Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    My goals for January:

    Get back to tracking calories.
    Work out at least 5 days a week.
    Lose at least half an inch on each thigh and my tummy.
    Drink all of my water every day.
    Get under 130 and maintain on that side.

    I'm up to 133.something this morning. I'm hoping it's from too much sodium yesterday. I don't think it's possible that I ate enough calories in a week to gain 2-3 pounds... :noway:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    First weigh in of the new year....scary that I can't rely on past gains...I've corrected my tickers and stuff - they were slightly off. Not sure why these numbers differed from my manual records, but I've corrected it so we're on the right track now.

    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 1: 237.9lbs (-3.9 lbs)

    My focus for the week is to come under on calories at least 5 days, help my hubby walk the dogs at least 3x, do all my BL workouts and get 9-12 glasses of water daily. I know I have mini goals posted below, but my first one really is to get below 233 in the next 2 weeks - that was my lowest weight of last year - between November and December, I gained back almost 10lbs so my first order of business is to take that back off and I think two weeks at this point is reasonable.

    I'm waiting for AF to show up. I did the second HPT last Thursday and it was an immediate negative so I enjoyed my single glass of champagne on New Years Eve. My Days on the phone is predicting that she should show up on Jan 6 and I don't think it'll be too far off. That in itself is such a major major major accomplishment!!! The fact that something is capable of predicting AF when I have never had anything accurately do it in the past is just amazing - if I can predict AF, then I can predict potential ovulations, which means we have some semblance (okay - so only a minute one right now) of getting pregnant on our own. We only have one more cycle to try (so the chance is so slim) before our fertility appointment, but even a sliver of hope is hope.

    My last day off for the holidays.....Think I'm going to go have my breakfast and then finish packing away some of the decorations and then get to my workout.......Happy Monday everyone!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    First weigh in of the new year! I usually weigh in on Fridays...but I'm going to do this Monday thing and see how it goes. Last time I tried, it was just too depressing most Mondays. I just seem to have a really hard time remembering that I'm going to have to weigh in on Monday. Like today for example:

    SW 2011: 134.2 (that's two pounds up from last Friday).

    Now, AF is just around the corner (durn it), so that could contribute...and maybe it is the 8 frosted sugar cookies, pizza and peanut butter rice krispy treats that I couldn't keep my mitts off of yesterday at my in-law's house. Haha. (Gotta laugh--the other choice is cry!) It was not a proud day for calorie counting. But, that's how it goes sometimes, so today I'm dusting my self off, and saddling back up. I did my 3 mile workout this morning, and might be able to get a few more in later today...depending on what my little guy who isn't feeling well does today.

    Goal for 2011: Get the last 5-10 off and work on maintenance. Get pregnant. More specifically for January: Walk at least 65 miles this month. (That works out to be an average of at least 30 of exercise minutes a day). Log the calories as best I can. Incorporate more strength training. (I've ordered the Kettleworx system--it's a Christmas present...we'll see how that goes...I have no idea what to expect.) Start Clomid and see what happens.

    Good luck to everyone. New month, new year, new cycles, new possibilities....
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    First weigh in of the new year! I usually weigh in on Fridays...but I'm going to do this Monday thing and see how it goes. Last time I tried, it was just too depressing most Mondays. I just seem to have a really hard time remembering that I'm going to have to weigh in on Monday. Like today for example:

    SW 2011: 134.2 (that's two pounds up from last Friday).

    Now, AF is just around the corner (durn it), so that could contribute...and maybe it is the 8 frosted sugar cookies, pizza and peanut butter rice krispy treats that I couldn't keep my mitts off of yesterday at my in-law's house. Haha. (Gotta laugh--the other choice is cry!) It was not a proud day for calorie counting. But, that's how it goes sometimes, so today I'm dusting my self off, and saddling back up. I did my 3 mile workout this morning, and might be able to get a few more in later today...depending on what my little guy who isn't feeling well does today.

    Goal for 2011: Get the last 5-10 off and work on maintenance. Get pregnant. More specifically for January: Walk at least 65 miles this month. (That works out to be an average of at least 30 of exercise minutes a day). Log the calories as best I can. Incorporate more strength training. (I've ordered the Kettleworx system--it's a Christmas present...we'll see how that goes...I have no idea what to expect.) Start Clomid and see what happens.

    Good luck to everyone. New month, new year, new cycles, new possibilities....

