Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • SkinnyOat
    AndreaMichelle - I have never done Jazzercise before. My mom has been bugging me to try it with her, so I figured this would be the cheapest way to go for it. We did an aerobics class together for 10 weeks at the end of 2010. I didn't care for it, too Jane Fonda-ish for me. I'm hoping the Jazzercise is a little more exciting and less like my grandfather's calisthenics.

    I used the rower last night again. That thing is a butt-kicker! But between having it set up, the treadmill being in regular rotation, and starting Jazzercise, I'm hoping the variety of workouts will keep me from getting bored (which is my usual problem). And I've had two days in a row staying under my calories! That's a first!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    This next cycle-January. Right now I'm waiting for AF to arrive--should be here in the next few days,so I guess we'll get this party started quite shortly! I've heard mixed reviews about weight gain with Clomid....can anyone share their experience?

    I literally despise Clomid and how it makes me feel. For the entire month after taking Clomid I feel like I'm in a state of PMS on steroids. All I want to do is eat and sit on the couch with a blanket and watch t.v. (totally not me at all). I did gain weight but it was from the lack of exercise and the increase in unhealthy food. This time I'm going to make every effort possible to stay in my routine. I was thinking about not listening to the doc and starting it this cycle...but I'd like to have another month to get back into my workout routine and get as close to my weight goal as possible. Good luck though. If you have any questions just let me know.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    One of my friends on BBC has done several cycles with Clomid and recommends gatorade for the bloat and cramps that come with it. She swears it makes all the difference in the world.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Got the call today from the specialist and evidently I'm "perfect"...after 15 tubes of blood, everything came out normal. They tested for clotting disorders, thyroid issues, inflammation, etc. and everything is perfectly how it should be. Good news yes, bad news that now there is nothing to fix. Guess I will continue to increase my folic acid, omega 3's, and continue my prenatals, baby aspirin, and Calcium w/Vit D3 and eat a low glycemic index diet. They want me to come in and see them as soon as I become pregnant again but I'm not sure what they would do differently than has been done before. Hopefully February will bring a BFP and the 3rd time will be my charm!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Well it's a new year with a new beginning! Welcome to the group newbies!

    2010= a year of transition. Friendships that I have had for many years are beginning to dissolve as we take different paths, DH and I celebrated our 1st anniversary and started a business as landlords (bought house #2), and I am beginning to see what the future may have in store.
    It is a little hard to explain, but I feel different now. It's like I am officially an adult and not a "young adult" for the first time. Maybe it's just the realization that I am becoming older.... (LOL is will be turning 27 tomorrow...I know it's not old, just the look of life is a little different) Before I didn't know what would come of the future, but no it seems to be coming into focus. We will be a family (hopefully very soon) and living life as time comes and goes.

    2011= the beginning of our family! (lets hope:wink: )
    Goals 2011: get to 135 and maintain between 130 and 135. Get Preggo and stay active through the pregnancy.
    This week: 1) drink more water, at least 6-10 classes 2) exercise 3 times for at least 30 minutes (not including teaching) 3) Say under calories at least 3 times

    TTC: Well DH and I are officially TTC, but my body is not cooperating! AF has decided to return for round 2 this month. Second sight of her came only 15 days into the last cycle and now she won't go away. It usually only lasts 5-7 days max but this time she has stuck around for 9. I thought she was done yesterday, but this morning she says otherwise! It is very light, but just enough to be a nuisance. This is making trying to predict ovulation time pretty hard, if it even happens. I guess we will just shoot in the dark and hope for the best. :tongue:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    heather, that's great news and also very frustrating. I hope they get it figured out so you can have your take-home baby soon!

    kcurtis, that's really frustrating. I know you don't want to, but I'd really go see your doctor in the next couple of months if things don't start regulating. You've been off your BC long enough that you should be back to normal.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    heather, that's great news and also very frustrating. I hope they get it figured out so you can have your take-home baby soon!

    kcurtis, that's really frustrating. I know you don't want to, but I'd really go see your doctor in the next couple of months if things don't start regulating. You've been off your BC long enough that you should be back to normal.

    I hear ya! I was thinking the same thing. We will see how Jan. goes then I'll prolly go in. :smile:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Got the call today from the specialist and evidently I'm "perfect"...after 15 tubes of blood, everything came out normal. They tested for clotting disorders, thyroid issues, inflammation, etc. and everything is perfectly how it should be. Good news yes, bad news that now there is nothing to fix. Guess I will continue to increase my folic acid, omega 3's, and continue my prenatals, baby aspirin, and Calcium w/Vit D3 and eat a low glycemic index diet. They want me to come in and see them as soon as I become pregnant again but I'm not sure what they would do differently than has been done before. Hopefully February will bring a BFP and the 3rd time will be my charm!

