missbuki Member


  • Team challenge sounds good to me...anyone have any ideas?
  • I visited the National wedding so here in the UK just for fun and so far I have pics on my laptop of ideas and thats it...so far
  • WHOOP WHOOP! We have a name :smile: Hi ladies, hope your all doing well. I have only just started on my healthy lifestyle journey (so forgive me if I am telling you something you know already :blushing: ) and have been thinking about ways I can keep myself motivated. I wanted to set S.M.A.R.T goals and followed this guide…
  • Ok, do you have protein shakes as meal replacements then? I have never had one. Temptations are everywhere *sighs* My goal is three times a week and when I have built up a routine and some level of fitness I’m going increase it. (Great minds think alike) Hope you’re doing well so far this week x
  • Well interms of food I have started to cut back on my portions and I started to make some better choies round about November (e.g. cutting bak on rice I find the black ommunity often eat a lot of rice. not sure if you agree) Oh thats good to be honest I am not a fan of exerise but sine they say a good diet is not enough I…
  • Hi, well my overall is between 60lbs-70lbs (will see how I feel about it when I get closer). I signed up in 2011, but have only been using it for 2days. I guess the new year has driven me to get serious now, was runnng out of excuses anyway! Have you started tracking yet?
  • Hi to you both and thanks for replying ladies Im new on here. This was one of the first groups I looked for, wasnt sure if Uk people were part of it. I Live in Burton on Trent by the way. Good luck with your journeys If you want to add me your more than welcome.
  • Heres mine. Some lovely and unique rings on here
  • HI. I am Buki and I’m 23. I've been with my fiancé for 6 years now and we got engaged just over TW0 years ago, but now I have finished my degree (my graduation is this month) I want to get started on Wedding plans . Ideally I want to be married by the end of 2014. We are both set on a destination wedding with just the two…