I had a similar thing happen after a year of test found out I have PCOS which makes women gain lots of weight and not lose it. I am now on meds and a really strict diet and so far lost 5lbs. Go see a doctor and ask about harmone inbalance or PCOS.
I have extremely high testosterone and have gain tons of weight I am on spironolactone but still can't seem to lose weight, I don't have PCOS but possibly an adrenal issue waiting to see specialist. Any helpful tips on losing weight?
In the past year I gained 45lbs ( I did break my leg) but when I got better I couldn't lose the weight I actually put more on and I have been feeling fatigued , angry, and emotional for a while. I finally convinced my doc to do a hormone test and I have extremely high testosterone... I have a question i am on…
I find it funny if you all do some research you will find most of our famous people in history and inventors all came from poor, big can't buy everything but love and experience sure can teach you it,.
My uncle had the same situation and same surgery and radiation and that was 6 years ago and he is going strong. : )
I am 5'6.5" and my goal is 130lbs or 135lbs....
I work and have four kids 6,7,10,12 and I homeschool them so my time is always press. I plan the week ahead and hit the gym either late at night or early morning. Sometimes my mom will watch them so I can exercise or my husband forgoes being with me so I can workout.
Sounds like she has a gluten intolerance and a cleanse would be great ....fresh veggies and fruit and very lean meats for 10 days will help my husband has this and he would do the same thing.. It took us 4 years and tons of money to find out on our own that he has a gluten/wheat intolerance...I myself is lactose intolerant…
I am sorry but every picture that is professional is photo shopped but wouldn't you rather see a beautiful woman with curves photo shopped than a anorexic stick that is age 14-21 years old? I have had four kids and I am lean but still have hips and a nice round butt and heck rather have that than my mom's butt and weight…
jumping jack squats, lunges. leg circles, and heavy squats with bar.. they help but mostly that strenthens and tones the muscle then you just have to do cardio to burn extra fat from your body..
Nothing better then a good habit you go girl I was the same way I had a six pack then had 4 kids now it is soft but firm underneath...
I always believed that cardio is for stamina and conditioning and lifting is for your overall strength so you need both and I always incorporate them every week..
With my oldest I weighed 117lbs at 7mnths prego had no belly bulge or felt hardly any movement it just depends on how your body is built how toned and how the baby the way I gave birth 21 inches long 6lbs 11oz my last 3 weeks is when I went from size 4 to size 8...I found out I was pregnant at 5mnths along.. So I…
Each person's body responds different.. I recommend trial and error you have already done the 1200 cal for almost a year add 300 to 400 more cals for 3 weeks see what happens.
I say tell your mom how lovely her meal is have a small portion and then make a huge salad for the family and scarf down that then help clean the dishes!
I say for 3 weeks do the same amount of exercise but add 200 more calories to your diet and see if it make s a difference : )
To me that is scarey not attractive in the least bit!
I like big booty girls butt workouts...they kick your *kitten* literally.
bacon and egg whites and some coffee.
This made me giggle!
The biggest problem I see with this scenario is that a married woman is seeking guy friendships other then her husband it's a big red flag right say if you became her friend and included her husband in your guys friendship then alright that's cool. She is looking for someone and wants attention...better off run…
Your awesome!!! Both of you know your ability better then anyone be smart and yea press yourself to get better.
Well I use a bioidentical thyroid medicine you can get off it's 30 to 47 dollars with free shipping...called Thytrophin PMG Best thing is to save the money up to get retested thou....cheaper in the long run.
Sounds like planter facitius...get arch support and make sure your strtching before and after workouts...also soak in epson salt baths..
Good choice, welcome!
I would have the salad then share the burger with him then go do a workout later on...and feel good : ) Yes sometimes I get jealous too cause I can't have gluten or lactose due to allergies but when you start seeing the results and feeling better you realize your doing yourself the biggest favor... remember to eat 80…
It's probably water weight or you might be mildly intolerant...cheese is good if you can stand it good protein and dairy good fat also only thing is the soduim if you over do it.
It's called lactic acid and stretching and intense massage or even epson salt baths will help or IBprofin...
Make sure it isn't loaded with sugars or fake perservatives... I like eggs and meat for breakfast....
Being badly dressed and maybe over weight is just bad choices don't know peoples stories where they've been what health conditions they have...I have shopped at Walmart worked there and I am not low income and I am healthy I also shop at all the other stores and especially GNC. Unfortunately I have been dirt poor as…