    When are you starting Clomid? I am starting Clomid again in February.
  • SkinnyOat
    Had my first weigh-in of 2011 this AM. I wasn't expecting much since I opened my shiny new scale Thursday and put that weight in as my current weight, so I wasn't surprised to only be down 0.2! It's definately the right direction. Especially considering I ate out for different events 4 times over the past 4 days.

    Just bought a Groupon deal for Jazzercise with my mom. Unlimited classes for 2 months. That will definately help kick start my exercising for 2011. It's so nice to read everyone's fresh starts and goals for 2011. VERY INSPIRING, LADIES! Hope you're all having a good day!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Good day!

    So it's a holiday here in Nova Scotia, so hubby is home today,a nd tomorrow is my first real day of not having a job. I thik I'm going to like it!

    Pam - I saw the CBC challenge and registered, but haven't signed up for much yet. I'll make some time to look at it later today.

    Ron - what a cool watch/points program!

    To everyone who is new, welcome!

    So, I weighed in on Saturday, deleted all my previous stats, and re-set my entire profile. I'm starting fresh. I'll weigh in 17th, if I can hold out that long.

    On day 1 I worked out, yesterday was Zumba, and I am going to workout in a few minutes again. Here's hoping! Not so sure about my calories..... already today I've had WAY too many. Maybe I can off-set it with a good salad tonight. Maybe i'll add in some haddock too.

    TTC - we're in cycle 4 now, but not in the fun part of it yet. Next week will be fun, that's for sure!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    jalara- Thanks for keeping this group up - what a neat concept! How do you like Zumba? My sister in law gave me a DVD and a certificate for classes for Zumba for Christmas, which I am really excited to start!

    SkinnyOat - I'm impressed by your scale going down over the holiday! Nice job! You must have made some great choices at those 4 restaurants :) I saw the Groupon for Jazzercise this morning - have you done it before?

    kah78- I am up a couple pounds from my last weigh in; I was bad for New Years then had sushi with a lot of soy sauce! I'm hoping it will come off this week! PS - you have some great goals!!

    fitterpam - Nice job on losing during the holiday!

    ericaroo - great goals! Mine are pretty similar!

    heathercrist1 - How do you like Tracy Anderson? I listen to cosmo radio (sattelite station) and one of the hosts on there absolutely loves her stuff. How long have you been doing it?

    ron - Don't let being up bring you down!!! I'm sure a lot of us are up due to sodium alone!!! That watch thing is so fun!!! I'm going to google it now! :)

    I'm embarressed to say that I don't know what AF is - I am new to message boards. Can someone clue me in? :) I should be ovulating Friday so my husband and I are crossing our fingers! I had kind of a weird period (only two days, though very heavy) and this last week I felt pretty sick, so it got our hopes up, but I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I've had some dizzy spells too, so I am going to the doctor on Friday. I am secretly hoping he does some bloodwork and says that i AM pregnant, but it will probably just be that my thyroid meds need to be adjusted or that I have a bug or something. Does anyone in this group have thyroid issues? How does it affect TTC?

    Goals: Get to 125 this year slowly, gaining some muscle along the way. Take my prenatal vitamins faithfully. Drink enough water. Whittle at my waist. Workout at least 4 days a week. Get pregnant!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry AndreaMichelle, AF is Aunt Flo (so your period).....LOL

    I have a slightly high thyroid, so the fertility doctor has put me on meds. She says that it can not only impact TTC efforts, but carrying a healthy pregnancy to term too. It also inhibits weight loss so triple whammy - YAY! NOT!

    And I so didn't lose over the holidays...LOL, overally, I gained about 10lbs since November.....working on taking it back off slowly though!!!! WOO HOO!!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I have thyroid issues, too. What Pam said is correct. It can make your cycles pretty wacky if your levels are off.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Hey Ladies! I have missed you all! i've been creeping every few days but with my parents in town and with the holidays i haven't had much time to post....and when i DID post i wrote this big long dissertation and then it never posted! :mad:

    Glad to see everyone back from the holiday break with some pretty admirable goals! Welcome newbies! i'm excited to get to know you all and keeping my fingers crossed for some BFP this month! New month, new year, ready to get things started! I'm still deciding WHAT i want my goals to be...I'm up to 142 from 134...however, this month being our first and only month TTC. So i'm going to focus on just staying active, eating healthy and enjoying the little time i have left with my hubby.

