Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • rainbowdash
    rainbowdash Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck to all here who are currently TTC. I am new to MFP and hope to conceive in 2011. I am 33 years old, with children ages 5, 3, and 1. I have complicated pregnancies ( I have a history of hyperemesis gravidarum, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, pre-term rupture of membranes/ labor and have C-sections). So, you get the point its not easy for me to be pregnant. I need to loose 9 more pounds to be where i was when I had my first. It would be great if I could lose 15lbs. No matter how much I lose I am likely to have gestational diabetes, but if I loose enough I should not need to take insulin. So that's my story. I look forward to getting to know you all.

    - Laura
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    and a baby aspirin.

    why do you take baby aspirin?
    Does that help when you're TTC?

    Baby aspirin is very beneficial for many reasons. But I would make sure your doctor is okay with you taking a baby aspirin because some people have other issues that would not make it okay to take (or contraindicated). Otherwise, it has many health benefits both with ttc and otherwise.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I had a bad day today. I don't know if it came from my friend's newborn on Friday or my other friend's 5mth old on Wed or the photos my cousin posted today of her 1 year old, but most likely it's a combination of all 3......I used to have bad days all the not so much....Hopefully when I wake up in the morning it will all be back to normal. I know though that even though I go back to the clinic in Feb, we probably won't start treatment until April (we still have to do the therapy portion and then all the hormone testing etc again. Just seems like it's not coming quickly enough....

    Tomorrow's another day - hope it's better than this one....

    Oh and hubby was supposed to go for his test tomorrow, but we kind of messed that up now he's gotta go on Friday
  • JennyBoBenny
    Welcome Laura!!:flowerforyou: Hope this next pregnancy is easier for you!

    Pam: sorry for the broody day! I know it sucks. Hang in there, your little one will come at the perfect time for you even though you don't think it's quick enough! HUGS!

    I bought a new DVD and I worked it yesterday and today and feel fantastic! Definitely tightening some things and that's one of my main focuses!

    Going to start poas in a couple of days - never used OPKs before, but decided it's time to use more than a thermometer to see exactly which day I ovulate. When doing IUI, timing is everything so I figure knowledge is power. :wink:

    Night everyone!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Morning everyone.

    It's been an interesting morning. I got up at 5:30 to exercise. Just as I popped in the DVD, I hear my son coughing and wretching in his crib. So, no exercise--sick little boy instead. Booooo on many levels...but I'm glad it wasn't like, 2 am--at least I got a decent night's rest before he got sick. He's now watching Deigo sitting in the recliner while I type this sitting next to him. Poor guy. My husband is out of town until Wed night. I don't know what I'm going to do if I get this bug while he is gone. Cry among other things. I think I'll go bathe myself in antibacterial cleanser.

    Welcome to the new ladies! Hugs for those of you who have had a rough day or two, and BFPs for all who want them! (Wouldn't it be great if it was that easy?)

    I ordered Kettleworx a few weeks ago and it came. I've done two workouts so far. I'm liking it so far. I make it through the workouts feeling like I mght not have worked as hard as I should have. And then the next day I'm a little sore....and then the next day I'm still sore. So, I guess it's working, which feels good...even if it doesn't. :-) I wanted to incorporate more strength training....this seems to be working. The only thing I don't like so much is that the calorie burn is not as big, so I don't have as many cals to play with each day unless I do an extra walk or something. So that's an adjustment.

    AF arrived as expected. I got my Clomid prescription, so I'm ready to start taking that in the next day or two....assuming I don't come down with whatever my son has. The good news was, it wasn't as expensive as I expected, so that was a nice break. I went and visited my best friend from college--impromptu road trip with my son since hubby isn't home for another few days. I told her about starting clomid and we talked about it--just a little, but enough to make it real to another person, not just me and my husband. She is the only face-to-face person I have told so far. It's been really hard for me to do that, mostly because I don't want it to be a "public" thing, and I haven't told our parents yet basically because they both have so much on their plates right now, actively worrying about grandchildren is not another thing I want to add for I'm taking baby steps (no pun intended). Best friends are good for that--or at least mine is.

    Weigh in: 132.6--down from last week...some of it was water, I'm sure, but hey, I'll take it! Have a good week everyone...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 1: 237.9lbs (-3.9 lbs)
    Week 2: 235.5lbs (-2.4lbs)

    Woke up feeling better mentally, but physically not well.....LOL If it's not one thing, it's another. I do tend to get more emotional around when I get sick so I should have clued in yesterday. I'm taking a sick day and hubby is home to take care of me. Just going to try and eat well and I have a circuit trianing to do today, but we'll see how I feel this evening. I might feel a little better. need to see my doctor since most of my prescriptions have run out and Ihaave no repeats....

