Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Morning girls!

    Jenny - I can imagine being lumped in with another country/nationality would be frustrating! I will freely admit that my "lumping" is due to ignorance. I guess Canada never seemed "foreign" enough to peak my interest to do more research on it (no offense, i feel the same way about Mexico....:tongue: )

    Pam - good job on the sugar kick! Glad it's not too hard, hopefully the cravings stay small each day passes that AF doesn't show the more excited I get...I've been talking to the hubs about it and i think he's kinda getting excited too ...he doesn't want it to happen until next month but i keep telling him if i AM than it will take the pressure off, the other problem is we have A LOT of social functions coming up that drinking will be involved so I guess he's more excited about having a perm DD for the rest of the time he's here :laugh:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    LOL - it was only last year we need a passport to get into the US....we're not really foreign. I like to think of us like one big American (North American, that is) family including Mexico too.

    Still going strong on the no cravings bit. I am having a dessert tonight, but it's no added sugar Strawberry whipped mouse so I figure it fits with this weeks goals (probably not next week's....LOL, but I might as well do it now....HA)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I forgot to mention the reason why I'm so impressed with my new eating plan is because I'm on CD2 and I've yet to hunt down a pizza and brownies and ice cream! Even though I'm pretty good at my nutrition throughout the weeks...come AF time I eat HORRIBLE! My hormones and my cravings are unstoppable. But with AF here and absolutely no sugar cravings I'm really on board with this whole thing!
  • Hopeful4757
    Hi Ladies. I had a really good eating day and people brought treats to work - bonus for being good.

    jennybobenny - Thank you for all the info. on Boxing Day too. I loved it! I did stop and pause to think about why people would go shopping after Christmas, but then realized there were deals/incentives involved. Gotcha. You all seem to celebrate in fun ways. When I think of boxing, I think of the sport - :laugh: I get the charity "boxes" now. I still like the whole idea of it. I also noticed you mentioned getting books. They seemed to be good ones/best sellers. I recently started a book club and would LOVE any suggestions of really good books to discuss - anyone who has, I'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance.

    Alisa - What are you waiting for to take that test? I'm so excited for you I can't believe you haven't yet.

    Pam - way to go with the sugar :-)

    Heather - I don't follow a specific eating "plan." I really just try to eat as healthy as I can and as fresh/natural. Some books that might help you: There is a small excerpt in "What to Expect Before You're Expecting" that tells what are some good foods. There was also another book another MFP girl read that was "The 100 Healthiest Foods During Pregnancy." I'm not sure if the title is exactly correct, but you can probably google it.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Hopeful - My Fertility Friend is giving that as the best day to test...trying not to drive myself crazy until then...only one more will be CD35 so technically on a normal 28 day cycle it would be officially a week late.

    I think i'm psyching myself out husband keeps asking if i feel be honest i can't remember what pregnant feels like :laugh:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Alisa, if you private msg me a link to your chart, I can take a look and tell you if it looks like you're in fact pregnant. How many days have your temps been above the coverline?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    So exciting :D:happy:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Hopeful - My Fertility Friend is giving that as the best day to test...trying not to drive myself crazy until then...only one more will be CD35 so technically on a normal 28 day cycle it would be officially a week late.

    I think i'm psyching myself out husband keeps asking if i feel be honest i can't remember what pregnant feels like :laugh:

    I've got my fingers crossed for you!!!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies! I miss you guys. Just wanted to let you all know that I have been reading up on you and thinking about you! Hope you are all doing well.

    Alisa- Make sure you test first thing in the AM. I got a lot of false negatives when I first was testing. And don't test two times in a row.

    Everything has been good here. So far I am at 10 weeks tommorow and we have had two ultrasounds. The baby is good so far. I am deep in the 1st trimester symptoms. I have been throwing up many times a day (I can't keep much down) and I have been VERY tired while working.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I know there are a few PCOSers here...what are your thoughts on temping? I've done it off and on and my temps are always crazy and never ever consistent. Should I still do it or just use my OPK next month? Also, when exactly is a good time to take Robitussin to help thin secretions?
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Erica- I'm posting this from my phone so I'll send my chart later, my temps never really spiked persay...the week I should have my thermometer broke, then I started again with a new one but I'm concerned that I either didn't ovulate or did, got pregnant and it leveled out, my temps range on any given day from 96.2-97.3 with no pattern....I might test in the morning, I'm at the end of CD33 and haven't even had any spotting....just clear/white slick discharge (sorry TMI)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I know there are a few PCOSers here...what are your thoughts on temping? I've done it off and on and my temps are always crazy and never ever consistent. Should I still do it or just use my OPK next month? Also, when exactly is a good time to take Robitussin to help thin secretions?

    Temping never worked for me - it just drove me mad :explode: I'm still silly enough to try it next month, so if you think that some of your issues have been resolved, I say try it......

    Robitussen probably should start Day 10, but there is some controversy around it. I know when we first started TTC someone recommended Green Tea to me. I was drinking about 5 cups of it a day and I know it was working because I've never had such a runny nose :cry: (that's not meant to be crying.....LOL After getting on here, I learned that green tea isn't good to take in the 2ww though and that it's best to switch to pomegranate juice after O'ing, but then I read that pomegranate is an estrogen mimicker (the other day), so I'm not sure now. Green tea does work to thin secretions though...definitely as does proper hydration.

