

  • Thank you! :smile: Yeah, I am going to take off until Tuesday to give my shin some rest, but I WILL continue this!!! I'm way too determined to quit!!! I'm pretty upset with myself though for even having to take a break:grumble:
  • Just finished L1D4... and my shin is KILLING me!!! I thought my shin splints from running last week had healed up but maybe something I did today put more pressure on it. I'm just going to ice it down, take some ibuprofin, and relax. And attempt my day 5 tomorrow.
  • L1D3 done. The beginning was tough with my muscles feeling sore and stiff but I got through it. I am feeling a little discouraged though because before I started this I was working my a** off for 2 weeks and I haven't lost a pound! I was walking 3 miles a day 5 days a week and my daily calorie intake has been 1200. The…
  • Just finished L1D2. I made it through it with only a couple 5 second breaks. It wasn't AS tough, but I was SOOOO sore from yesterday that I felt a little weak. Here's to hoping you all are pushing through the pain and discomfort too and that tomorrow's workout will be a little better on us!
  • I just finished Level 1 day 1 and I seriously felt like I was about to collapse. I had to take the 5 second breaks quite often. I'm so out of shape, I need to stick this through. I don't think I could have lasted longer than 20 minutes though!
  • I'm brand new here and I'm starting the 30DS today during my daughter's nap time. My problem area is mainly my torso. And I definitely need some good support! Here are my measurements as of last night: Height: 5'7" Weight: 153.2 Hips: 36.5" Tummy (around belly button): 38" Bust: 37.25" Arms: 11" Thighs: 19.5"
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