new start, new momentum

So I just recently signed up for this little tracking system, and so far I like it, its simple to use, and although i've been a bit off track, being able to see where I've turned on the wrong paths helps me in being able to place calories infront of the foods I plan to eat, before I eat them. I decided to lose my excess weight in order to let myself be the person that I always have wanted to be... I'm wondering what other peoples inspirations for losing weight are, besides feeling healthier and living longer (which is a huge bonus), what are some fo the personal reasons that you may not be willing to tel the average joe walking down the street? or even your doctor or trainer for the real reasons for your wanting to finally shed those pounds? I have my own that I would never really tell my doctor, or my family members really, but I think that having an online community with other likeminded, and (hopefully) encouraging people will allow us all to express and get support form other people who actually know and understand soem of the thought processess that we may all be going through. I'm hoping that by posting this, that other peopel will engage with this idea of openness, and supported freedom to get down to the root of our weith loss probelms and motivations, hope to hear from you all soon! :)


  • hmoss619
    hmoss619 Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome! I'm pretty new here too. My main reason for losing is that I'm not happy with how ive become..I don't feel like myself anymore and I'm dang tired of being uncomfortable! In my clothes, when walking down the street. My extra weight is holding me back in life, so its gotta go!
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    To be honest, I took this round seriously because I actually believed that maybe I should take my doctors advice for once and "lose the weight, it will help the pain etc,"... But let me tell you, all the pain and discomfort I had before, I still definately have... And my general physician does not even acknowledge the accomplishment or believe the process, my Pain Specialist's office now has me on a pain contract after 5 years, so I feel somewhat defeated in the medical cause...

    But my holistic health has gotten great!! I feel so much more in tune with my body, I feel like I know what pain to expect and how bad it will be most days... I have just really learned that my body is about ME, not others; this basically implies that my health is MY priority, and the routine I have I see as VITAL to a good quality of life...

    so to make a reallly long story shorter, I choose this for the QUALITY OF LIFE!!!! FO REALS!!
  • I'm so happy for you both! I too found that a lot of people in my life (all of whom have not had weight issues, including my previous doctor) and now that I have tried holistic medicine, the results ahve been great. Not just in the health sense, but actually feeling like someone was listening to me, and not just replaying the words "its your own fault that you've ended up this way... all you have to do is walk more...its not that difficult". I would get so defeated, but in hearing you lovely ladies sotries, and hopefully many more, I realize that I'm not the only one (though some days it does still feel like it) that is going through this process.
  • I'm finding that I'm under my calorie goals for the day a lot, but when I do meet the requirements, I feel too full, and nauseous. Does anyone else feel that the calorie amounts are too large for them? I know that I under eat a lot, which is why it was reccomended to me to track all of my foods in this program, but it still feels like too much food. Any tips??