

  • It's not as difficult as it sounds or as people make it to be. Before doing groceries on Thursdays, I sit down with my husband and we plan out our menus for the next 7 days. We buy our veggies and protein and once home, I cube/slice my protein, put them in tupperwares and in the freezer. In the morning I take them out so…
  • You need to keep in mind that these people may not be dropping off as much as they might not have the time to log on. I have lost 2 pounds since I started and I only had time to post it today. As a student, wife, and professional, it gets kinda difficult to come here every single day of the week.... But we try !!!!
  • I mix one quarter cup of oatmeal with a bit of protein powder + blueberries. If that is not enough, increase to half a cup... it used to keep me full until lunch. I now resort to a good protein shake in the morning (muscle milk light) and drink tons of water until lunch.
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