Still tapering for Louisiana HM. Low temps and windy. 4 miles ET and .17 pool
2.8 miles on the ET today. Knee is still sore but tapering before race so hoping the rest will help.
Active rest day. Flip turns not the best idea. Tweaked left knee. Iced and resting for Sunday HM and loaded up on recovery protein.
Set distance PR of 10 miles today!!!! Louisiana Half Marathon is next Sunday. Time to taper :)
Plan was to run 5 miles on the TM today with a 1 mile WU on the ET; however, got so involved in the book Calm My Anxious Heart chapter on Faulty Focus that 33 minutes and 3 miles passed in an instant. Spiritual workout today too. Decided to keep reading and finished out 3 more miles smiling and praising God. Amazing God.
Active recovery day equals lap swimming and hot tub. Feel great!!!
Sign me up. ET on Monday for 6 miles; swam 25 laps ~.7 mile on Tuesday and ran 8 miles today mostly TM and ET (24 degrees outside). Opted for indoors but TM is BORING. Trying to figure out the tickerfactory thingy.