ronic68 Member


  • Welcome! You get out of it, what you put in. I have found it very helpful in that it makes me feel accountable. Those last few pounds can be challenging, but I'm confident you can do it! Log in, keep track, try to exercise and you'll do fine. Good luck! Smiles ~ R :o)
  • Congrats on your progress thus far!! I got a new digital scale in the last while and had a similar experience... under the Tools Tab, click on Tickers and from there you can update your weight data to still reflect your 11 pound loss. Keep up the great work! :smile: R
  • I always sprinkle a little Splenda on fresh berries and it helps bring out their natural sweetness without adding extra calories. Hope that helps! :smile:
  • You'll notice when you start using your food diary that there are guidelines for where the calories come from. For example, it may show that 165 grams of carbs are suggested when following a diet comprised of 1200 calories per day. Hope that helps! :smile:
  • Hi there... if you log strength training as a cardio exercise it'll total calories burned for you. Hope that helps! :smile: