kattmcd Member


  • We are headed to the amusement park next week and I BETTER FIT in the seats! I have lost 74 pounds since this time last year. I have about 30-50 more pounds to go,but I feel great! I am so sorry about your dad! The depression is real, and so hard. Hang in there!
  • I will share! I need to start keeping better track in my diary, though. I had RnY on March 28th. I just his 199 this morning. ONEDERLAND!. HW 260/SW 230/CW/199 GW/140.
    in Friends? Comment by kattmcd June 2023
  • @momwow17. My sister lives near Greensborough. We are visiting her this summer. It that anywhere near Carowinds?
  • @momwow17 I live in Utah. We have a park called Lagoon that we LOVE!
  • @momwow17 Thanks! You have great ideas. I would love to follow along. WOW...I am not sure I can cut all of the alcohol, but I will cut down! Thanks for the inspiration! Here is to 12-1400 calories! I have a goal with my exercise therapist to walk 45 minutes a day. We will see if I can do that! This is the YEAR! I would…
  • Hi, I heard about your group from another group I am in. (A fellow Slytherin). I heard you may be a Huffle? I am very impressed with the idea, and I am ready to go this year! I am 56, I have 5 amazing grown kiddos and 4 adorable grand kiddies. I work at a Behavioral Health Hospital. I have had a food addiction for about 20…
  • My goal is to lose 90 pounds this year. I am ready to feel healthy, run and play with my grand kids and FIT IN A ROLLERCOASTER SEAT! 2023 here we come!
  • You, my dear...ROCK! What an inspiration. I really would like to hear your biggest bits of advice:)
  • What are three of the biggest tips you can give someone to help them lose the weight? I am STUCK!:noway: