

  • I'm in the same boat. I usually wake up starving, I have a cup of coffee with fat free cream to tide me over until 7:30 when I get to work and eat my breakfast. I usually just take cereal and milk. Do any one have any suggestions for breakfast on the go?
  • I haven't had problems with the weight but yesterday when I went in to check my calorie progress chart I had many days that said I ate a negative amount of calories, Maybe just a site error as it was fixed this morning.
  • I find having a significant other who doesn't support you in your weight lose journey is really hard. My boyfriend hates to excercise and refuses to eat healthy. He is always thinking about food! As soon as I get home from work and walk through the door the first question he asks me is what's for supper. (If I didn't cook…
  • Wow! Something must have happened over night, I woke up this morning 2 pounds heavier as well. I was so excited beacuse yesterday when I stepped on the scale I was down a total of 5 pounds and then to find out this morning I was up 2 it was kind of disapointing. However I'm going to try not to worry and drink lots of water…
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