    I am on CD 30 and waiting on AF to show....4 weeks until deployment, so the longer it takes AF to show the smaller our TTC window becomes! Unless i'm already preggo (which per a test on Saturday i'm not....) FF says i should wait until this Saturday to we shall see what happens, we stopped using condoms last week (CD 25) so it would be a shock if i was preggo but i guess crazier things have happened.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member

    heathercrist1 - How do you like Tracy Anderson? I listen to cosmo radio (sattelite station) and one of the hosts on there absolutely loves her stuff. How long have you been doing it?

    I'm embarressed to say that I don't know what AF is - I am new to message boards. Can someone clue me in? :)

    I do love Tracy Anderson. I tend to have large thighs, hips, and butt and her method is all about creating long lean bodies as opposed to the muscular athletic body mine becomes with weights and traditional forms of cardio.

    Oh and don't be took me a month before asking what AF meant. There are so many terms used for the whole fertility thing that finally I googled and found a list of all the common ones. I was in the dark until the day I found that list! lol!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Pam & Erica - thanks for the tips on the thyroid issue! I moved my appt to Thursday; hopefully it's on track for now. I would hate for that to be the reason I haven't gotten pregnant yet :(

    Also Heather & Pam, thanks for the abbreviation tutorial. I will have to look those up so I can understand all that is said on here! :) Also, I will look into Tracy Anderson more. I tend to bulk up in my thighs and butt too, so lengthening sounds wonderful to me!
  • Hopeful4757
    Hi everyone. Not a good weigh in today. I was up .8 lbs. from where I was last January 3rd.... Seriously. I WILL do this this year.

    fitterpam - my friend had very irregular cycles and bought ovulation stick tests. They really helped her with figuring out when she was. They vary in price and you could get them in a 7 day pack or 20. I did them for a little bit, but they started driving me a little crazy because I was relying on them and getting disappointed a bit. They helped her a lot though.

    I think I am going to push myself to do 125 miles this year. That averages out to a little over mile every third day. That seems like I can achieve it without feeling pressured. I probably will go over that, but at least can track how many miles I go between the treadmill/elliptical. It would be something to keep me on track.

    I hope everybody had a nice Monday. I'm off to make dinner.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hi everyone. Not a good weigh in today. I was up .8 lbs. from where I was last January 3rd.... Seriously. I WILL do this this year.

    fitterpam - my friend had very irregular cycles and bought ovulation stick tests. They really helped her with figuring out when she was. They vary in price and you could get them in a 7 day pack or 20. I did them for a little bit, but they started driving me a little crazy because I was relying on them and getting disappointed a bit. They helped her a lot though.

    I think I am going to push myself to do 125 miles this year. That averages out to a little over mile every third day. That seems like I can achieve it without feeling pressured. I probably will go over that, but at least can track how many miles I go between the treadmill/elliptical. It would be something to keep me on track.

    I hope everybody had a nice Monday. I'm off to make dinner.

    I might have to try them again, although they are notoriously inaccurate for people with PCOS, now that I might be cycling properly, it might work now that the Metformin is doing their things. Might as well try for January cycle - going to do a single cycle of temping too.....just to see where I am compared to 4 years ago. I think that combined with the tests and the FAM stuff should tell me what I'm doing. Sometimes I wish they just had a full hormone testing machine that you used every day so I could just tell....LOL
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Totally agree Pam. I used the OPK this month and never got a positive. I'm thinking that until Feb when I do Clomid again I won't ovulate. Have you ever gotten a positive when using OPK?
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Happy New Year to you all!! I have been reading on my phone but since we were with our families all during the holidays, I couldn't really log on to post. We haven't told anyone that we are trying. We are from a small town and everyone knows everyone's business and I would like it best if my whole town didn't know that we were having trouble.

    Anyways, on the weight loss side, I thought that my Jan 1 weigh in was going to be really bad. The lowest I saw before Christmas was 137.8 and on Jan. 1 it was 139.8 so only a 2 lb gain for the holidays. I am not complaining. I ate everything I wanted but limited my portions. My goals for the year are to hopefully get to 125 and stay that way, unless of course a baby decides to show up in my belly. :) DH has decided that he needs to loose weight too, so we are going to do this together. He wants to make a competition out of it which is great because I hate to loose, so that will modivate me even more. I have one more road bump coming up. We are heading out to Phoenix to the National Championship game. We are huge Auburn fans and we are really excited. We will be there Thursday - Tuesday, so living in a hotel for 5 days cannot be a good diet. After we get back Tuesday night, I have to leave for a conference at Disney World from Wednesday to Saturday. I am hoping that I will have time to work out in the hotel gyms.

