

  • Under Tools there is an option for MFP Mobile. Go in there to download the app. It's free.
  • I was in Weight Watchers years ago, before the Point system was even started, and was successful. I have a ton of WW cook books that I still use to make some of my family's favorites. Since starting MFP, I have lost some weight (it's only been a couple of weeks, so I'm really pleased), but I've noticed that I am always…
  • I made it to the gym! Yeah! No bad effects felt yet! May even go tomorrow. I'm loving the scan app on my iphone. Florida will start sounding pretty nice in a couple of months!
  • I too am used to working out, but have been laid up with a broken rib. The pounds are creeping up and I am just starting back to exercising, but it's slow going. I've got a cruise at the end of January and would like to get rid of the extra pounds. Day 1 has been very interesting and I hope to get to the gym tomorrow for a…
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