Any success with Leslie Kenton's Cura Romana diet?

Just wondered if anyone had read and tried Leslie Kenton's Cura Romana diet at all. I love her healthy & very tasty recipes and am thinking of buying it. I already have the same author's "X-Factor (nothing to do with the TV show) which I love but am not sure whether to buy this one or stick to the book I have.


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    are you serious? just googled it! words like "welcome to the miracle of cura romana " and "The diet used in conjunction with HCG must not exceed 500 calories per day" !!!!!!!!

    its a quick fix that does not give you enogh food to live on let alone exersie .....

    please don't go near it!
  • Sam577
    Sam577 Posts: 1
    Before making any assumptions (and in particular using the internet to research the subject) you should read the book and then make your decision. The book is based on 50-year-old research from a well-respected English endocrinologist called Simeons, which has been refined by Leslie Kenton. I normally steer well clear of low-calorie diets: they don't won't; anything you lose will be put back on plus more, as your metabolism will slow further.

    But this is different. The strict and exacting diet is used in conjunction with a hormone called HCG (which, as it's naturally occuring, is not patentable and therefore offers no profit for the pharma companies). The combination of the low-calorie diet and use of HCG (in the form of a homeopathic spray) allows the body to access inessential fat stores (the type we store around the stomach, buttocks, thighs, chin, uppers arms, etc), which become accessible because of the HCG. So you are not really living on the meagre 500 calories; you are living off your fat stores. Sounds fanciful and unbelievable (and too good to be true) I can imagine, but I can't do it the justice it deserves -- read the book, or, if you don't trust that, read Simeons' "Pounds & Inches a New Approach to Obesity", and then decide. But as mentioned above, do not base your decision on what the internet says because this 'protocol' is not in the interests of the powerful, multi-billion pharma companies/diet industry.
  • FifiFrizzle
    Yes I lost 40lbs in 45 days and it was dead easy. I like the diet, it sets you up for successful maintenance of the weight loss and is dead easy to do, all you need to do is stick to it. I wasn't hungry on this diet and found it simple. Actually, more than that, it was a joy to give my body the chance it had been longing for to drop that excess weight, and I felt simply wonderful while following the plan.
    You just need to clear the decks for three or six weeks so you are out of the way of temptations during the weight loss phase.
    It is restrictive, which makes it easier, so long as you are committed. Once through the weight loss phase you are looking for foods that do and don't agree with you, so you stay very much in touch with your body and there is no calorie counting. It leads to a very intuitive way of eating. I kept losing weight on the consolidation phase and have regained not even a gram.
    I found the whole experience very freeing.
    Give it a good go and see what you think.
  • FifiFrizzle
    Wondering if you gave this weight loss method a whirl, I have used it for the last year and don't have too many pounds left to lose. Would definitely count myself a success story as are my friends who have tried it.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    People have been dying from this diet for years! Literally, dying. Death. In fact, HCG diet products are ILLEGAL in the US. Read:

    There is NO scientific evidence that HCG helps works for weight loss. There is lots of scientific evidence and history that the super-low calorie diet that goes with it has led to deaths from heart arhythmias and pulmonary embolisms.

    To show how dangerous this sucker is, even Dr. Oz, who never saw snake oil he wouldn't sell warns against this one on his website. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.