My boyfriend generally likes anything I make from SkinnyTaste... I know which recipes I can run by him and which I shouldn't even bother.
I love it. I use both the original and the one with chocolate (same calories) in smoothies. I think it would go excellent in baked goods.
Hope it sticks. I'm a teacher and two years ago, we started a big healthy living campaign at my elementary school. One of the things that went out the door at the beginning of last year was chocolate milk - it has more sugar than a can of regular soda! Gross. That was at the beginning of the school year... 5 months in, the…
I played ice hockey for years. My calves are ENORMOUS. I used to be self-conscious - get the occasional comment, especially when wearing heals. One time had a co-teacher shout out in the middle of class, "Hot Damn, Ms. ******! Look at your calves!" The kids thought it was hilarious. e.e Now, eh, why do I care what someone…
Yep. And find some better friends that can be supportive. Looks like lots of possibilities here! ;)
Depends. If I'm by myself, I will have "meals" but.. oatmeal = breakfast, salad = lunch, fruit = snack, pasta and some poached chicken = dinner. If I'm at my boyfriend's place, I cook for us and his roommate. Last night we had spinach and chicken lasagna... tonight will be enchiladas... So, by myself.. eh... mini-meals.…
Woohoo! :) Awesome!
Ahhhhh! You look so good! :) Keep it up!
That is what one would call an eating disorder. Your body NEEDS fuel - to pump blood, for brain function, etc. I struggled with anorexia as a teenager and believe me, not eating + over doing the working out will stress your body in a bad, bad, BAD way. And, honestly, a large part of it was at my mother's encouragement. One…
I started with WW and lost just over 20 pounds. I ended up dropping it because I couldn't afford it (first year teacher, out on my own, blah blah) and I honestly couldn't see myself living the rest of my life glued to my points calculator. A friend recommended MFP... it takes some adjusting mentally, but like... oh,…
I'm on my third BC pill - the first two having made me 1)gain lots of weight and 2)be an emotional mess - to the point where my best friend was suggesting I see a therapist for my crazy mood swings, not know I'd started the pill. I've been on this current pill for about 7 months and no noticeable side effects. I'm losing…
Reverse crunches and similar moves work the lower abs more... I always feel the burn after doing those...
Kick some butt! :)
Way to go! :) You're looking great! Also - sweet shirt. That's Rose, right? :DD
Maybe just pick one OMGDROOL thing? The burger OR the fries OR the shake... but not all 3? I had a piece of a kids birthday cake at work Wednesday, thinking it would be my once a week spluge... and it was a gateway drug to all sorts of bad life choices. Finally, STARTING to get back on track... but ate a bit too much crap…
His name is Lars and when we sleep, he turns into an octopus (holy clingy/smothering, batman!)... thus, Larsopus ;) And he'd hate it if anyone else heard me say that so, shhh! He just calls me Snuggles because, well... I like to snuggle. :)
Hi. :) I'm a 27 year-old newbie in Virginia. I've done a bunch of 5ks and I'm doing my first 10k in October... Hoping to do a 10 miler at the beginning of the new year and then a half next spring. Something you might be interested in - there are several groups here for monthly running challenges. I'm in this one, trying to…
6/10 - 2 mi 6/11 - 3 mi MTD - 15 mi
Depends on the partner. I've had some that gave up early, weren't serious, etc. I work out with a friend who is in better shape than me who is close to being Jillian Michaels tough with motivation and it's great - nothing like a kindergarten teacher calling you a pu*** or a b**** to shock you into movement. ;) Also,…
6/8 - 4 mi MTD - 10 mi
6/6 - 3 mi MTD - 6 mi
CW - 179 lbs. H: 5'5" GW: 150 lbs. Age: 27
Good luck! :) It's pretty awesome, I'm on Day 3 and it totally kicked my butt. Felt good during workout but the day after... whoo! Feel free to friend me if you like.
6/4 - 3mi MTD: 3mi
I put it as Circuit Training. Congrats and keep up the good work. :)
If you don't already, keep track of your measurements - arm, thigh, upper waist, belly button, hips... sometimes, you lose in different areas and it doesn't show on a scale. Can be very discouraging if you just rely on weight as an indication of progress.
I'm a special education teacher in VA. Feel free to add me. :)
Glad you went! :) You survived and it's step 1 of a healthier you, keep it up!
SW:184 CW: 179 GW: 174 Weigh in Dates: 6/1 - 179 6/8 6/15 6/22 6/28 End of Month Total weight lost: Just for fun: Hoping for 50 total... trying to average 20 a week by the end of July...