    Glad to hear your are "perfect"! That's great news! Maybe not being stressed that there could be an issue will be all you need! :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - this is when my magic hormone home machine would come in handy...then you could pinpoint exactly was going on every day and spot potential trouble. I hope the next one is a sticky one - even without the machine. At least there is no fatal flaw that will stop you from getting pregnant.....but this is almost worse.

    KCurtis - I absolutely hate the double months.....hate with a passion, I should say.

    I haven't felt this PMSy phsyically in about 10 years...I haven't been able to eat much today because I'm so bloated that food and water make me feel unbelievable uncomfortable. I am hoping this is a good sign that the meds are effecting me well but I wore pants today that I wore with no issues on Boxing Day (actually the ones in my profile pic) and I just came home and put on track pants because they were so uncomfortable....I'm lighter than I was on Boxing day weight wise, so I can only attribute to bloat. And since AF is supposed to hit any day, it's not really surprising. This has been going on and off for about 2 weeks now (one of the reasons I thought I might get a BFP last week). From a testing perspective, if I count against the second cycle in 2 weeks, I might still be preg, but won't be able to test for another week or two if AF doesn't show.

    *sigh* Whoever said "the joys of being a woman" should sit in my chair for a day....LOL
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Got the call today from the specialist and evidently I'm "perfect"...after 15 tubes of blood, everything came out normal. They tested for clotting disorders, thyroid issues, inflammation, etc. and everything is perfectly how it should be. Good news yes, bad news that now there is nothing to fix. Guess I will continue to increase my folic acid, omega 3's, and continue my prenatals, baby aspirin, and Calcium w/Vit D3 and eat a low glycemic index diet. They want me to come in and see them as soon as I become pregnant again but I'm not sure what they would do differently than has been done before. Hopefully February will bring a BFP and the 3rd time will be my charm!

    Wow--I remember feeling a little crazy when my blood work all came back normal. My brain and heart had a really hard time reconciling it all....It was "good" news because nothing was wrong, and yet it was like a kick in the pants because I wanted something to show up that we could work on fixing! Ugh. Hang in's hoping #3 is the one!
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    I had not heard about soy causing infertility. I was a vegetarian for a couple of years and I still don't eat beef. I do find myself eating a lot of soy products still. What other foods can cause infertility? I might be able to solve some problems with a change of diet.
  • erlagis
    erlagis Posts: 20
    I'm new to this group but I have to say it's so wonderful to read all of your posts. Y'all are so positive and inspiring, I'm very excited to become part of this group.

    My husband and I took day trip yesterday and came home very late so I didn't check in. I hope it's okay for me to do the check-in today.

    My goal for 2011 is:
    1) get to 132lb
    2) get pregnant

    My goal for January is:
    1) loose 3.3 lb (1.5 kg)
    2) exercise for at least 30 min per day

    My goal for this week is:
    1) track calories EVERY day
    2) cook and eat at home
    3) do yoga 3x week and walking 4x week

    Good luck with achieving your goals
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Heather - Glad that things come back normal although frustrating that there isn't like a on/off switch that was just in off position that they could switch! Hopefully you'll get a BPF this month!!

    AFM - about 2 years ago the hubs had this "episode" where he had horrible abdominal pain and we took him to the ER thinking it was his appendix or his gallbladder. They ruled all that out and told him it was probably viral. Well it hasn't happened since, until Christmas eve, we didn't go into the ER bc he took some IB profin and it passed. Then it happened again last night....he finally went to the Dr and they don't frustrating bc he's getting ready to deploy and i would hate for this to happen on the ship...Boo....
    Still no AF - i have felt "smushy" down there all day but is CD 31 and FF says i shouldn't test until Saturday but i'm trying not to get my hopes up....Although it would be nice to just be pregnant and not have so much pressure on this upcoming TTC month...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    kt4u - I'm not sure that soy is bad for all people, and nothing has been shown definitively, but for those with hormonal imbalances already (like PCOS), soy wreaks havoc. Soy is so good for women that are peri-menopausal because it contains compounds that mimic estrogen. For someone with PCOS, there is an excess of estrogen (usually) because of the insulin resistance and hormone receptions being blocked. So increasing estrogen even further just throws you further out of whack.

    BTW, soy is not the only substance to have these compounds. I've heard one of the best diets for PCOSer is the Paleo diet - you can look it up. Basic principle is that you only eat what cavemen would have had access to (so no grains, no soy, no processed/junk food). I've heard it does wonders, but then most PCOSers have insulin resistance and so their bodies don't react properly to sugars and everything that wasn't just listed wouldn't necessarily spike blood sugar, so it targets the main issues. It's a pretty extreme diet and difficult to say not to everything but meats, nuts, fruits and veggies completely but if you can, you can easily change everything about the way your body responds to food.