    AnneElise - so happy to hear that you're sick all the time. LOL It means that there is definitely a little peanut in there :) Can't believe you're 10 weeks along already. Thanks for the update and can't wait to hear about your little one.
  • JennyBoBenny
    Yay Anne Elise! Nice to see you! So happy things are going well! Wow, you're close to second trimester! Woo hoo! Sorry to hear you're so sick and so tired... but at the same time I CAN'T WAIT to be sick and tired!! :D

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thanks Pam for the info. I feel with making a baby and nutrition I get more "this is good/this is bad" then anything else in this world! It gets so confusing! Maybe I will just stick to preseed, acupuncture, OPK, metformin, and Clomid of course. I started taking wheat germ oil and increased my omega 3's as well. I actually found this link at some point throughout my search for "the answer" after my miscarriages:

    It is scary how similar my story is with hers (almost identical in some instances). I'm following the same eating plan and the same supplements (except the vitamin she took which I believe is to induce a cycle which I don't have problems with). It is a light at the end of the tunnel for me because of her outcome. Sometimes that is all we need is to see someone with our problem get the solution we want/need!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Friday! Make healthy choices my friends!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Erica- I'm posting this from my phone so I'll send my chart later, my temps never really spiked persay...the week I should have my thermometer broke, then I started again with a new one but I'm concerned that I either didn't ovulate or did, got pregnant and it leveled out, my temps range on any given day from 96.2-97.3 with no pattern....I might test in the morning, I'm at the end of CD33 and haven't even had any spotting....just clear/white slick discharge (sorry TMI)

    Yeah, a new thermometer could definitely mess with your pattern and make it hard to determine O. Good luck testing!

    I should throw in there, though, that those are REALLY LOW temps, especially for post-O. That's where my pre-O temps range and my temps are low due to hypothyroidism. Have you ever gotten your thyroid levels checked?
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Well...I caved and tested this morning and the reading on the digital screen said "not pregnant":cry: .
    To be honest, I only half believe that. When I was pregnant with my son I took test after test saying not pregnant, not pregnant, then finally went to the Dr. 2 weeks later and they confirmed. Going to just relax and give it some time then test again maybe next week if AF hasn't shown up. I'm honestly not super upset that i'm not pregnant, im mad that i'm not pregnant AND AF hasn't shown up yet....our window of conception is getting smaller and smaller
    I'm trying to determine something though...if maybe i ovulated later then wouldn't my 2ww be different? I used a different type of OPK this month (the kind where you have to determine if the line is darker than the test line) and it LOOKED like it was positive on CD15 but what if it wasn't and i misread it and i really didn't O until say CD25 which was when the hubs and I stopped using condoms bc we thought we were in the clear so if i didn't O until then...wouldn't it be CD39 that would be appropriate to test? Ugh...I'm sooooo confused!!!:explode: :explode:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm trying to determine something though...if maybe i ovulated later then wouldn't my 2ww be different? I used a different type of OPK this month (the kind where you have to determine if the line is darker than the test line) and it LOOKED like it was positive on CD15 but what if it wasn't and i misread it and i really didn't O until say CD25 which was when the hubs and I stopped using condoms bc we thought we were in the clear so if i didn't O until then...wouldn't it be CD39 that would be appropriate to test? Ugh...I'm sooooo confused!!!:explode: :explode:

    Yes, if you O late, then AF will be correspondingly late. So if you didn't O until CD 25 and you have a 14 day LP, then AF would be late until CD 41.

    Also, clear slick discharge is fertile CM. It could mean that you're Oing now or it could mean that AF is on her way.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'm trying to determine something though...if maybe i ovulated later then wouldn't my 2ww be different? I used a different type of OPK this month (the kind where you have to determine if the line is darker than the test line) and it LOOKED like it was positive on CD15 but what if it wasn't and i misread it and i really didn't O until say CD25 which was when the hubs and I stopped using condoms bc we thought we were in the clear so if i didn't O until then...wouldn't it be CD39 that would be appropriate to test? Ugh...I'm sooooo confused!!!:explode: :explode:

    Yes, if you O late, then AF will be correspondingly late. So if you didn't O until CD 25 and you have a 14 day LP, then AF would be late until CD 41.

    Also, clear slick discharge is fertile CM. It could mean that you're Oing now or it could mean that AF is on her way.

    I was just going to say the same thing on the CM...LOL. That coupled with the lower temps, maybe you should also do an OPK, just to be sure. With the holidays and hubs home and stress from the last few weeks, then maybe it was a delayed cycle.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Wow! So much going on!

    Alisa - I wish you luck. Your LP doesn't start until you O, so if you O late, then your cycle would be longer. It's a big pain when you're TTC, but that's where temping comes in handy. I hope it all works out for the +!!!

    Green Tea/Pomegranate Juice: So the stitch is that you're supposed to drink Green Tea every day until O to increase CM, but not after because it can cause uterine cramps (which is not goos when want implantation). You're supposed to drink Pomegranate Juice (the more pure the better) to increase the uterine lining, you drink it from CD 1 until O. I did Pom for 1 month had it worked for me... with horrid consequences: I had the worst AF I have ever had - the thicker lining meant worsened cramps for my body to expel it.

    Just thought I'd "weigh in".

    Here's a link to The Bump's intro for TTC - it's some good info (even though it's filled with attitude).
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks Ladies! I don't know what i would do w/o all your knowledge! You guys are awesome! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I went ahead and made a dr. appointment for next week to have all my levels checks, thyroid issues run in my family (grandfather, mother and brother all have problems) so i'm going to have them check that for sure! I'm sure if AF hasn't shown up by then they will check for preggo then too, so i'll just hold off on re-testing until then.

    We BD'd last night, so hopefully if this CM is in fact fertile it was a good time for it, but the hubs has been sick so hopefully we can get busy a few more times....i also just went to the store and bought the digital OPK's that i like, so we'll see!