

  • A diabetic's dinner plate should consist of 50% non-startchy vegetables (anything but potato, carrot, corn and peas) and 25% lean protein, 25% whole grain carbs. You can add a small piece of fruit to that as well. If you stick to that you generally don't have a problem with sugar spikes and you are getting adequate…
  • I have that same problem. I went to a doctor about it and he told me mine was probably hereditary. (All the women in my family have the same problem and I have yet to meet a person with better posture than my mother) I was told to maintain good posture, and get enough calcium and that would help. It's annoying isn't it?!
  • So awesome! My hubby was a college athlete (a runner!) so my goal is to show him up someday. He is the same height as me (ok maybe 1/4 inch shorter) and I know I will never weigh less than he does, so I hope to beat him at something physical like running someday. Currently I can only beat him at backgammon. :)
  • You have to put your weight into the workout machine for an accurate calorie burn. Today my elliptical workout said I only burned 350 calories and MFP said I burned over 500. Since I didnt put my weight in, I went somewhere in the middle and counted it as 400. From now on, I will be putting my weight into that blasted…
  • I am new to all this too! I am ready to take charge and make a change. I am hoping to find people to help me stay focused on my goals and provide encouragement during the rough patches.