LadyAmina Member


  • Hi. I will be 52 in a few days and I have about 60 pounds to lose. I have a busy life and I live in the land of body conscious thin bodies--Los Angeles! I think we can encourage each other on this journey! I am only five pounds in since I joined a few month ago. I lost and then gained over the Christmas Holidays, and am…
  • Thanks, I'll check it out. You and seem to be on par with progress on this journey. Keep up the good work, sister!
  • I am new to this forum too! Welcome and let's do this! I have a long tour of duty, about 60 pounds to my goal, but I am committed and seeking support this time around!
  • I have heard that it is best to take it off they way you plan to keep it off, so unless you plan to live on shakes primarily...then you might want to reconsider. I have done it and it was like a punishment. I ended up back arm yourself with as much information as possible and we will be here for you!
  • AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi everybody, I am 1 and 1/2 half months in and just coming out of a Thanksgiving binge already. It set me back 4.5 pounds! I am back on the wagon as of today, doing p90x 3-4x per week (kinda sorta) with a goal to lose about 60 pounds. There is strength in numbers, right? :smile: