jennau1 Member


  • Hey everyone! My weight loss & fitness motivation comes from my struggle with infertility. There are a lot of complications between my husband and I that we have no control over but our lifestyle is one that we can control. We have been on a healthier journey for one month now, by eating low carb & finding activities we…
  • My long term goal weight is 175, but currently I'm aiming for 225. I'm 5'7" and have always been bigger. I like being curvy, and for my build 175 is probably as low as I would go, but I'm keeping the option open for when the time comes! My heaviest was 287 (in my profile pic). Also, I have quite a few non-weight goals that…
  • It depends on your activity levels, but if I were you, I would try to figure out about how many calories you were consuming before attempting weight loss. Start by cutting back by 500 calories each day. See how this affects your body- are you still gaining? Staying the same? Losing? This will give you more feedback about…
  • I am in a similar situation, as the bride though. I ordered my dress over a year ahead of the wedding (this September). I ordered the size that I was then. No matter how dedicated you are, I'd say don't order more than 2 sizes down, just in case! The dress can always be altered down, but is hard to go up. (It also depends…
  • I also have 100+ pounds to lose. It isn't easy but with a good support system, we can do it! Anyone, feel free to add me !
  • Hi all! I'm not "new" to MFP, but I'm just now starting it up again after a few failed attempts. I'd love to get some friends on here to give and send encouragement! I know for me, I need that support system. I'm 24 with over 100 pounds to lose :( One day at a time! Feel free to add me.
  • Hi, I'm 24, also with 100+ pounds to lose. I've been on MFP on and off, but finally deciding to stick with it! My first step is trying to add some "friends" and get a support group going!! Truly, I think it will make a difference in sticking with it. Feel free to add!