meramon Member


  • Holy Cow, try the Peruvian Chicken on It has a sauce with it that my husband has renamed "awesome" sauce. Last weekend, I paired it with some spanish rice and various veggie sides. YUM.
  • Oh, I love Indian food. Be careful about the breads, though. 1/2 Naan can have 200 cals!
  • Carrots? I grate them and use them as the base for a salad, or make soup out of them with fresh ginger (which is also incredibly cheap!) and garlic.
  • Congratulations on your accomplishment thus far! Forget the snake, Brooks Farms ROCKS! haha.
  • If you can get to an Ikea, they have a great little tea pot that has an infuser built right in. I just bought one and it's awesome (I can't stand tea balls! They drive me crazy!). Ikea also sells different flavoured teas, seasonally, which seems odd. I have tried the blueberry and the vanilla-rhubarb. Both were quite good,…
  • There's a book called Quinoa 365. It's very good.
  • I like to pan-fry with a little olive oil. I make up a mango salsa to accompany (mango, red onion, cilantro, green apple, lime juice, honey, cumin). I find tilapia very boring, unless it has a great condiment.
  • I just made up a new salmon recipe last night. I mixed 1/2 tbsp of 1/2 fat mayo (I know, EVIL, but yummy), plus 1/2 tbsp dijon mustard. Added some roughly chopped capers (had them on hand from another recipe), and brushed the mixture over the salmon fillets (3 of them). Baked at 400 for about 20 minutes, but these were…
  • It may sound weird, but I "box" while I walk hills. I do it in intervals, one imagining I've got one of those high-mounted punching bags, then just walking for a few minutes, then switch it up with jabs, etc. It seems silly (and probably looks crazy) but it really amps up a walking workout and helps pass the time really…
  • Chia Seeds: You can make a sort of "jam" out of them. Just mash up some fruit and add the chia seeds. Allow the mixture to set for a couple hours in the fridge and the chia seeds will create a gel. My husband really likes this on toast (I think it's a bit wierd). Hemp Hearts: You have to watch the caloric content, but a…
  • My 2 1/2 year old is banging around in his room --- supposed to be NAPPING! argh.
  • Also outside Toronto (York Region)
  • Simple but yummy, my 2 1/2 year old loves this with rice. I add chicken, but you can just stick with the chick peas. Sautee a diced onion and some chopped garlic in olive oil. Add cumin, curry powder, ground coriander and turmeric (play with the amounts, I just eyeball it!). Stir this all around in the pot until it comes…
  • After getting married in '05, I also started thinking about babies. My husband and I had already decided to have a bit of 'selfish married time' first, so I continued with BC for another 3 years. For those three years, I had a little voice in the back of my head that said 'really? I've been on the pill since I was 16 and…
  • I am also on 1200 and actually have adjusted well over the last few weeks. I'm a big fan of grating carrots and cucumbers, then dressing lightly with some rice vinegar and worcestershire sauce. If you avoid the olive oil, you can really save yourself. Shredding the veggies makes them absorb a lot more flavour and they…
  • I just found Joseph's Flax, Bran and Whole Wheat Squares. They're these huge square wrap-like things (1 serving is half of one sheet and is 50 cals). They're soft and yummy and you can fill them with whatever: - a smear of pb and banana - a square of Vache Qui Rit cheese and apple slices - an scrambled egg/omlette…
  • If there are no shellfish issues, I like a shrimp stir - fry. You can even get the pre-cut veggies and use already cooked (just need warming) shrimp. My 2 1/2 year old powers through it, especially if teamed with some rice or noodles.