gabbytup Member


  • Love it! Squeaky joe!
  • Wow, that makes me so angry for you! Come move to Canada, you only get rude stares here! Lol. Seriously, I feel bad that humanity has made such a poor showing where you are.
  • Make sure you have lots of protein to help those muscles repair! Maybe get some protein bars or shakes?
  • I noticed as I lost weight, what I ws wearing was making me look bigger, creating bulge where there was none. Got to second hand stores and find some clothes you like, this will solidify in your own mind that yes you are smaller! Then you won't care what they say
  • Hey, just wanted to say, I've been there! I know what it feels like to look into a mirror and never want to take a bite again! I was 315 lbs. now I am 180lbs, and tho I am still a work in progress, I feel so much better about myself, just being able to fit a size 15 does wonders for my confidence. How to get there? Well…
  • I agree with everything above. Also want to add. If you eat small meals(big snacks) 5 times a day, your body is getting constant fuel. When this happens, it feels like it can burn hotter and faster. you dont have to eat alot, but try to balance it Protien/veggie/starch/fruit/fat yes I said fat! Good fat is good for you.…
  • Hey thanks for the tip! I was 315 when I decided I had to do something and 298 when I saw the Doc about it (I had to find a family doc first) So I was a very little bit over your start weight too. I have managed to lose on my own in prep for the surgery, because I figure the healthier I go in the better the chances I come…