

  • Yes, every day. I mix mine with frozen strawberries,blueberries, and peaches, frozen spinach, some milk, some water, and some whey protein. It's 483 calories, and it's a great breakfast and sometimes lunch for me. To the poster above, ON and other proteins are completely different. Whey, casein, and soy have different…
  • Like a recovering alcoholic, you have to take one meal at a time. Once in a while you'll go off the rails, but you just climb back on and limit the damage to that one meal every once in a while. And plan for something to come up every-so-often, just so you don't eat healthy and get sick of it. Everyone deserves cake or ice…
  • I like running, but only on the treadmill. I can't stand to run longer distances outside, as it bores me to tears. Running while on the treadmill I can catch up on all the TV I'm missing during the week while working, and not feel guilty about taking time away from hanging out with family. And it's getting towards fall, so…
  • Ask one of the trainers for help. DO NOT start lifting without some basic training to give you a good idea of the "form" you need to use, otherwise you risk getting hurt. But don't be apprehensive of going into the free weight area - most of the guys there are giant tools and don't know what they're doing.
  • Go buy a cooler for when you travel in a car, and get a couple of gel packs. When on road trips, go to a grocery store and buy milk, yogurt, and roasted chickens, along with some fruits. You can easily eat those while in the car. I do quite often, as I'm in the car a lot for work each day. When flying, you're at a…
  • I have a meal replacement shake (10 oz. water, 4 oz. 2% milk, 4 oz. Chobani vanilla yogurt, 3 oz. frozen spinach, 4 oz. strawberries, 4 oz. blueberries, a serving of Herballife Formula 1 soy protein powder and a serving of Optimum Nutrition protein powder) most days for breakfast and lunch. It's easy, I get everything I…