birdclaw Member


  • I got diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in December of last year my TSH was 10.450 so I got started on Levothyroxin 50 mcg a day. I had read all the symptoms of hypothyroidism and honestly didn't feel that bad. I was surprised my level was so off. I went back in February to get my levels checked and was down to a normal TSH…
  • I agree with Banks. I think it is also very important to keep in mind that if you start cutting calories too drastically your body will think it is starving and hold on to the calories it gets. Sounds to me like you are doing a really good job at staying on track though. Keep up the good work!
  • I agree that every now and then you will have some food that is just not very healthy. But oh it tastes so good! The age old key to it is everything in moderation. If you ate nothing but vegetables all the time you would be lacking in some very important vitamins and minerals and if you ate nothing but fast food all the…
  • Where to start! It's whole grain so it is actually good for me so I can eat more of it. Protein is good for you! I think I should have another piece of chicken. I am too tired to work out. I will work out longer tomorrow. Walking around the office counts as exercise, right? I am not that big. And I definitely have to agree…