

  • GREAT!! Glad you decided to try the instructor class. I went to the gym this morning 45 minutes on the arc trainer and 40 minutes on weights. Doing 20 minute and AJ tonight. Have a great weekend everybody!! KEEP JAMMIN!
  • Good evening ladies!! You moms are all an inspiration. I am divorced with no kids so to see how much time you all make for yourself is wonderful. Being healthy and fit has always been a struggle for me(especially since my mother is 5'5" and has weighed 125 my whole life). And she eats whatever she wants. Her advice to me…
  • Hello Everyone. I am checking in with 20 mintue and AJ, busy day and late start this morning but going to end the day on the right foot with those two workouts. Have a wonderful night and talk to yas tomorrow. :tongue:
  • Thanks 3 babybeans.
  • Hello All! I have had some life stressers and fell off of everything last week. Today is a new day and you have all give me encouragement and support to go home tonight and do CP1 and AJ. Just wanted to say thanks and I am back.:wink: Tressa
  • Thanks for the invite and the encouragment. I will definitely continue to be apart of your support as i need it. I do the tapes everyday and go to the gym 4-6 days a week. I have the first set and am now interested int he second set you all are talking about. Today I did CP1 and tonight I will do Ab Jam and 20 minute. GO…
  • Thank you!
  • Just read the thread you suggested. I posted there too but didn't read completely. I understand now the number of videos floating out there and we do have the same ones. Thanks.
  • Thanks! I am not sure we have the same turbo jam. Is Charlean the instructor? Do you have a newer version? Mine is cardio Party (not 2 or 3) and it is 45 minutes. Ab jam is 20 minutes and then off course the 20 mintue workout is 20 minutes. Do we have different videos?
  • Sorry to bud in girls, not sure what you guys are all doing but I just started turbo jam this Monday. I sent out a topic asking if anyone knows how many calories you burn doing Cardio party, Ab Jam and 20 mintue workout. I don't have a HRM :explode: and I just wanted a ball park for each workout if any of you know. Also,…
  • Does anyone who does turbo jam: cardio party, 20 minute workout and ab jam, know how many calories you burn respectively for each workout? Just a general idea, I know it varies based on individual but I don't have a HRM and I am curious. Thanks!
  • DON'T DO IT!! Not sure where you are but try to do something active to take your mind off food. Leave the office, go to the gym. Something to take your mind off eating. If you have to have it then work out and get extra calories.
  • Thanks so much!! How do I add my ticker to my posts?
  • Been on the site for a week now, this being my second week as of Monday. I wasn't going to post but I read all the community topics daily and have been so inspired. I think it is great to know this site exists and everyone is so supportive. I yo-yo diet all the time and every winter I put on 20-30 pounds just to work like…