Slightly gutted

ddixonuk Posts: 8 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
So, ive been sticking with this pretty much rigidly for 2 weeks now, keeping to my calorie target and exercising loads. I even fitted in 2 x 4 mile runs last week.

I was really looking forward to weighing myself earlier. I went to the gym and weighed myself on the same scales as i did 2 weeks ago and ive put on 0.5 KG :-( whats all that about then???!!!!


  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    What time of day do you weigh yourself? The best time is first thing in the morning, after you use the bathroom and before you eat or drink anything. That will show your true weight. Dont get discouraged!! You are doing great!! Hang in there.
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    Did you weigh yourself at a different time of day or after a meal you hadn't had before? Perhaps you drank more water than the first time you weighed in?
  • ageros
    ageros Posts: 66 Member
    I've read plenty of times that its not uncommon to gain a bit of weight in the beginning due to muscle growth. I'd say if you weren't going the gym before, but are now then this is probably the case. I wouldn't sweat it. Give it another week or two and see what happens.
  • etjaneausten
    etjaneausten Posts: 36 Member
    Muscle is heavier than fat. You may want to add other measurements, like waist, thigh etc. to see the actual progress.
    If after all that you still don't see any progress, you may need to reassess how you measure your caloric intake. I was woefully off the mark when I first started recording what I ate.

    Good luck, enjoy your jogs!
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Eating right is a great first step and it is great you go some workouts in. If you are truly wanting weight loss the key is more days on than off. So you should be doing at least 4 days a week workouts. Also adding strength training will give you even better results. More muscle=more fat burn while just sitting around!!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Weigh yourself at the same time every time, on the same scale every time. When you start a new workout and eating routine you are likey to gain weight at first. Keep at it, it will come off.
  • You could be retaining water if you ate salty foods over the weekend. I always try to weigh myself at the same time every week so that it i have a pretty accurate weigh-in (for example, every saturday morning). Plus is you're working out, you could be starting to gain some muscle mass. I usually have a week where I lose nothing or very little, then the next week it's almost like my body makes up for it and I lose 2+ pounds. hang in there!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    A couple of basics you should know:

    1) Weigh ins should always be at the same time, same day of the week and preferably in the morning after you've had a chance to pee but before you eat or drink. This will allow for minimum amount of variables.

    2) Muscle is more dense than fat (not heavier, just more dense) so as you go also remember to take your measurements, you may lose inches in your waist but not lbs on the scale

    3) Heavy workouts will cause you to retain water for muscle repair. It is temporary. Try eating low sodium for a few days and see if that helps.

    4) Your calorie goal is in NET calories- Your exercise cals (from your runs) are meant to be eaten.

    Best of luck!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Everyone's comments about weighing at the same time, going to the bathroom, wearing same clothes, etc are good ones as that does effect your weight. Muscle takes awhile to build and you have to be purposely working on it (both with nutrition and training) but when you are working those muscles you will often have some fluid weight gain. I ran for the first time early last week and spent the ENTIRE week 5 pounds heavier than I've been. It finally went away after several days but I also made sure I was very conscientious about my eating, reduced my carbs (I'd been a little out of control with those) and drank plenty of water. I think weight loss is a lot of "two stepping" (Two steps forward, one step back, repeat.) Hang in there, you will get there if you stay focused. Just remember you will need to tweak your program as you see what does and doesn't work for you.
  • ddixonuk
    ddixonuk Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice. I have used the same scales and at the same time of week with pretty much the same clothing.

    TBH i did have a bit of a blow out on Saturday night (a meal out with OH) and i recorded all my drinks and food. I was still under my net calorie goal for the week so i didnt think it would be that bad!!! anyway, im not giving up. Its early days and im enjoying eating healthy food, cutting down on alcohol intake and getting out running (even though it really is very hard work!). Ive got a half Marathon to run in September so i have to keep it up for that :-)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    It was probably the alcohol that did it. Whenever I drink alcohol (even staying under my calorie goal) I am up on the scales for several days after. There are articles about how it messes with how your body burns fat that you can search for but for me I think it's just the high simple carb count that alcohol carries. Plus you usually get dehydrated a bit when drinking it. Drink plenty of water this week and don't drink alcohol in the few days before your weigh in. :)
  • ddixonuk
    ddixonuk Posts: 8 Member
    OK! Plenty of water for me then and i think i should change my weigh in day to a Thursday as i do like to have the odd drink on a weekend (if ive been good all week) !!!!
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