

  • You could be retaining water if you ate salty foods over the weekend. I always try to weigh myself at the same time every week so that it i have a pretty accurate weigh-in (for example, every saturday morning). Plus is you're working out, you could be starting to gain some muscle mass. I usually have a week where I lose…
  • i know how it feels not to want to go anywhere because your feeling self-conscious. it sucks to say the least. but, you have to make the decision to commit to being healthy and the rest will fall into place. I'm struggling right now too and having a hard time staying on track. Today is the first day I've logged on in a few…
  • jess, i used to be a tv dinner addict too. If you're not really into cooking, an easy way to at least make something on your own is to buy Pedue Perfect Portions or individually packaged fish filets. The perfect portions are great if you're cooking for one, and they come in diferent flavors. If you buy plain chicken or…