MariaFlippen Member


  • Shmiracles, THANK YOU SO MUCH! That was so incredibly helpful and now I am so so so interested in going! I really appreciate you writing out that nice, long post ;)! On my way to get more details about upcoming workshops!
  • Can you share about your experience at Yogaville? I live in VA and have heard about it a few times and would love to know how fabulous it is so I can put it on my "list!" :)
  • Hi All, I am Maria and I love love love Yoga. I take a variety of classes at our local co-op studio and would like to continue to improve, getting stronger and more flexible, and better at clearing my mind of all the thoughts :). I would LOVE to teach someday.
  • I find/have read that it helps with reduce/prevent gas when you soak the beans (overnight) and change the water before cooking.
  • Are you using canned or dried beans? If you using dried beans, are you soaking them first?