ak_honda Member


  • Thank you very much! Since stopping the full optifast, I am still losing about .5 lbs a day doing 1,000 cals/day and working out 30-60min 3-4/day a week. It just wasn't right for my body, however my husband is still using the shakes we have left to help him.
  • So - after doing a few weeks; my husband and I have decided that Optifast isn't for us (I was already a big fruit & veggie person with my share of some bad things (cough frappe cough)) We have decided that we are going to just do counting calories with actual food instead; starting at about 1000 cal as our base and work up…
  • If you really want something good, I highly recommend getting a PS2 and getting some DDR games. DDR Max, DDR Extreme, DDR Extreme 2 are what I use and love. I tried DDR on the 360 and did not like the songs, or how the game play was set up compared to the older PS2. A good mat is also a must! I use Red Octane brand pad, 2"…
  • I actually like the taste; I especially love the tomato soup. I've been adding 1/8 tsp of paprika to the chicken soup mix; it gives it a little extra flavor and is about 5 calories.
  • So on 5th day. Withdrawal headaches stopped yesterday (yay!) and it's been rather easy for me to stick to this with no other food, other than my 1 cup of steamed plain broccoli I was having with my soup - only 30 cal. It was on my approved list from my doctor, and it has not hindered any weightloss so far. My official…
  • I've been drinking what makes me feel content. I have a 750ml steel water bottle that I usually drink 2 fills of each day, which come out to about 25 oz. I don't feel dehydrated, nor over-hydrated. I gauge by elasticity in my skin on the top of my hand; if it bounces back down flat right away i'm good; if it stays pinched…
  • Followed!! <3 @wtupyo on tumblr :)
  • You can do this! It takes time, failure, more time, more failure.. but eventually you get past it and it becomes routine, part of your daily life and gets easier. It's taken me, I dunno, maybe 5 years to realize how bad I was getting and now I can't go a day without doing some sort of cardio at all. I can't stand soda or…
  • http://www.fitbit.com/user/22NJSN ^^ that's for me, I'd like more folks to compete with on fitbit as well, feel free to add me OP and I can add back
  • So people stop complaining ;-) and more easily read the post! Also, OP please note: Their is not the same thing as "there" - that was really bugging me!
  • Have you cleaned up your eating habits? I've noticed that since eating what I love (vegetables, fruits, vegetables, lentils/beans and more vegetables - i'm a natural vegetarian!) and not eating stuff i don't care to (meats, non-sprouted breads, processed foods) that with my cardio 5 days a week my belly is slowly going…
  • awesome points to whomever knows what mine is from!! my tattoo by amanda_moore, on Flickr
  • my breakfast almost always consists of using my blender; usually it's: cup of frozen mixed berry (from costco) + 1 banana + 1 cup orange juice (organic valley) + 1/3 - 3/4 cup greek honey yogurt, blended well and drink it when i get to work. usually end up taking like an hour to finish it and it keeps me full and gets me…
  • Dinner about 10pm after my 3-mile cardio/walk leafy green lettuce, kale, tomato, avocado, carrot, cucumber tossed in bolthouse yogurt ranch dressing
  • I love water (not tap water though; we have a RO/DI unit and it's T'd off before the DI filter so I have RO water at home) I also love drinking the plain Vita Coco coconut water (can buy in bulk at Costco). It's tasty, filling, and not bad for you at all.
  • I only count water, coconut water, and any green or black tea I drink (I don't add any sweeteners to my tea, and usually only drink decaffeinated). Any other drinks I do not count towards that.
  • 5'5 Female, 29 years old. Heaviest: 220 Current: 194 Lightest as an adult: 160'ish Lightest as a kid: ?? Goal: 160-170 (to start) I have always been bigger with weight always around my mid section, butt and tights - but yet quite healthy (perfect blood-work always, even sugars and cholesterol (my dad has high of) which…
  • I usually hop on every morning before getting dressed and ready for work. I usually only track once a week (or once ever other week). I just find it amusing the fluctuation that occurs, but lately it's been extremely consistent and that helps me know if i'm eating something i really shouldn't (or having too many iced…
  • My moment was earlier this year, at my parent's house - my mom made a comment on how much smaller my arms were looking, and my stomach area looking smaller. That's what made me finally realize that even though I haven't been losing the lbs (according to the scale) physically my body has been changing. That same week, the…
  • I usually get 2% small curd. (I tried the no-salt and it was gross.. i loaded that container up with salt!) I usually eat it plain, with pepper, fruit spread mixed in (strawberry is awesome), or eat it with fresh fruit such as pineapple, strawberries, etc. also great with tomato.
  • Or just don't wear makeup and let your natural beauty shine!!! I don't wear any, and I've had lots of people ask what brand I wear and I just tell them me! (I eat tons of tomatoes, especially in the summer when they are more in season and that helps my skin tons)
  • I'm not a fan of roasted/cooked veggies - i absolutely LOVE raw veggies by themselves (have ever since i was little) Even when steaming any veggies, I much prefer them to have no other flavours added at all
  • I drink a lot of green or black tea at work, it helps me get my water intake without drinking just plain water. I really enjoy Honest Tea Green Tea (just the plain one without anything, it only has about 5mg of sodium and that's it). Veggies are my #1 favorite thing to eat - more than anything. I've always been like that…
  • I'm also looking for others on here to add - I'll probably sift through and add folks when I get home from work. Trying to keep on here daily and might need folks to bug me to do it!
  • That is so wonderfully written - seriously considering printing it out and taping it up on my mirror!
    in My letter Comment by ak_honda March 2013
  • Was cleaning out the fridge and pantry today, beginning of the year tossing out all the expired stuff (and weekly cleaning of fridge). Yup.. need to go shopping. (freezer only has frozen foods fed to our fishtanks and some ice) Cleaned the fridge by amanda_moore, on Flickr
  • 28 5'5 196-198 (water weight fluctuations) size 17-15 Juniors (depend on brand -- yes i still shop for pants in JR section!)
  • I find doing Yoga (or pilates) helps with me with my posture and looking taller. taller me = more confident = people think I am losing faster than I really am ;-)
    in YOGA Comment by ak_honda November 2012