

  • Awesome!!! I want to try this!!!!! Just curious though: It is ok to put a ziploc bag in boiling water? I would think it would melt...maybe not!? VERY COOL!
  • Kashi "Good Friends" 50% fiber cereal-- Tastes good and is really filling.
  • I Love "Kashi - Good Friends" Cereal. It really fills me up and I think it is pretty healthy....46% daily value for fiber. :) Yummy!
  • WOW!!! That is just awesome!!!!!! Congratulations on this wonderful acheivment!! Keep up the great work! Day by day! You can do anything you set your mind to and you have proven this to yourself! You rock and thank you for the inspiration today!
  • You rock! Keep up the awesome work!!!!
  • Thanks again everyone for the wonderful advice. I am going to most likely have the hotdog as I will be hungry and everyone else will most likely get one. I won't have time to even pack anything healthy cause I'm going straight from work. I am going with six other people. If I don't get one everyone will turn thier…
  • Oh wow! Great! Thanks Kamille!
  • Thank you all for your suggestions. Maybe I will have to hotdog, and put it into the fitness pal as the higher one....just to be sure. Meaning I will put it in under like 500 calories, instead of be sure. Its not even so much about the calories being high, it more the fat content and its just not a lot of food for…
  • YUM!!! Thank you for all of the suggestions! The positive feedback is great and I am glad I chose to give them a shot at the grocery store. I am excited to try them! Thanks again!
  • :smile: Wow! Ok, now I am excited to try them out tonight!!! I was unsure what people thought of them, but your responses are very positive! I didn't even think about cooking with them, thanks for the suggestion!! Maybe I will also get the pint size then to use for cooking. Cause I really do like regualr egs, so i am…
  • :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: YOU ROCK!!!!!! WOOOOOHOO!!! I am also working on the Couch to 5k program and thus far, I am really liking it. I am on week three. I have one more workout this week, the third one. Like I said, I am enjoying it. I def feel like I have gotten a great workout in by the time the time is up. I…
  • Thanks for this post! I also need support today! I am actually facing quite the same situation. Except mine is a birthday party. Of course there will be cake, ice cream, wine, tons of food. I am really hoping I can stay strong and avoid the treats. I will be eating dinner here as well and unfortunatley do not know what…
  • Welcome! Hello!! Just want to say that this website is amazing and everyone on here is very supportive. You will really love it! There is a lot of good information on this website, as well! You can do this! The food tracker makes it sooo easy to see what your putting into your body. and You can do anything you set your…
  • Memaw!! You rock!!!!! :) Keep up the great work!!!! Your post has inspired me! I cannot wait to be able to wear some of my old jeans! Thanks and have a great day!
  • You can do it....dont give up! If you have a bad day and slip up or feel like you haven' is just one day! Start again tomorrow! :) If your anything like me, I would do really well with my fitness and eating well then, have one really bad day or weekend, and throw it all out the window by saying "eff it"…
  • Hello and Welcome!! Good luck on your journey! You can do anything you set your mind to! This site really will change you!! It really puts what your putting into your body into perspective!! Its a wonderful tool! Good luck!
  • GREETINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!!!! This website is very supportive!!!
    in hello! Comment by MrBinkerton July 2009
  • WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hellllllo and Good Luck!!! I am also back this week again for the first time in six months!!!!! :) it feels great to be back! We can do this!! :smile:
  • You all have been really encourgaing!!! I am so excited and I found the weeks schedule online now :) I am starting tonight for the first time and I cant wait. Wish me luck!! Thanks for all of the help. Also, I do have an ipod and I will have to def look into the podcasts! :)
  • Great! Thank you both so much for your help! :) I will find this website and print off the information. I will let you know how it goes :) Im excited to start
  • I don't really think its worth logging, but that is just my opinion. Of course things such as shoveling or something that really gets your heartrate up would count. :) :) :) Its a personal thing though, if you want to and it gets your heart pumping def go for it! :) :) :)
  • Of Course!! Soup Nazi!!! No Soup for you!!! haha. Anyways, My pugs name is Blade, but I starting calling him Binkers. I am not sure why but it just stuck. Now I call him Mr. Binks or Mr. Binkerton. His favorite saying is "Mr. Binkerton goes to Washington". It is just one of his nicknames.
  • I think most people were just making those comments because those pictures and those foods do not look that appetizing. They look bad. I do not think the commenters meant that they thought all bad or unhealthy food was "gross or disgusting". But most of those foods on that site were over the top bad looking and made to be…
  • WHAT?! WHERE DOES IT SAY HOW MUCH SODIUM I HAVE CONSUMED! I AM SO CONFUSED!!!! I forget to watch this. I better be doing it, but where does it track it? Thanks for any input and help!!!!
  • I will do 30 min of cardio at 9:15 after the biggest loser. I will do crunches during the show.
  • Thats amazing!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Keep up the great WORK!!!!!!!!!
  • YOUR RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!! YOU ROCK!!!!