    I got some pics of me and my little guy from Friday and I was surprised how well they turned out (with the exception of me not looking in one of them). I was expecting to relegate them to some place I wouldn't see them often, except to look at the little guy, but I think they're going in my photo frame...HA!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    SW: 204
    LW: 156
    CW: 152.5

    This was the time since Thanksgiving that I was able to I stay within my calories every day and worked out 4 times. So I think I shocked my body this week.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Alisa, any update today?

    Has anyone read or heard about the book, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"? A friend of mine just recommended it to me. She said four people recommended it to her (3, TTC and succeeded, 1 using it for BC). One of those TTCers has thyroid issues like myself, which is why I am interested.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Taking Charge of Your Fertility has a lot of great information, I've heard. I haven't read it. Though you can get a lot of the same information for free from the tutorials on Fertility Friend (
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hello Everyone! Wow it’s been way too long since I’ve been here last (the week of Christmas). I’ve been hibernating and not doing anything but I’m ready to be back on track starting today!

    I’m slowly catching up to all of your posts, but want to welcome all the newbie’s, I’ll have more of a personal msg to everyone else as I read through posts.

    TTC – I’m now on cycle 16 and have an appointment on Friday with a specialist, so hopefully DH and I will have some news (good or bad at least we’ll finally know what we’re dealing with!)

    As for Weight loss, I haven’t been doing too much since Christmas to lose weight, but that’ll all change as of today! The last weigh in I had was December 20th and was petrified of the scale, but I lucked out: LW 150.2 CW 151.0! I barely gained a pound, I’m shocked! I do plan on getting back to my regular weekly goals of 80oz of water a day, staying in calorie goals, eating out only once a week, and exercising 4-6 days a week.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • SkinnyOat
    Hello Everyone!
    So many doctor appointments coming up! Hope they all go as well as possible. Been doing good since the new year with tracking and exercising. Only down 0.8lb this morning, but it's going in the right direction. I'll take it! I think I finally roped my DH into a lifestyle change. He's been talking about it for a couple years now, hope he's serious this time. He's always been very supportive of my exercising and eating well, but hasn't really joined me. Let's hope he gets on board; we will need a healthy family for our little ones, not just a healthy mom!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Taking Charge of Your Fertility has a lot of great information, I've heard. I haven't read it. Though you can get a lot of the same information for free from the tutorials on Fertility Friend (

    I lived on TCOYF for the first 2 years we were trying to conceive. They also have a competing website and forums to fertilityfriend. The methodology is much the same, but I found the TCOYF descriptions to be easier to understand. Maybe just because I went crazy on it for a while. I used to own the software too (that would do the same charting) but it wasn't a subscription thing, it was something you downloaded and used. I'm sure I still have a copy of it somewhere, but I stopped temping such a long time ago that I would have to search. They just came out with their 20th anniversary edition. I also just found out that these are the same methodologies that the church teaches to avoid pregnancy (just something I found interesting). There were a lot of helpful pictures in the book that I haven't seen on the FF website either.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Well AF showed up this week and I think all things considered not losing or gaining anything was pretty good.


    Skinnyoat- My husband just this past week called me up and told me that when he gets home this week he wants to get on the wagon with me (FINALLY! lol!). He too has always supported me but has always hated working out and eats what I make but definitely eats junk when he is away from home. He said he's reached the point where he is just disgusted with himself and ready to be healthy (He is not overweight by any means and I find him absolutely gorgeous...but I love the fact that he wants to be healthy for me, future baby, and himself.).

    abeare- Good luck at your appt!

    ron- Good job! I love the saying "It isn't what you do between Thanksgiving and New Years that matters, it is what you do between New Years and Thanksgiving that does." lol!

    My new favorite healthy meal is now spaghetti squash with turkey meatballs and sauce. YUM! I've heard of it before, but never tried it. I HIGHLY recommend it. It really tastes like angel hair pasta but you are getting the benefit of a very healthy vegetable!
    Goal for this week is to have 1 "free" meal (instead of 3 like last week).

