

  • I start workouts 5 of stage one this weekend! I have started and stopped this program multiple times and am so proud of myself for getting this far! I personally have noticed improvements with my shoulder presses, I started at 10 pound dumbbells and now use 20 pounds for the first set. my prone jacknifes are actually…
  • I would try building your core strength with some planks. do them a few times a day, start maybe 10-15 seconds at a time, each time, and then add 5-10 seconds each day.... it will help strengthen your core and give you bonus core workouts! Don't give up on the prone jacknife. I hated them and could hardly do ONE! when i…
  • Thanks for the tips!!! I feel a treat every now and then is important because it's a lifestyle change, it has to be sustainable!
  • Thank you to those who responded with their own personal experiences. That was what I was looking for. If I wanted scientific studies I could have looked those up myself... Just saying. I have found different things work for different people regardless of what the experts say. PCOS and hormones are very complicated. First…
  • I'm definitley interested to hear what people who have firsthand experience and more knowledge than me will contribute :-)
  • Are you doing strength training too? An elliptical really won't tone you, its great for cardio and burning calories for weight loss. To get toned and swap fat for muscle, strength training is your friend :-)
  • WOW! So much amazing encouragement and advice here! It cracks me up that someone has been to Dubois- small world! In the summer we do get out and 4wheel and fish but coordinating schedules is tough- my boyfriend is a cop so his schedule rotates. I do have snowshoes and got some new snow pants so we ARE going snowshoeing…
  • Anyone? ZWOW or Bodyrock?
  • Believe me I am trying... I am so wiped out by the weekend, all I do is sleep all morning and be a bum... it takes a lot of motivation to get out and actually do anything! Hopefully the work stress should be coming down a couple notches soon, and I should have a week off next month!
  • thank you everyone for the encouragement!!! I started taking metformin today, and this weekend am going to hit the store to stock up on some other things - i think i am going to cut the rice out of my lunches and just do another serving of veg, and skip it at dinner too. hopefully that will help things along... i think i…
  • Interesting... I had my gall bladder out a few years ago too... And my family has the genetic marker for pancreatic cancer- runs in the family, I wonder if it is all tied together somehow?!! Insulin does seem to be the common denominator...
  • Thank you all for the advice... is 7 total inches and 4-5 pounds in 5 weeks decent progress? Also, have any of my fellow PCOSers taken Metformin? I have an RX for it, I'm just bad about remembering to take it... but I am wondering if I really should because it may really help. I was taking it the last time I lost 50…
  • Hi there- yes, 27 year old female, 4-5 weeks now. I decided I am going to start tracking my calories since its very frustrating to be working hard and getting minimal results!
  • I don't have goals for running or anything like that- mainly weight loss/muscle (nothing crazy like bodybuilding though), so i can be healthier, feel better about myself. i do live in the mountains and do a lot of hiking around/hunting/snowshoeing in winter, so to be in better shape for those things would be great. i guess…
  • hey thanks i will check it out! Now since I want to lose fat/build lean muscle, should I be doing cardio intervals weekly too? I have been doing 20-30 minutes of speed/incline treadmill intervals. I know cardio has a lot of health benefits, and I've also heard if you just plain ol' need to lose weight, its best to…
  • Thanks- a friend of mine gave me the idea. I am thinking I am going to have to force myself to prep snacks to have atwork, almond butter and apples, cherry tomatoes, quick and easy things to grab, maybe some hardboiled eggs. I have been working out 3-4 times a week for 4 weeks now, and the scale has only gone down 1-2…