Facing the music ...again

I'm really stuck. I've gained back everything that I lost when I started on MFP. I've been trying to get back on track, but I'm having a harder and harder time logging in every day. I know the right way to eat. I have had weight watchers out the wazoo and I have been to nutritionists. I just can't seem to budge the scale.

I have hesitated to write this because I am ashamed, but I figure there are others out there that are feeling the same way and have been through this phase of things before, if not many times. I know plateaus are to be expected with this but I'm very tired and I guess I need some moral support.

Thanks for listening!!:heart:


  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Dont be ashamed..the first step is getting back on the wagon and you are here so good job..Just try everyday to log..it gets easier promise!!
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    Don't beat yourself up - we have all been there. I know what I'm suppose to eat and I feel better when I eat right but I have a tendency to always fall back into the fast food/processed crap trap anyway. Just don't give up. Start from today and move forward, don't dwell on past mistakes.

    Best wishes!!
  • lindaloumiller
    I know how you feel... like you are going over the same territory. The first time was exciting... the second... not so much.
    But you just got to keep in mind its not so much the speed you make to where you are heading, but that you are headed in the
    right direction! Do something brand new... if you have never walked in a walkathon, that might do it. Something brand new excer. to you... anything to stimulate you. hp that helps some.
  • motherhippo
    motherhippo Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words. I needed them!!:flowerforyou:
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    right there with you! lost 20 pounds and gained 15 back! :( it is horrible and i can't seem to stay motivated..i am not patient enough. i want it off now! hahah but anyway, i know exactly how you feel
  • motherhippo
    motherhippo Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks econn!!