

  • Sweetie don't let this get you down. I've had two cheeseburger with fries and soda two days in a row. There are temptations and sometimes we will give in due to our current situation but you know whats good about all this, its there at the forefront of your brain that this is not your lifestyle. NOw you just have to pick…
  • Weekends are nightmare for me as well. My weigh-in is on Mondays and I usually don't workout on weekends. I will do extremely well during the week and pack on back the pounds over the weekend. Still have no control over this nightmare but I realize that becaause of this I have to do some amount of exercise to combat the…
  • Congratulations! You look great!
  • I try not to have dinner after 6 pm. When I have to I eat a salad with some protein or something really light on the stomach, low in calorie and fat. Even though your body still burns calories while you sleep, you dont want to have it working too much when it should be resting for the upcoming day.