

  • I know how you feel! I had lost my weight... and the compliments came and I lost sight of my own goals... questioning myself. I still needed to lose 10lbs after losing 125. anyhow, I wish I had listened to myself and not others because I lost the control I had for over two years! Because I could not trust my own judgment,…
  • hey, I know how you feel. About three years ago I weighed 270 lbs. I am over 50 years old and have been overweight most of my life. But never say never or that it is too late! I tried many things over the years and read everything I could get my hands on. But nothing seemed to work. then, after prayer and deciding to try…
  • I know how you feel... like you are going over the same territory. The first time was exciting... the second... not so much. But you just got to keep in mind its not so much the speed you make to where you are heading, but that you are headed in the right direction! Do something brand new... if you have never walked in a…
  • I would like to join this challenge but don't know how to go about it... the walking challenge I mean.