

  • congrats on ur engagement! we all would love 2drop some dress sizes and also my arms need some work... feel free to add me. would love 2 follow ur progress :-) u can do it x
  • alison_ 10..your pretty..nice figure..great work losing ur weight x ooops...sorry lol..and probably shudnt rate as i dont have a pic of mee..:-(
  • isnt that why we are here? its should write a blog too sounds like u have alot of stress atm..however dont let it beat ya! you can do it you have lost the weight and stil losing just try to be prepared store some snacks at work/car ..dont think of what u ate last week this is a new day! instead of eating when ur…
  • wheres ireland? :tongue: just using my irish sense of belfast to be exact. :drinker: BTW 14posts and uve just joined 2day..go u lol
  • sorry did you say something? I aint gettin on NO plane..crazy fool..LOL
  • 50-50...damn i used that.. can i phone a friend? men this is hard! ummmm ummmm ummm...i sayy....ummmm..i cant decide your all confusing me..y do ya;s make it so hard.! Majority rules! finally. BTW look where ask the audience got
  • at my heaviest i was 249+lbs..about 18stone..last year i got to 14st 11lb(ish) but somehow put 2stone at present i am 235.and starting FRESH ...AGAIN! .from your post (please dont take this the wrong way) but you done a 5min jog..way to go..i really wanna jog..but im scared i'll wobble so much i cant..embrassed…
  • i kno how u feel.we joinned a slimming club together..but she feels differently to dieting than said before people have different ways of doing things..but it also got to the point where she would shrug and hmm and ha . and made me feel like she didnt care..but i came to the conclusion she was fed up of me talkin of…
  • belfast, Ireland/ (N.I) :-)
  • [/quote] Since he is selfish, cater to those selfish needs while getting what you want. Think of ways he can benefit from your workouts. Examples that come to mind: - If he gives you 30 minutes to work out without being interrupted, you will make his favorite meal. - If he allows you to work out peacefully and on schedule,…
  • Right let's do this! i see this has start some weeks ago..but hope u dont mind me joining in..i'd LOVE 24lb of by christmas day! so i'm with ya's....starting weight today 226.4 - 30/10/ time i'll see my family after halloween is christmas so i want them to she's lost weight/looks good rather than…
  • hey ladies..guess we all in the same boat. i need some buddies too.i just joined the other day..ive no facebook or anything so im kinda finding this hard to,posts if i add ppl i think i can follow easier? ive been online via mother/baby websites but not ;like this.:happy: so tryin to start…