Has any body ever said this to you?



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I haven't but I have noticed sometimes that after I have lost weight I think I still look bigger. Sometimes wearing clothes that are too big/looser can have that effect on your body of making it look bigger than what it actually is. So it could be that.
    Or, they are just pure arseholes. Which they kind of are for making comments like that anyway!

    This makes sense..Thanks so much! This relaxes me, even though i should care less about their opinion because one them is fat..

    In which case I would LAUGH IN THEIR FACE.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I haven't but I have noticed sometimes that after I have lost weight I think I still look bigger. Sometimes wearing clothes that are too big/looser can have that effect on your body of making it look bigger than what it actually is. So it could be that.
    Or, they are just pure arseholes. Which they kind of are for making comments like that anyway!

    This makes sense..Thanks so much! This relaxes me, even though i should care less about their opinion because one them is fat..

    No worries :) It's frustrating because you will be buying new clothes fairly frequently as you lose but this is definitely what I have found and when I buy new clothes in size down (that fits) I notice my own weight loss so much more :)
  • Thank you everyone for your responses this helped me so much!!
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    Yes...and i hate it.....I always get "you look like you lost weight, yet i didnt lose a pound, or "you look like you put on some weight" and i lost a few pounds...
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    Wow the nerve of some people! I teach my children that what people weigh and how they look is no one's business but their own. Commenting on someone's weight is just plain ignorant even if they gained 100 pounds. I can understand how demeaning that would be. I am sure you look great :flowerforyou:
    If someone told me I looked like I'd gained wait, I'd tell them they look like they are about to get punched in the neck.

    This made me LOL :laugh:
  • That's probably just jealousy. Or people just being rude. I wouldn't pay any mind to someone who would say something like that.
  • gabbytup
    gabbytup Posts: 8 Member
    I noticed as I lost weight, what I ws wearing was making me look bigger, creating bulge where there was none. Got to second hand stores and find some clothes you like, this will solidify in your own mind that yes you are smaller! Then you won't care what they say
  • I noticed as I lost weight, what I ws wearing was making me look bigger, creating bulge where there was none. Got to second hand stores and find some clothes you like, this will solidify in your own mind that yes you are smaller! Then you won't care what they say

    Congrats on all that weightloss, I will do that.Thanks everyone else who commented
  • Thank you, you obviously know what your talking about,Congrats on the 90lbs weight loss, i only want to lose a fraction of that and im struggling lol
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    who the hell would ever say that to a woman knowing what freakos we are about weight?? someone's begging to have their eyes scratched out. forget them, just forge ahead.........
  • Because they're *kitten*... even if you were gaining weight nobody should be saying that to you!
  • Maybe they're jellysickle and acting passive aggressive.
    No one has ever said that to me when I lost weight. How strange (and rude).
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    I would never say that to anyone, even if they looked like they had gained 50 pounds! Who does that? Why didn't she go ahead and mention that you have bags under your eyes and you need to fire your hair stylist! Does she have a problem with your clothing style too?
  • Clearly, it is safe to assume that some people are completely devoid of both couth and common sense.
  • I would have to say I would have stabbed them in the eye.
  • Next time say, "Nope, actually lost weight, by the way, you should really think about a breath mint or 20?"
  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    After I lost my first 20lbs, my mother asked if I was 5 months pregnant. Thanks mom-I was feeling pretty good until about 3 seconds ago lol.

    I have one of those. I had lost 20 lbs and my mother pats my stomach and says to me: "Well you haven't lost that". Turned out much later that my enlarged tummy was due to fibroids. Still....
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    Sounds like they're getting defensive because they haven't done anything in their lives lately to challenge/better themselves. People who are bitter and unhappy with life are often the first ones to try and cut you down; because if you can't do it, it means they're ok in their rut! It's sad. I think women are particularly bad when it comes to competitive bi***yness. :( to say you're gaining weight at all is just rude, let alone when you've LOST weight! Just keep your head up and be proud of what you're doing; they'll still be as sad and pathetic as they always were and you'll look awesome in a swimsuit.