Almost 50 With So Much To Lose

Hi..I'm a too close for comfort 50 year old Australian woman with about 55kgs (I think that's about 130lb) to lose and right now just putting that on the screen for all to see was so hard for me to just makes it all too real and frightening. I've recently had a bit of an eye opening visit to a new doctor who is very thorough *groan* and the results I received, though not dire YET, were a wake up call...blood pressure too high, cholesterol levels creeping up and he wrote on my chart 'morbidly obese'... to add to the mix just to make it harder to get the excerise I need to lose this weight and get healthier...I have an underactive thyroid, a damaged right knee and a chronic lower back problem.

BUT...I've made a concious decision not to let this bring me down but to meet it head on as a here I go!


  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome! feel free to add me!

    You've already done the hardest part which is making the number real. I now it seem scary but don't dwell on the big number look at the bigger picture and focus on all the little goals you set whether it be 5, 10 pounds a month. All these little goals will add up to the bigger number!

    Also im sure you on medication for the thyroid and if not id suggest talking to your doctor about somthing and tell him/her your plan to loose weight and maybe they can help you out.

    I also have a bad knee and my low back is damaged its ok to push yourself but don't push too far to the point where you hurt yourself more the more weight you loose the easier it will be on your back and knees to strengthen them properly :)
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    You're taking a huge first step by joining this wonderfully supportive community. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • zkjmum
    zkjmum Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Mum! :D

    You've already proven to yourself you can lose weight with the 5kg you've lost this past month, I think, like me, it's the mental barriers you need to overcome. We can do this!
  • Hi,

    Congratulations on joining...

    You have joined a great site, Its amazing how much support and information you recieve from everyone in here..

    Look forward to getting to know you... Have sent a friend request...
  • cumminm
    cumminm Posts: 1
    I also have alot of weight to loose and just started one week ago. I lost 3.8 lbs the first week!! It has really helped counting everything I eat. lots of luck to you. This is also my first time posting and hope I did it right.
  • Lady_Sha
    Lady_Sha Posts: 3
    Hi Daughter :wink:

    Thanks for directing me to this site...I've had a good look around this morning and you're right the inspiration you get from what others have achieved is amazing.

    Thanks everyone for the friend requests I've received already and for making me feel so welcome. :heart:
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Welcome!! My daughter and I are on here also and i'm presently 50. I'm still learning as I go and my highest weight was 201 a couple years ago. I will never be that person again if I have anything to say about it. You may add me also if you to have you on my friend list :)
  • sting5
    sting5 Posts: 408
    Congratulations on your commitment to make a change! I wish you the best of luck...Stay strong!
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    I've been there. You can do this, stay strong. Keep the faith. I can't even tell you how bad I felt a year ago, getting injections in my knees, couldn't hardly move. Now almost a year since I started my journey I'm down nearly 90 pounds. I go any place and every place I can to get exercise from boot camps, to crossfit, to zumba, you name it i'm there. This feels better than anything could ever taste. Success is there, grab it by the horns and make it yours. You've got this, we've got this!
  • Keekie51
    Keekie51 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am a newbie too, with my 3rd. day coming to a close. It has been a terrific start. I can't get over how easy it is and that it tabulates as you go. Today was my first 'exercise' day, going for 30 minutes on a bike at moderate level. To me, moderate is where I am huffing and puffing, as I am so outta shape, not how fast I was going. lol Anyway, the good news, was that I only had 10 calories left, but then I biked, now it has automatically added another 390 calories that I can use! I am enjoying my Chai Tea right now, and still have those left to eat now at 8:30 p.m. It's a great feeling.
    Also, the best part of this whole thing, is that before, when I would go on a diet, I never knew if I was getting enough fibre, calcium, carbs, Vitamin C, D. etc, but this calculates that too, and let's you know if you are over or under target. It is SO great. I know I can finally do it, and I know you can too! :))
  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    Sounds like me. I'm 55, almost nonfunctioning thyroid, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, type 2 diabetes, bad hip, knee and lower back. I have been working with an osteopathic doctor for the last few years to get the throid, hormones, blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc., into more managable numbers. I have been on here since October and have lost 28 pounds.I'm finding it much easier to control my blood sugar since losing the weight. I have about 20 more to go to get to my goal. I am about a pound from being out of the overweight BMI range. I started out at 179 on MFP, but several years of yoyoing all the way up to 200+ and never getting below about 160 when I felt like I was starving myself. I started by just logging everything, which helped me to see what I was eating.That helped me to start making healthier choices so I could stay within the calories recommended. I am gradually adding in some exercise. I got a recumbant bike (easier on the back), and the first time I tried it, I rode for 10 minutes on the easiest setting and thought I would die. After a couple of months, I am only riding 20-30minutes at a time, but at a much higher resistance level. I am looking at this as a life change, slow and steady, not a sprint to the finish where I will fall apart. Feel free to add me as a friend for motivation.:flowerforyou:
  • andream80
    andream80 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck love. You can do it!
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member

