriages.

    So the positives outweigh the negatives definitely! My marriage is stronger than ever, I've finally figured out HOW to become pregnant (with Clomid, Metformin, OPK, preseed, and acupuncture), I have a beautiful home, wonderful family and friends, and the ability to not work so I can follow my husband around the country if need be to make this baby! lol! Life really is good.

    On the weight loss subject, the doctor advised me to follow a low glycemic index diet more closely (no more bowls of chocolate cheerios for dinner...). I found The Diet Solution and believe in the method they use. It is going to be hard not reaching for a processed quick and easy meal....but in the long run, my health and the survival of a baby is so worth it! We will try Clomid again in February so I'm looking to lose that weight that crept onto my body whilst I sat on the couch for 3 weeks...First things first, gotta go get batteries for the scale so I know what I'm working with!

    Wishing everyone a very happy, successful new year with lots and lots of BFP!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    What a great way to start a new year :)

    My reflections of 2010: I found that I can be strong enough to do this, but I have to want it. I have to be highly motivated, this isn't rocket science (losing weight, sometimes I feel TTC can be) but it's just easier not to work at it. :tongue: I lost 49.2lbs since June of last year and while that sounds like a lot, I have gained almost 10 back since November (at one point I was at 58lbs lost).

    About me, for the newbies: My husband and I have been actively TTC using FAM methods since 2002 (we've been not preventing pregnancy since 1998, stupid young people...LOL) :blushing: . In 2002, I was diagnosed with PCOS and he with extreme low counts. We started adoption proceedings in 2003 and in 2004, 2005, 2006 were almost placed with children (2004 was the closest we came - 1 week from having her in our house permanently when it fell through). We bought a house in 2006 and began focusing all our energies on making it child friendly. In 2008, I started seeking medical help with my issues and it took 2 years to get us in any kind of reproductive state that we could have children (me hormonally, him surgically). So here we start 2011 with a follow up on the surgical results in February and then a few days later a follow up with our fertility specialist. I'm hoping that 2011 will be the year that we have a baby, but even if I finish out the year with a ball on my belly, I'll be happy.

    This is a phenomenal group of women with a bunch of different issues in a bunch of different stages of TTC. We've had 3 people move from this board to the pregnancy board since it started :happy: Feel free to add me as a friend, if you haven't already :flowerforyou:

    Looking forward to 2010
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    My husband and I have been ttc for almost 7 months. We have been married 4.5 years, together for 6.

    Maybe this is our year?!?

    I have lost almost 120lbs and counting- 40ish till my goal weight.
  • erlagis
    erlagis Posts: 20
    I would like to be in this group. My husband and I have been TTC#1 since June 2010.

    I have to say I was surprised by how stressful this baby making has been, I thought it will just come straight away. I have arthritis and needed to quit my medicine before we could start to try. It's been about year since I stopped and isn't going well, last month I had to quit my job. Which I'm sorry for but I really want to have children.

    I gained 17lb last winter when we moved here to America, I want to get ride of those pounds and a little more.
  • Hopeful4757
    Hello everybody!!!

    I was on this site last year with lots of goals that I did not accomplish! This year, I am going to do this. My husband and I want a little one and being healthy is the key.

    2010 was good overall. I was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder so have to keep exercising to keep my blood moving and circulating. That is inspiration enough to get up and move. We are hoping to have a little one next year at this time. Hopefully, 2012 will bring with it a baby to celebrate. :-)
  • chelleim
    It has been a while since I have posted on this board. I was here when it first began and now I am back after getting into the swing of things with going back to work. One of my main goals for the beginning of the year is to work on weight loss so that my husband and I can start TTC again around April. I am taking some time off from TTC to focus on weight loss again first. We have had 5 failed cycles using Metformin combined with either Clomid or Femara as well as an HCG injection. 2010 was a great year for us other than the disappointment. We have gotten more accomplished on remodeling our home and have had several family gatherings in our newly renovated home. We are looking forward to taking 2011 to focus on finances, losing weight and making babies!
  • thepurplestar
    thepurplestar Posts: 28 Member
    Morning all :) No weight loss for me thig morning, but I restarted after the Christmas eating on Wednesday last week, so not enough time to make a difference really.

    I have PCOS too (have just read the posts since I last posted), and had several m/c before I fell with my son. I took clomid and metformin to conceive him, and also temperature charted to make sure I timed things well for ovulation. Big hugs to you all, this is such a rollercoaster at times xxx
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Ugh Monday….:sad: my first full week back at work in a while and I have a feeling that it’s going to be difficult. I’m back up to 156 today; I’ve been back and forth between 154 – 156 the past few weeks. I just can’t seem to get the message to my body that it needs to drop pounds, not hold on to them. I think I may need to take a break from the scale though. I’ve gotten into the habit of weighing every day and it’s starting to discourage me. My goals this week are to get 10-12 glasses of water a day, workout at least 4 times and to stay off the scale until next Monday.

    On a happy note, one of my friends got me a S2H Replay for Christmas. It’s a watch that you wear when working out to track how long you exercise. For every 60 minutes of working out it will give me a code to plug into their website, every time I enter a code I get points. My points will add up and I can “buy” gift cards for Target or with my points. If I really save them I can get a Wii or PS2. I'm excited, hopefully this will help to get me back into my workout grove. I’m going to wear it to Zumba tonight. :smile:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Bumping for later - I wanted to save this in my topics!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Happy Monday ladies! Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Purplestar- So good to see someone come out on the other end of pcos and miscarriages with a baby. I myself have lost 2 to date. And I also conceived with metformin and clomid. Anything you did differently that you think helped to have your baby to term?

    Ron- It has been a rough couple of weeks for you...regroup and try and switch things up (like doing an extra 20 or 30 mins of cardio or nixing the dessert at night, etc.). This usually helps get me out of a funk and those nasty plateaus!

    As for me, I'm hitting the ground running today. I just got up and had my green tea and now I'm gonna eat b'fast and change for the gym. Today I'm doing 60 mins of Tracy Anderson's treadmill workout, 60 mins Tracy Anderson mat method toning, and then tonight I'm going to do 60 mins cardio kickbox. I've mentioned before I'm following the diet solution protein type plan and it's been a slow go but I'm hoping I'm getting it down. My sugar cravings yesterday were pretty bad so we will see today.

    Previous weight (last week at the Dr's office): 156 lbs
    CW: 150 lbs
    GW: 135-140