

  • Do the Classic program and just modify the exercises and shown on the DVD's. Follow the nutrition plan and get in the best shape of your life!!!
  • Nutella and Natural Peanut Butter.... Make a sandwich on wheat bread. (I use Rye) Spead Nutella on one slice and the peanut butter on the other....Wholla....Reeses Sandwich....My son loves them!!!!
  • When I do Kenpo X from the P90X program and I use 1 lb Wrist weights I burn an extra 170 Calories. I have logged my Cals for several months and it consistantly around 170. I have tried 1.5 lb Wrist Weights but I could feel some strain in my shoulder. I switched weights 1/2 way thru so I dont have any data on those. So not…
  • After reading what you have been eating.........I have found the problem........ If you are serious about losing weight, then you need to stop eating all of the GARBAGE. Plus, now Im just guessing here, it looks like you are under eating. But without knowing your age, height and weight, like I said.....I am just guessing.…
  • I road over three hundred miles this last weekend. Boy is my right wrist soar:wink:
  • 1. Change your goals to between 1350 & 1750 Calories. Make Protein 50% Carbs 30% Fat 20%. Go like that for 4 weeks. 2. You need to burn 500 to 600 Calories per day MINIMUM in your workout. Thats for Cardio and Resistance training. Wear your HRM during your resistance training just for fun and see how many calories you are…
  • It does not do much for weight loss but it is a supplement that you should be taking. For weight loss try CLA. Good Luck Created by - Calorie Counter
  • 1. It Works..... It is not a "weight loss program" it is a "Fitness program" . It is a life changing experience. It will become a way of life it you want to stay healthy, stay lean and in shape. You need to do it everyday just like it is scheduled. DO NOT SKIP!!!!! Do the classic version....Male or Female. Do the nutrition…
    in P90X Comment by McPushup May 2009
  • Everyone....Trust me on this one......Try Almond Milk......Its really good with "Kashi Go Lean Crunch" Cereal
  • If men drink soy milk it leads to................................Well, lets just say I dont want to start wearing a bra. Or should I say a Bro........LOL
  • I highly recommend "Blue Diamond" Almond Breeze, Vanilla Flavored, Unsweetened, Almond Milk. This is all I use. Being that I am a male, I don't go near Soy Milk. Enjoy, Marcus
  • Nothing Gets the job done better than P90X Im using: 1. P90X 2. P90X+ 3. One on One Series