

  • I'm finding that I'm under my calorie goals for the day a lot, but when I do meet the requirements, I feel too full, and nauseous. Does anyone else feel that the calorie amounts are too large for them? I know that I under eat a lot, which is why it was reccomended to me to track all of my foods in this program, but it…
  • I haven't heard of this, but I would probably reccomend aksing a trainer or dietician, or even your MD about it, they would have the most reliabel answer, and could probably help you in figuring how and when to consume your protein so that your stomach doesn't get overwhelmed with having to break it down.
  • I'm so happy for you both! I too found that a lot of people in my life (all of whom have not had weight issues, including my previous doctor) and now that I have tried holistic medicine, the results ahve been great. Not just in the health sense, but actually feeling like someone was listening to me, and not just replaying…