

  • kelly kelly kelly, try tazo passion, ill give you some of the tea bags next time you come over, i have this awesome peach kind too yumm yumm. lol :tongue:
    in Tea Comment by chul15 January 2009
  • hi! im still in highschool, but i have all the same classes as normal but im starting to take my ACT or down south their the SATs, so thats stressful and isnt helping! ha:smile: but when im in college im gonna study to be a nurse or dental hygenist.
  • hi! I thought that same exact thing too, it seems like i cant even eat that many calories but people have been helping me out and saying nuts, and PB are really good fillers for your calories Rachael:smile:
  • thanks everybody:smile: im really liking this site alot everyones so friendly and very helpful thanks!!
  • thankyou very much that helps to know what i should do :smile:
  • Hello again :smile: I'm new here and just created my health and fitness profile. I have a few quick questions on a few things. First, I have 80 pounds to lose, and I'm afraid that my needed caloric intake may be too high for me. I really do not eat that much, I never have. I'm not eating below 1000 calories or anything,…
  • My names Rachael, i just got signed up on here, my sister showed me this site. I really liked it, so i figured why not and joined, my goal is to lose 80 lbs. Im currently a member at jens gym, love it there. Im a student. I like hanging out with my friends and having fun and I joined here because id like to have a…
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