    On the TTC side, I went to the doctor the Monday before Christmas. They did a U/S to make sure everything looked good to do another round of Clomid. Unfortunately, I had a lot of cysts. They said to skip this month with the Clomid and we would start up again next month along with the Ovidriel shot and then IUI. That is if AF decides to show up on her own, which she has never done except the first time when I was 14 years old. I am on Day 19 and I have not had a + OPK yet. DH is not real excited about the IUI but we can't afford to keep doing this month after month. I am having to pay $150 everytime I have to get a U/S, which is about 4 a month. It kills me how insurance will pay for abortions but want pay for fertility.

    I hope everyone is able to stick to their goals, at least for 1 week ;)
  • Hopeful4757
    That is really interesting with the OPKs. My friend that used them did have PCOS and they helped her conceive. She did see the + and did them for about 4 months. I did them for about three months and got really frustrated because I never saw a totally clear positive. On day 16 of my cycle, it seemed to be the closest to what a positive would be, but when I showed my friend (I hit a new frustration level), she said it was not positive. I finally got fed up and didn't do it this past month. My cycles have been regular so I was sick of the not getting a positive.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hopeful, I've had fairly regular cycles for years and never ovulate on my own (hence why I never get a positive on the OPKs). That's one of the thing about PCOS that makes it so hard to conceive. Some women with pcos do in fact ovulate on their own but some women don't. Also, sometimes ovulation can occur at totally crazy times during your cycle (not the usual day 10 through day 20ish) with pcos. It is a dirty little monster that pcos I tell ya!

    On a "go me" note...I got in all of my workouts today! No excuses. It felt so good. I'm also finally coming off of my sugar detox. I'm starting to feel really good following the protein plan on the diet solution program. Basically it is all about eating clean, low glycemic index foods every 3-4 hours (which I already did). I've learned so much like how soy is poison and actually increases infertility (YIKES!!!). Today is definitely a good day.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hopeful, I've had fairly regular cycles for years and never ovulate on my own (hence why I never get a positive on the OPKs). That's one of the thing about PCOS that makes it so hard to conceive. Some women with pcos do in fact ovulate on their own but some women don't. Also, sometimes ovulation can occur at totally crazy times during your cycle (not the usual day 10 through day 20ish) with pcos. It is a dirty little monster that pcos I tell ya!

    On a "go me" note...I got in all of my workouts today! No excuses. It felt so good. I'm also finally coming off of my sugar detox. I'm starting to feel really good following the protein plan on the diet solution program. Basically it is all about eating clean, low glycemic index foods every 3-4 hours (which I already did). I've learned so much like how soy is poison and actually increases infertility (YIKES!!!). Today is definitely a good day.

    Yup - I used to drink Soy Milk all the time and I cut it completely when I found out that it mimics estrogen, throwing your hormones out of whack, if you already have hormonal sensitivities. There are a few other foods. Quite a few people I know have been successful on the paleo diet for PCOS.....I just haven't found the courage to go that far yet....
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    First weigh in of the new year! I usually weigh in on Fridays...but I'm going to do this Monday thing and see how it goes. Last time I tried, it was just too depressing most Mondays. I just seem to have a really hard time remembering that I'm going to have to weigh in on Monday. Like today for example:

    SW 2011: 134.2 (that's two pounds up from last Friday).

    Now, AF is just around the corner (durn it), so that could contribute...and maybe it is the 8 frosted sugar cookies, pizza and peanut butter rice krispy treats that I couldn't keep my mitts off of yesterday at my in-law's house. Haha. (Gotta laugh--the other choice is cry!) It was not a proud day for calorie counting. But, that's how it goes sometimes, so today I'm dusting my self off, and saddling back up. I did my 3 mile workout this morning, and might be able to get a few more in later today...depending on what my little guy who isn't feeling well does today.

    Goal for 2011: Get the last 5-10 off and work on maintenance. Get pregnant. More specifically for January: Walk at least 65 miles this month. (That works out to be an average of at least 30 of exercise minutes a day). Log the calories as best I can. Incorporate more strength training. (I've ordered the Kettleworx system--it's a Christmas present...we'll see how that goes...I have no idea what to expect.) Start Clomid and see what happens.

    Good luck to everyone. New month, new year, new cycles, new possibilities....

    When are you starting Clomid? I am starting Clomid again in February.

    This next cycle-January. Right now I'm waiting for AF to arrive--should be here in the next few days,so I guess we'll get this party started quite shortly! I've heard mixed reviews about weight gain with Clomid....can anyone share their experience?