    I'm in a similar boat and would suggest considering NOT focusing on how much weight you have to lose. I have found this site to be brilliant for learning how to eat healthy. I think that's the only thing that really matters. Focus on eating healthy one mouthful at a time and the rest will take care of itself!!
  • LadyAmina
    LadyAmina Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I will be 52 in a few days and I have about 60 pounds to lose. I have a busy life and I live in the land of body conscious thin bodies--Los Angeles! I think we can encourage each other on this journey! I am only five pounds in since I joined a few month ago. I lost and then gained over the Christmas Holidays, and am losing again. It can be a struggle but CAN DO!!!! The friends in this forum are very supportive! Welcome:wink:
  • Gill_L
    Gill_L Posts: 69
    Hi I have around 152lb to lose and I am doing it one step at a time. Aim for a little weight loss each time instead of the whole amount its much easier that way. Exercise will get easier as you start to lose. I have found MFP really helpful for me and so far have logged on every day, there is so much support and encouragement here. I have added you :)
  • pitboss59
    pitboss59 Posts: 20
    Age is not a factor I'm now 52 and lost most of my 134lb during my 50 and 51st years. Good Luck.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Welcome!!! You can reach any goals you set for yourself. You can do this!!! Feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey. :)

    May I suggest using an elliptical machine? I have fibro and grade 2-3 chondromalacia in my knees and because it is low impact they dont hurt me as bad after using an elliptical vs a treadmill.
  • Hi there - contacting you from England!! I am 73 and wonder if I am the oldest person in the world trying to shift this wretched weight for the umpteenth time. Like you I cannot exercise because my back is so bad - am on medication which seems to slow down the weight loss even more and I know that the older I get the more serious it is to be overweight (about 56 lbs to lose).
    This site is great when you can share problems with people all over the world isnt it? I am sure you will be successful and I wish you all the luck in the world. Dont make the same mistake as I have (kept giving up because weight loss was slower than everyone else) I am determined this time. Let me know how you get on - is it warm over there at this time of year (excuse my ignorance)!!!
  • jlynwhet
    jlynwhet Posts: 38 Member
    You're welcome to add me as a friend. I live in central Pennsylvania, USA and have approximately 70 lbs to lose. It will not be a fast remedy as it was not a fast weight increase. It took years to get here. I also have a health issue (heart related) that finally put the fear of God into me, as they say, and opened my eyes. I struggle daily but hope and plan to stay the course and take it one pound at a time. Welcome to MFP!
  • casinostamper
    casinostamper Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there, just hit the 50 milestone myself and have 100+ to lose also. I joined this site after watching my son Kwirq make a major lifestyle change using the tools available here. I had been tracking calories on my own and this is so much easier. Please friend me if you want a pal to chat with. Strength in numbers!!