    Been on a roll with my exercise. Getting at least 1 hour every single day (even on the weekends). Most days I've been doing 1-2 hours of cardio (spinning, cardio kickboxing, treadmill dance, or intervals on the elliptical) and 45-55 of toning/strength training.
    This weeks goal is to continue on strong! The snow is falling like crazy here but I still braved the ice/snow. Fat cells don't stop expanding just cause it's cold outside!

    Hoping everyone has a great week making lots of healthy choices!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say that I figured out the reason for the emotion and for the sick feeling - I typically feel sick enough to miss a day of work on day 1 (usually before I realize it's day 1) and this cycle is not any different for me. I woke up feeling completely congested and blocked in my sinus'. My head hurt, I ached and I was still a little low energetically.....feeling a little better now, but then AF showed up about 20 minutes ago.....explains everything. I'm pretty sure I ovulated this cycle (just because I have to assume that I did since AF did show up - I rarely have anovulatory cycles without ovulation, at least I tended to ovulate on every cycle that was of a "normal" length in 2002). That means I ovulated on Christmas day or thereabouts.....definitely missed the window.....GRRRRRR.....not going to miss this next one. I don't want to not conceive naturally only because I missed the window!!!

    It's a beautiful day here today. I hope everyone's Monday is a happy one!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member

    My new favorite healthy meal is now spaghetti squash with turkey meatballs and sauce. YUM! I've heard of it before, but never tried it. I HIGHLY recommend it. It really tastes like angel hair pasta but you are getting the benefit of a very healthy vegetable!
    Goal for this week is to have 1 "free" meal (instead of 3 like last week).

    That spaghetti squash sounds yummy, do you have a recipe? If so could you sent it to me?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member

    My new favorite healthy meal is now spaghetti squash with turkey meatballs and sauce. YUM! I've heard of it before, but never tried it. I HIGHLY recommend it. It really tastes like angel hair pasta but you are getting the benefit of a very healthy vegetable!
    Goal for this week is to have 1 "free" meal (instead of 3 like last week).

    That spaghetti squash sounds yummy, do you have a recipe? If so could you sent it to me?


    I made the squash how Rachael Ray's recipe is but then I took a fork and shredded it and put some shredded cheese on it. I made the turkey meatballs as per the other recipe but just used organic spaghetti sauce instead of making my own. It was even delicious heated up for lunch today! Make sure to cook the squash about an hour so it isn't too al dente.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member

    My new favorite healthy meal is now spaghetti squash with turkey meatballs and sauce. YUM! I've heard of it before, but never tried it. I HIGHLY recommend it. It really tastes like angel hair pasta but you are getting the benefit of a very healthy vegetable!
    Goal for this week is to have 1 "free" meal (instead of 3 like last week).

    That spaghetti squash sounds yummy, do you have a recipe? If so could you sent it to me?


    I made the squash how Rachael Ray's recipe is but then I took a fork and shredded it and put some shredded cheese on it. I made the turkey meatballs as per the other recipe but just used organic spaghetti sauce instead of making my own. It was even delicious heated up for lunch today! Make sure to cook the squash about an hour so it isn't too al dente.

    Thanks for sharing this!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member

    My new favorite healthy meal is now spaghetti squash with turkey meatballs and sauce. YUM! I've heard of it before, but never tried it. I HIGHLY recommend it. It really tastes like angel hair pasta but you are getting the benefit of a very healthy vegetable!
    Goal for this week is to have 1 "free" meal (instead of 3 like last week).

    That spaghetti squash sounds yummy, do you have a recipe? If so could you sent it to me?


    I made the squash how Rachael Ray's recipe is but then I took a fork and shredded it and put some shredded cheese on it. I made the turkey meatballs as per the other recipe but just used organic spaghetti sauce instead of making my own. It was even delicious heated up for lunch today! Make sure to cook the squash about an hour so it isn't too al dente.

    I'm excited to try it - thanks!
  • Hopeful4757
    Good luck to everybody with upcoming doctor appointments. The recipe posted also sound great. I have to go figure out what I'm making for dinner tonight. I try to plan the day ahead, but it just doesn't work most of the time and now I have no idea what I want.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Hey ladies! First day back in the work force in 6 week's! Feels good to have somewhere to be during the day while the hubs is at work and the kiddo is at school...doesn't hurt to have another paycheck coming in either! Hehe!

    It also helps my eating and water intake bc I'm limited to to what I pack myself and I just sit at my desk and drink water all day!

    Still no AF, temp went back down to 96.48 so I guess yesterday's spike was just bc of the booze...grr...Dr tomorrow to find out what the heck is up!!