New! Looking for friends!

Hello! I'm new to here and just hoping to find some support! My husband is in the Army and is overseas so I'm kind of on my own here at home until he gets back. This is the first time I have ever counted calories and edited what I am eating, but this is working out! :]


  • hi im new to well this is my third day and i love it hope u are well and once u get ur head around the site im sure u will love it to so good luck hun feel free to add me :)
  • Looking for friends! Add me? :) I have 100lbs to lose.. need all the support i can get!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hi there! Feel free to add me! I have a support group as well if you're interested :)
  • I am new. I have been at this for 8 days now and lost about 4 pounds. This site has been very helpful. I could use a few friends to hlp me along and share our experience in trying to get healthier.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Welcome!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!! the more friends the more support!!!! =o)
  • Matthew_Wilde
    Matthew_Wilde Posts: 28 Member
    me also :-) Been on here for 6 days.
  • xNightguestx
    xNightguestx Posts: 75 Member
    Hey there all, been on here for just under a year but recently took a break and now im back to finish the last leg of my journey. Could use more friends and support! I also give support ^^
  • pazzap
    pazzap Posts: 9
    Hi there! I am new today! So far, the site seems very helpful. I could also use a few friends to help me along and share our experience as we try to achieve a healthier and fitter lifestyle!
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    go to 'chit chat fun and games' and join the 'friend accumulator game' thread
  • plaid405
    plaid405 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm new too! Add me. I need all the help I can get. I didn't realize how much just being apart of something like this helps.
  • billiebanyas
    billiebanyas Posts: 7 Member
    I started this journey last year. I lost 50 lbs and kind of fell off the wagon. Im back on and going strong again! Looking for friends to help support me in my goal! Thanks :)
  • Hi all I'm not new but fell off the wagon for a while I have lost 11lbs of a 2.5 stone target!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm new too. You can add me!:) I've got 80 pounds to lose and I'm looking for some friends.
  • Hi I too am kinda new to this, Ive been working out every morning @ 6 am so fat this week and feel amazing! Im watching what I eat and loving this site! Would love to have more "support" to please feel free to add me. I have a 75 lbs goal which I KNOW will be hard but Im going 110% and know it will take time!
  • Welcome!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!! the more friends the more support!!!! =o)

    Hi there! I was flipping thru reading posts and yours caught my attention....50 something lost?! That' s amazing! Keep it up, that is so inspiring to see!
  • shutch19
    shutch19 Posts: 13 Member
    feel free to add me...i'm new to this as well and the support and motivation i have got so far is helping...also finding out new stuff and info from different people really helps too :flowerforyou:
  • whitleynoel
    whitleynoel Posts: 198 Member
    Feel free to add me. I need as much support as I can get!
  • I would love a new friend! Just check out my profile if U want to;]
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    Add me to support you.
  • It helps to have friends to keep you motivated!!!. With my track record of stopping and starting weight loss programs, I need support:)..But I love this program. It actually really helps. Friends make all the difference!!