

  • Hi everybody, I have been dieting since I was 12, that was a looooooooong time ago, I am 43 now. It's getting harder and harder on my body to gain and lose weight repeatedly as I get older. My heart is really taking a pounding gaining and losing nearly 90 lbs over and over. I found this group, I have been hesitant in the…
  • So I find that when I finally get around to being ready to lose weight again I get excited from researching the newest idea to try.... this time I am being motivated by trying to do WW (weight watchers) for free at home. Just from doing research and trying to figure out the whole points thing... there are a few good iPhone…
  • Hi everybody, I am new to the FP community mssg boards, I am a little hesitant to join online comm's after having a negative experience with [very popular weight loss program on tv's] forum. They try to get you off the boards as soon as you start to talk about being depressed over at [blankety blank] very lame. But I think…