

  • OK CLEARLY I cant figure this out, how do you reply to what someone has said, right there w their original comment?
  • And I don't think I did that right, I meant to tell you HERE, that you are my new hero! 74 pounds is AMAZING!!!
  • OMG I hate PMS binging!!!! I always joke (but am like 1/2 serious) that I want..... wait for it, its so nasty to type out for other to see, lol..... chocolate covered potato chips deep fried in beer batter and wing sauce then dunked in ranch and OH YUM, a huge mountain dew to wash it down with, when it's PMS time!!! I am…
  • Looooove spaghetti squash! Make it about once a week or so..... It's so fun to do too! I looked on youtube how to make it the first time. Walmart even sells it! 1 cup of spaghetti squash has about 45 cals and only 4 carbs where reg pasta in just 2 oz has 200 ish cals and over 40 carbs.
  • Hey there! Saw your post and wanted to say Hi! Feel free to add me, I've been on here about 6 weeks now and LOVE it! Ive lost weight (16 lbs now) and best of all just recently bought new jeans 2 sizes smaller at a "normal" store, not a juicy girl store where I've been shopping! Having friends on your side is very important…
  • Hi there! I was flipping thru reading posts and yours caught my attention....50 something lost?! That' s amazing! Keep it up, that is so inspiring to see!
  • Hi I too am kinda new to this, Ive been working out every morning @ 6 am so fat this week and feel amazing! Im watching what I eat and loving this site! Would love to have more "support" to please feel free to add me. I have a 75 lbs goal which I KNOW will be hard but Im going 110% and know it will take time!
  • Such inspiration! Thanks for sharing and for being brave enough to tell us your story and show pictures! You look amazing!!
  • Hi there! I'm a SAHM but I also do daycare from our home. I think people who work in their home have such a hard time loosing weight. UGH! I's also looking for other people w the same goals to talk to.