    Alisa - my fingers are crossed for you.....
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    Happy new year.

    bumping so I can read later!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    kt4u - I'm not sure that soy is bad for all people, and nothing has been shown definitively, but for those with hormonal imbalances already (like PCOS), soy wreaks havoc. Soy is so good for women that are peri-menopausal because it contains compounds that mimic estrogen. For someone with PCOS, there is an excess of estrogen (usually) because of the insulin resistance and hormone receptions being blocked. So increasing estrogen even further just throws you further out of whack.

    BTW, soy is not the only substance to have these compounds. I've heard one of the best diets for PCOSer is the Paleo diet - you can look it up. Basic principle is that you only eat what cavemen would have had access to (so no grains, no soy, no processed/junk food). I've heard it does wonders, but then most PCOSers have insulin resistance and so their bodies don't react properly to sugars and everything that wasn't just listed wouldn't necessarily spike blood sugar, so it targets the main issues. It's a pretty extreme diet and difficult to say not to everything but meats, nuts, fruits and veggies completely but if you can, you can easily change everything about the way your body responds to food.

    Alisa - my fingers are crossed for you.....

    Absolutely agree with this! The best thing I've done is to nix the processed food. Sure I miss my chocolate cheerios and my think thin bars...but the way I feel is so much better than either of those ever tasted! I don't think I could go so extreme but I'm as close I think as any normal person could be!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    kt4u - I'm not sure that soy is bad for all people, and nothing has been shown definitively, but for those with hormonal imbalances already (like PCOS), soy wreaks havoc. Soy is so good for women that are peri-menopausal because it contains compounds that mimic estrogen. For someone with PCOS, there is an excess of estrogen (usually) because of the insulin resistance and hormone receptions being blocked. So increasing estrogen even further just throws you further out of whack.

    And soy is REALLY bad for people with estrogen-reactive cancers.... I avoid it because of my family history with breast cancer.
  • mrsmilk00
    Ok, this is my first time posting in this forum. I am 35 with two teenage sons. I had a tubal ligation when I was married but now me and my bf of 5 years are planning on TTC in a few months. I have been on Metformin for about a year for PCOS. I never had problems with conceiving before but now I am worried because of my age, weight (220's) and the fact it will have to be in-vitro. I figure the first thing I can do is lose some weight before we even see the fertility specialist. Hoping to lose 50 lbs. Hard with the sugar cravings :(
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ok, this is my first time posting in this forum. I am 35 with two teenage sons. I had a tubal ligation when I was married but now me and my bf of 5 years are planning on TTC in a few months. I have been on Metformin for about a year for PCOS. I never had problems with conceiving before but now I am worried because of my age, weight (220's) and the fact it will have to be in-vitro. I figure the first thing I can do is lose some weight before we even see the fertility specialist. Hoping to lose 50 lbs. Hard with the sugar cravings :(

    Hi Mrs. Milk,

    Best thing for the sugar cravings is to cut out sugar all together. It'll help drop the pounds really quickly but more importantly, sugar is an addictive substance, so the more you eat, the more you want. If you cut it out, it'll be really hard for the first few weeks, but will get easier and soon you won't notice it. By scaling back, I've found that I still have really intense cravings so I'm going back to cutting it out (like I did over the summer, but flustered in Sept). The only sweetner I use (once the chocolate is out of the house - TONIGHT yay!!!) is honey or diluted maple syrup. The rest are still processed and refined and so not good, especially with the PCOS.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    kt4u - I'm not sure that soy is bad for all people, and nothing has been shown definitively, but for those with hormonal imbalances already (like PCOS), soy wreaks havoc. Soy is so good for women that are peri-menopausal because it contains compounds that mimic estrogen. For someone with PCOS, there is an excess of estrogen (usually) because of the insulin resistance and hormone receptions being blocked. So increasing estrogen even further just throws you further out of whack.

    And soy is REALLY bad for people with estrogen-reactive cancers.... I avoid it because of my family history with breast cancer.

    Yeah - anyone that is hormone sensitive for sure. There are a bunch of foods that I try and avoid a little bit (not obsessively, but I won't eat them regularly because of the studies have been conclusive). If it's something that concerns you, you can look up estrogen mimicking foods.

    Felt pretty sick today, stomach wise. Think the bloat coupled with first day back at work was the cause. Just want to get this cycle over with (I'm not kidding myself...the chances of me having a BFP this cycle are very very slim since I had neg tests last week and I'm feeling PMSy).....LOL Workout tomorrow and then aquafit on Thursday (they're back to regular schedule after the holidays). Also did all my groceries tonight so have all healthy food in the house again and have been really consistent with the water again :D Someone at work commented that "You've really lost weight. No I mean REALLY." I had to tell him (that's right, boys aren't completely blind.....2 months late....LOL, but not blind). I told him I haven't really lost anything since Nov. But I was wearing my new Christmas outfit to work today and maybe it was more because the clothes actually fit me instead of being too big because I don't want to have to go and buy a new wardrobe yet....:laugh: