

  • First, big congratulations on keeping going even though you have plateaued for such a long time. DO NOT GIVE UP. Second, are you actually eating enough? Third, I think you will find it easier to lose weight if you exercise for sixty minutes five times a week. But not if you eat so that there is no calorie deficit. Use the…
  • This is a tough one and I think you shouldn't have to cope with it alone. My suggestion is you go to your school or college counsellor and get them to help you find a gracious way of dealing with the messages that you are getting in a way that stops the harassment and reassures the people making the comments. That will be…
  • Hi Alicia I used to believe all that stuff about going slow and tracking your food and losing a bit at a time, but it never really worked for me. I joined a site called Sparkpeople that has lots of articles and recipes and a supportive online community, and that helped me deal with sleep issues - if you don't sleep well,…
  • Wondering if you gave this weight loss method a whirl, I have used it for the last year and don't have too many pounds left to lose. Would definitely count myself a success story as are my friends who have tried it.
  • I stretch after my cool down, or during the end of my cool down. And I do a long stretching session two or thee times a week after a two hour pool session. My flexibility has really improved with this. I understand there is little benefit to be had stretching before a workout. After Zumba class we have a very brief…
  • Yes I lost 40lbs in 45 days and it was dead easy. I like the diet, it sets you up for successful maintenance of the weight loss and is dead easy to do, all you need to do is stick to it. I wasn't hungry on this diet and found it simple. Actually, more than that, it was a joy to give my body the chance it had been longing…
  • I smoked and tried to stop several times before I worked out what I needed to do to become an exsmoker. The work I did to succeed is helping me with my weightloss. Before I stopped smoking I researched what would be best to do first, lose weight or give up smoking. I found that smoking is far worse for your health than…
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