

  • I'm going to disagree with some of the replies here (sorry people!). Don't try to stop it completely - you won't be able to anyway probably until you sort out the REASONS you're doing it. Next time you want to eat the chocolate think about how you feel. What is making you feel this way? What are you thinking? It's your…
  • I agree with this - you looked fantastic at the start even...!!!
  • Awwwwwww :-( This has happened to me too - sometimes questions have been asked and replied to so many times that people don't reply again. Try searching for your question(s) in the Topics - they may be very common questions...
  • ...and another really great thing about this post is that some of us are now judging others based on our responses to the original question..! In my opinion noones opinion is wrong - I would never judge these girls (if I met them) based on how they look... But the question was - what do we think of how they look? :smile:
  • I don't think we're judging really - we're saying what we like to be/see. Judging would be making assumptions based on what we're seeing - e.g. that No 6 must be starving herself to be that thin - she may naturally like that. Don't be too hard on yourself here... it is natural for us to compare ourselves to others and it's…
  • I think this is a fantastic question - well done! You're testing our perceptions of what we believe to be beautiful. I'm slimmer than 1 and am trying to get back to what I used to be (2). I would say 1 could lose a few pounds but I understand that MY beliefs about what is 'fat' are a tad awry! However I would say ALL these…
  • Indeed. Or if we all continually wore very tight body suits with just feet free... Hmmm...
  • You could try my theory here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/535126-new-theory-always-wear-very-tight-clothes-squeeze-the-fat Note that this is a bit of FUN :smile:
  • Obviously I'm not entirely serious or I would have put this in a 'serious question' Topic box. However - yes, bra comment above. And who out of you married lot have a permanent giveaway little dent in your finger where your wedding ring sits..? Huh? HUH?! I'm talking redistribution. OK research - from now on very tight…
  • Ok then let's see if we can sort this a bit. What are our 'triggers'? Feelings... So we can't avoid them - we can't avoid our feelings. We need to find a way of dealing with our feelings in a more healthy fashion. I didn't exactly binge last night (in the traditional sense) but I ate dinner (big plate of chips followed by…
  • The thing about bingeing is that it isn't really about the food. It's a 'coping mechanism' for dealing with something else. I'm the same - I know all about eating healthily and sensibly and exercising. Hell, I even know about binge eating but that doesn't make me able to stop always. The reason for this is that I haven't…
  • Hello! I do. I eat to 'deal' with feelings I don't like - I literally stuff them down... I do this about 1-2x per week. If I didn't do this I would be the 8lbs lighter I want to be - it is ONLY this that stops me from losing these few pounds. Trying to lose weight makes this worse - I don't know if this is because hunger…
  • Yes, SportyPal Pro is my favourite - I found Endomondo has problems keeping up with me GPS-wise... and it's not that I'm all that quick! Both are free though - try a few and see which one you prefer...
  • I used to use Endomondo but I much prefer SportyPal Pro. I haven't noticed any difference in the calorie burn estimate however....
  • What I tend to do is think more in terms of a week than a day. That is, after all more how our bodies work - it's an average over time. Save them if you're not hungry today and have a piece of cake tomorrow - or the next day - or the next day. You don't have to eat exactly the same net cals every day...
  • Hahahaha brilliant! I've got some big boots I could use... I have a tooth whitening kit (I work with a dentist so got it cheaply). At the moment I'm doing that during peak nibbling hours - I literally can't nibble with that in my mouth and my teeth are so nice and white afterwards that i don't want to spoil them...
  • [/quote] He has great qualities, just isn't great about talking things out. I have always seen the best in him and he can be a great guy when he tries. [/quote] You sound like a lovely woman. You sound so kind and caring. Sometimes to do the best thing for yourself you need to 'hurt' others, which for a sensitive person is…
  • Don't forget he now wants something from you... sex. If he isn't listening to your other requests then I would suggest that nothing's changed.
  • Why do you want to go back to your ex? Has he now changed? You left him for a reason - at the time you were so unhappy you needed to leave - which was the right thing to do for YOU. YOU and your feelings are what's important here. Him being your son's father is a separate issue altogether - you feel he is a good father…
  • OMG you've done brilliantly - not logging and not gaining. This must mean you've made a permanent change - excellent. Have another sit and think about WHY you're doing this - look at your goals again. Maybe think of some more? It isn't always easy and you will stop trying if you lose sight of your goals. What's working for…
  • This is fantastic advice! I need to be more AWARE of what I'm doing. Think about it. You're right - absolutely - brilliant. Thanks you!!! :happy:
  • It's fanTAStic when you're in The Zone and want to exercise isn't it! So I would say exercise the bits that don't hurt. Do the 30DS but just don't use that arm. Or go for a walk/run instead. I'm a runner and go by the rule if it hurts don't do it. If it doesn't hurt it's OK.
  • Yes - I do. And acid reflux. Although haven't had an episode of either for a while. I don't think either would slow weight loss in themselves, but they both make me feel ill, fat and bloated, which then affects my mood and my ability to stick to any sort of healthy eating sometimes, so I understand what you're saying.…
  • The good thing is that a 'nice man' sees the WHOLE us - not just the bits we think are ugly. My boyfriend prefers my BODY now - 7lbs heavier than when he first met me (I preferred my body then!) However I am still the same person no matter what the outside bit is and it's THAT he truly loves... And its the same me/him. :-)
  • Awwww don't be disgusted with yourself. You had a lovely time with your friends and enjoying yourself is what life is all about (partly at least!) As everyone else has said - one big blow out hasn't ruined anything. One difference between a slim person and a bigger one can just be how they deal with these 'slip-ups': Slim…
  • Fantastic post - thank you! For those that have an Android phone there is an App called Libra that is fantastic. You input your weight every day and it will calculate your TREND for you - and predicted goal weight date. It smooths out all the daily fluctuations...…
  • I think the unit of weight measurement should vary depending on whether it is weight GAINED or weight LOST. I tend to gain one stone (just the one) but lose a whopping 14 pounds!!!
  • The biggest buttocks..??? Speak for yourself ;-) I must've watched the same programme. I believe this event is what is commonly referred to by homo sapiens as 'The Zone.' It happens to me on occasion and I have tried many many times to recreate the conditions to precipitate it but to no avail. At least in me it appears to…