EffortOverTime Member


  • This is it girls! You've put it into words now put it into action! *Do not starve yourself! *Do not implement low carb / no carb or no fat / low fat diets! *Do not think the week is a waste if you mess up one day! *Do not weigh yourself or measure your waistline everyday and stand in the mirror disgusted at what you see!…
  • Research has been done and done again, most studies show the recommended intake of water ranges from 800ml to 3000ml per day, more if exercising. A metric cup is 250ml so by that count and that recommendation you want to drink a minimum of 8 cups (2000ml) per day, more if exercising. Furthermore, most disposable cups…
  • Welcome to my fitness pal, you wont regret joining! I found the biggest thing in achieving my goals was being accountable! No low fat or no fat diets, no low carb or no carb diets... Small PERMANENT lifestyle changes is the recipe for success and MFP makes it's so easy to implement and manage those changes through…
  • After reading her profile... Great dedication to herself and great support offered to others!